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Hardware Hash Quality Assurance Tool V2

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware Hash Quality Assurance Tool V2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware Hash Quality Assurance Tool V2

2 Agenda Introduction Online Validation Offline Validation
Configurable Validation Rule Customization & Integration HQA Tool API

3 Introduction What HQA Tool can do?
Easier solution to validate Hardware Hash attributes. A visual tool to decode 4K hardware hash into human readable format without typing any line of command Improve Hardware Hash quality. Provides a simple preventive solution for partners to do hardware hash quality check before CBR submission thus to avoid reimaging before shipment, thus to avoid unnecessary Muda (Waste) in the Windows device manufacturing process Help to investigate HH quality issue. Captures diagnostic information from problem devices for further investigation for defect prediction, root cause analysis, and quality improvement  Better compliance of delivery with high quality. An effective tool to assist the practical application of compliance of delivery with high quality, in the perspective of hardware hash and CBR in the OA3.0 process Lean manufacturing An important component able to be integrated into factory’s manufacturing system for Gemba Kaizen, Jidoka, and more When and where to use HQA Tool? Factory QA:  Factory engineers run the tool on sample devices to check if the component info in the captured hardware hash complies, and will get Passed or Failed result BIOS Engineering: Engineers run the tool to validate hardware hash and debug issues in the lab Manufacturing Line: Factory can add the tool into preload process, and the tool will validate hardware hash and collect log automatically

4 Online Validation Creates hardware hash from the unit on the factory line on the spot with trace log Validates the hardware hash for Gemba Kaizen Shows the result (Passed or Failed), collects and saves logs Creates SMBIOS dumps Creates Monitor dumps


6 Validation Result Summary

7 Validation Result Detail for A Field

8 Monitor Dump


10 Logs and Traces in A Zipped Archive

11 Offline Validation Factory user collects OA3Tool /Report result xml files from production line With each OA3Tool /Report result xml file containing 4K hardware hash as the input HQA Tool offline validates the key component in hardware hash against the compliance rule Outputs result as Passed or Failed


13 Configurable Validation Rule
Rule Types User Defined Rules Rule Template

14 (+ other critical fields*)
MDA FY18 Field (+ other critical fields*) HH Attributes Category Validation Rules (sourced from OST 2018 MDA TVO Doc & alignment with Price Flex/OMSG needs) Manufacturer SmbiosSystemManufacturer Device identification data String; Length <=32 Invalid string: “To be filled by O.E.M” “default string” Family SmbiosSystemFamily String; Length <=64 Product Name SmbiosSystemProductName Baseboard Product SmbiosBoardProduct SKU # (Optional) SmbiosSkuNumber Serial Number SmbiosSystemSerialNumber String; Length <=128 UUID SmbiosUuid Varies; Length <=128 Chassis/Enclosure Type ChassisTypes Price differentiation data Byte; Length 3 (see table 2, appendix; list of valid values per table) Digitizer Support* DigitizerSupportID list of invalid values (see table 3, appendix) Total Physical RAM* TotalPhysicalRAM Numeric; Length<= 4; <>NULL; >0 Display Size Physical H* DisplaySizePhysicalH Numeric; Length <=4; <>NULL; >=0 except for Chassis Type = Notebook, All-in-One, Tablet, Convertible, & Detachable which must be >0. Display Size Physical Y* DisplaySizePhysicalY Primary Disk Type* PrimaryDiskType String; <>NULL; list of valid values (see table 4, appendix) Primary Disk Total Capacity* PrimaryDiskTotalCapacity Hardware attribute data Numeric; <>NULL; >0; <=65536

15 SmbiosSystemManufacturer
Field Name / Rule Type Equal To In Not In Contain Not Contain Length Min Max Between Not Null SmbiosSystemManufacturer U S SmbiosSystemFamily SmbiosSystemProductName SmbiosBoardProduct SmbiosSkuNumber ChassisType SmbiosSystemSerialNumber U, S SmbiosUuid TotalPhysicalRAM PrimaryDiskType PrimaryDiskTotalCapacity DisplaySizePhysicalH DisplaySizePhysicalY Table 1: Fields and rule types available for user to edit interactively in the GUI U: Rule type that is available for user to define a user rule interactively in the GUI S: Rule type that is used by system rule definition

16 Configuring Validation Rule In a GUI

17 Adding a User Defined Rule

18 Rule Violation Detection and Alerts

19 Creating a Rule Template

20 Applying a Rule Template

21 Customize to Integrate HQA Tool into Your Validation Process
Scenario 1: Online validation with enterprise ecosystem interactions Validation results & logs for each machine are uploaded to factory’s existing manufacturing systems for archiving / analysis at real time Scenario 2: Offline validation in a batched operation Integrated with factory’s self-owned program / tool to validate a batch of OA3Tool result files collected from production line at only one time

22 Batched Offline Validation in a Customization

23 HQA Tool API Exposed as 2 sets of PowerShell scripts, that wrap the core algorithms of HQA Tool’s computation of 4K hardware hash validation, each for Online and Offline Available for you to achieve the same or more with your factory scripts / line tools programmatically as you do with HQA Tool GUI interactively Open sourced at the code level With API Reference document available as a part of the HQA Tool release

24 Help and Support If you are having problem using HQA Tool
Or if you have questions on hardware hash quality validation using  HQA Tool Please contact us

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