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AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

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1 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
part 2 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

2 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Reminder The symbol of the The symbol of the Republican Party Democratic Party AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

3 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
In general Party identification has tended to be the most important influence on a person’s vote in presidential elections AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

4 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Since 1980 Women more likely than men to vote . . . Democratic in presidential elections This has become known as the “Gender Gap” AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

5 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
In recent times Men more likely than women to identify themselves as Republicans AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

6 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
In general People with higher income are more likely to consider themselves to be AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

7 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
However . . . In general, “social class” has become less predictive of political behavior than it used to be. AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

8 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
In general As compared to rural voters, urban voters are more likely to vote for Democrats AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

9 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Since 1952 The largest increase in voter registrations has been . . . AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

10 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Certain Groups African American Democrats tend to support more liberal candidates in the party AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

11 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Certain Groups Jewish people tend to be more liberal than the average voter and tend to support Democrats AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

12 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Certain Groups Catholic voters have tended to be more liberal on economic issues than Protestants But the overall ideological gap between the two groups has narrowed over time AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

13 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Certain Groups Over the past few decades “religiosity” has become more influential in determining a person’s ideology AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

14 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Certain Groups In the “Latino” category . . . Voters of Cuban descent tend to be more supportive of than people of other backgrounds AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

15 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Leading predictor of how a person will vote in a congressional election . . . PARTISANSHIP Party affiliation rather than - newspaper endorsements - gender - presidential endorsement - occupation AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

16 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Since 1972, voters in presidential elections . . . Have become more focused on individual candidates rather than - TV debates - party platforms - print media AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

17 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Compared to general population. . . Delegates to presidential nomination conventions are more ideological and more highly educated AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

18 A bit of simplification . . .
Some Differences AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

19 Liberals & Conservatives
Military Spending Believe we should spend less Believe we should maintain peace through strength AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

20 Liberals & Conservatives
Use of Military Force More likely to support military intervention around the world Less willing to commit troops to action AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

21 Liberals & Conservatives
On Abortion Support “right to life” Support “freedom of choice” AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

22 Liberals & Conservatives
Prayer in Public Schools Are opposed Are supportive AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

23 Liberals & Conservatives
Affirmative Action Favor Oppose AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

24 Liberals & Conservatives
Scope of Government Favor free market solutions View government as a regulator in the public interest AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

25 Liberals & Conservatives
Taxes Want to tax the rich more Want to keep taxes low AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

26 Liberals & Conservatives
Government Spending Want to keep spending low Want to spend more on the poor AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

27 Liberals & Conservatives
How to Cut Crime Believe we should stop “coddling criminals” Believe we should solve the problems that cause crime AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

28 Liberals & Conservatives
Defendants’ Rights Believe we should guard them carefully Believe we should stop letting criminals hide behind laws AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

29 Liberals & Conservatives
Favorite Presidents AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

30 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
a 2000 Study . . . Some Differences AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

31 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Liberal or Very Liberal 32% 16% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

32 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Favor investing Social Security funds in the stock market 45% 71% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

33 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Spending on education should be increased 53% 81% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

34 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Military spending should be increased 35% 65% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

35 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Spending to protect the environment should be increased 77% 59% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

36 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior
Young v. Old Favor government policies to reduce income differences 42% 61% AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Beliefs & Behavior

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