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Project Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT

2 WP1 Management and Coordination
Workshop 0 WP1 Management and Coordination [Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT]

3 Brief presentation Kick off meeting
Project monitoring will be developed through two (2 days) follow-up meeting after the completion of the first and second year. Dates: January 2016 and January Places: Rome (Italy) and Msida (Malta). Participants: 2 representatives and 2 students/athletes from each partner along with 4 members from the host institution. (22). The goal is to monitor project progress during the first two years. [Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT]

4 Brief presentation (III)
Final dissemination event (1 days), with the participation of partners, sport authorities, soprt organizations and other stakeholders. Place: UCAM (Spain). Dates: June 2017). sport businesses. [Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT]

5 Brief presentation (II)
Project reporting will be conducted through periodical project reports done individually by partners’ project managers, and then consolidated by the project coordinator. There will be internal reports, to be done after the completion of each semester. Participants: All partners. Dates: July 2015; January 2016; July 2016 and January 2017. [Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT]

6 Guided questions 1) Possibilities in your University to reach this goal 2) Specific examples to make a pilot stance (student-athletes and coaches) 3) Other issues and comments? [Developing an innovative European Sport Tutorship model for the dual career of athletes / ESTPORT]

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