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Planification of MRV system for REDD+ in Togo with REDDcompass

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1 Planification of MRV system for REDD+ in Togo with REDDcompass
DANGBO Ayélé Fifonsi Assistant to the International Technical Assistant

2 REDDCompass TOOL In each major theme, a number of key concepts and actions need to be taken into account to implement a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)

3 Scheme of the work plan Actions
Picture of the current situation to help plan the future Identify State (status) Training Priority % Complete (%) Responsibility State of financing

4 Description of the Work Plan Sheet
Priority High (High) Medium Low State (status) Complete In progress: Actions that have begun Planned To be plan Training Required Not required


6 Presidential decree establishing the REDD + management bodies
Mains actions Presidential decree establishing the REDD + management bodies Platform of Civil Society Actors Studies on SESA, complaint management mechanisms and benefit sharing The study on carbon governance and profit-sharing mechanisms Planned actions Define the roles and responsibilities of the body / group responsible for developing the REDD + estimates.


8 Mains actions Definition of forest A national workshop and a technical group National forest inventory (NFI) Availability of trained managers for the second NFI Remote Sensing analysis Planned Actions Conduct a gap analysis between the necessary data and the available data to implement the selected approach, method and level. Second National forest inventory


10 Quality control procedures for field observations of NFI.
Mains actions Quality control procedures for field observations of NFI. Planned actions Identify a site for storing and backing up documents, data, tools, and other relevant resources.

11 100 % of action complete %

12 Coordinate REDD + with the GHG Inventory Team in the AFOLU sector
Planed action Coordinate REDD + with the GHG Inventory Team in the AFOLU sector Actions to plan Identify opportunities to harmonize international reporting requirements in the national forest sector


14 Thank

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