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The Water Food Energy Nexus and Sustainability Gary Lawrence, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Water Food Energy Nexus and Sustainability Gary Lawrence, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Water Food Energy Nexus and Sustainability Gary Lawrence, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer

2 Page 2 Brilliant

3 Page 3 The Food Water Energy Nexus The Water Food Energy Nexus - an animation

4 Page 4 There is no sustainable solution without a water solution Electricity generation accounts for 39% of all U.S. freshwater withdrawals 70% of global freshwater withdrawal used to irrigate 30% of global crop production Global groundwater footprint is currently 3.5 times actual area of aquifers Global crop production must double by 2,050 to feed 9 billion 40% of all U.S. rivers, lakes and coastal waters are too polluted for swimming, fishing or drinking More than 40% of this pollution is agricultural-based

5 Page 5 A Texas Example Texas consumes more electricity than any other state 86% of power is generated by coal and natural gas 2011 drought stressed power generation The population will double by 2060 to 46 million Demand for water will increase by 27% 80% of Texas is in some form of agriculture The agriculture sector grows 5.3% annually Almost 80% of groundwater withdrawal is for irrigation Pumping of aquifers already exceeds recharge in some areas Texas has ambitious bio-fuel plans

6 Page 6 Cheers! It takes 17 million barrels of oil to meet Americans demand for bottled water This excludes the cost of transportation, refrigeration and recycling It takes 3 liters of water to make a 1 liter bottle of water

7 Page 7 There is no Planet B Sustainability matters.

8 Page 8 We have the technology We have the tools to assess systems use holistically.

9 Page 9 Public opinion matters Greater transparency of use and cost can be a big driver of change.

10 Page 10 Policy and adoption Utilities, business and government together are in a powerful position to lead policy reform.

11 Page 11 Living well within our resources

12 Thank You

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