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DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Results of assessment of the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up.

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Presentation on theme: "DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Results of assessment of the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up."— Presentation transcript:

1 DG MARE study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge Results of assessment of the data costs related to the MSFD implementation up to 2020 Julia Teyssen and Michael Munk Sørensen February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

2 Questionnaire based assessment
Objective and approach To collect information on the costs to Member States in meeting the data collection requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Approach Questionnaires submitted to Member States autumn 2012 and additional questions submitted January 2013 12 countries responded to the initial MSFD questionnaire Only three countries have replied to updated questionnaire on Article 8 tasks Key questions included in the questionnaires What has been the costs of data management for MSFD so far Gaps in existing data What will be the costs up to 2020 The following tables present the result of the survey Link to interim report where the assessment is presented: February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

3 Cost of data collection up to now
Assembly of existing data Collection of new data Reporting of data Total MSFD implementation costs up to now Public authority staff costs Contracted work by research institutes 700,000 € 3 man years (estimate) (estimate) 0,3 my/year (project management) per year Public authority staff costs: 0,8 my (estimate) Contracted work by research institutes: (estimate) 1,460,000 € 1,385,000 € 145,000 € 571,574 € 0 (No new staff has been hired) 660,000 € 60,000 € 240,000 € 960,000 € 815,000 € 465,000 € 2,095,000 € 112,400 € 12,000,000 € 4 persons per year 3,300,000 € 3,560,000 € February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

4 Cost of data collection up to now – distribution by activity (additional question on Article 8 tasks)  Article 8 tasks Share of costs in % MS1 MS2 MS3 1 Gather data / information 75 15 78 2 Process and manage data (e.g. prepare data products for assessment) 8 40 20 3 Assessment (data interpretation) 12 4 Prepare report (paper) - content 5 Prepare electronic report (reporting sheets or equivalent format) - content 6 Public consultation and response (finalise report contents) 7 Transfer information (e.g. from reporting sheets or paper reports) to MSFD database (if used) or equivalent national data system Prepare XML schemas (export from MSFD database or national system) and upload to ReportNet 9 Complete validation checks (with Atkins) on XML schemas Total 100 February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

5 Cost of existing monitoring programmes
February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

6 Costs of new monitoring programmes
February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

7 Number of countries that reported:
Data gaps Number of countries that reported: No gaps Few gaps Some gaps Many gaps Underwater noise 13 Marine litter 3 9 Habitats 2 Cost of degradation 1 8 Ecosystems 7 Use of marine waters: ecosystem services and other approaches Species Functional groups 6 Marine acidification Non-indigenous species 5 Physical loss Interference with hydrological processes Non-indigenous species inventory 4 Physical damage February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

8 Expected further data collection costs - ranking
Average ranking of expected future costs Physical features (8A01) 1,4 Habitats (8A02) 1,9 Functional groups (8A03) Ecosystems (8A05) 2,3 Species (8A04) 2,4 Nutrients and organic matter enrichment (8B08) 2,7 Contamination by hazardous substances (8B06) 2,8 Underwater noise (8B03) 2,9 Microbial pathogens (8B09) 3,0 Marine litter (8B04) 3,1 Non-indigenous species (8B10) 3,2 Extraction of species (fish, shellfish) (8B11) 3,3 Other features (8A07) 3,5 Interference with hydrological processes (8B05) 3,6 Non-indigenous species inventory (8A06) 3,7 Physical loss (8B01) Marine acidification (8B12) 3,8 Use of marine waters: ecosystem services and other approaches (8C02) 3,9 Cost of degradation (8C03) 4,1 Acute pollution events (8B07) 4,2 Use of marine waters: human activities and marine water accounts approach (8C01) Physical damage (8B02) 4,5 Extraction of species (seaweed, maerl, other) (8B11) 5,0 February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

9 Estimates of costs of data collection – perspectives
Estimate of total data cost for initial reporting in 22 coastal MS and Croatia based on replies received from 9-10 MS: Million € Initial reporting costs show some correlation with GDP levels, but not with coastline length or size of the EEZ Estimated based on simple average adjusted for price/cost level differences Estimate of cost for existing and new monitoring programmes dedicated to MSFD for the period : 64 Million €/year. This figure is based on a the replies from 9 MS and a direct scale up to 22 coastal states Based on estimated costs of existing monitoring programmes of around 50 Million € per year and new monitoring programmes of 15 Million € per year A projection of costs for all 22 coastal MS and Croatia based on GDP levels and coastline length give much higher projected costs in the range of above 100 Million €/year Further assessment will be done Estimates of the costs of implementing the MSFD done as part of the IA of the Directive suggested that it would costs: €90 million during implementation and then around €70 million per year Previous studies in relation to marine data has estimate a total annual costs of data collection at around €1,000 million. February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

10 Issues and discussion questions
We have got replies from about 12 Member States but only 3 regarding the updated questions on how the costs are distributed by the Article 8 tasks! Estimates of new monitoring programmes from only 4 countries No correlation between coastline, area of sea, population etc. => important to have data from more MS to provide an overall estimate The overall question is whether the estimated costs are of the right order of magnitude? February 2013 Marine Knowledge 2020

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