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Film and Literature Fall 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Film and Literature Fall 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Film and Literature Fall 2015
Casey Barnes

2 Who am I? Casey Barnes Born in Alaska Grew up in Ireland
Have lived in Korea for 7 years

3 The Cookie Theory: 1 2 3

4 The Daily Journal First 5 minutes of class time.
We will start at exactly 3:00:00 pm my time. If you are late, please enter the room quietly (!). Please do not talk to anyone. The students in the room are already working and should not be disturbed. I will provide a topic.

5 Daily Journal Example Daily Journal 3 Sept 2015
Question: What do you think is the most challenging part of learning English? What is the rewarding part? Daily Journal 3 Sept 2015

6 Daily Journal 3 Sept 2015 I have been studying English for about 12 years. There are many challenging aspects of English. For me the most challenging aspect is the variety of choices of vocabulary. Many people think that grammar is difficult, which it is, but I don’t think it is that important. Definitely, all the different meanings of words and that so many words might mean the same thing. The most rewarding aspect of learning English is the ability to discuss ideas and share experiences with so many different people from different places. I think that this makes the challenge totally worth it!

7 9 / 16 / 2014 Challenging is vocabulary. Rewarding is talking with friends.

8 Think of a book that had a strong influence on you. What was the book
Think of a book that had a strong influence on you. What was the book? How or why did it influence you so powerfully?

9 Cooperative Learning Teams
1) Take two short personality tests. 2) Write your personality types in your notebook.

10 Scoring the First Test Type 1 – You answered mostly 4 and 5
It’s okay to have a balance like 1/2, don’t panic!

11 Scoring the Second Test
Type A Type B Type C Type D

12 Now to make groups… Please be patient this will take 10 to 15 minutes

13 INTRODUCE YOURSELF Name Where from? Favorite book Favorite movie
Hobbies Choose 2: Countries visited English goals Your hero

14 Literature Circle Groups:
1) Summarizer – Summarize what you read for today. Consider the following questions: What has happened? Who are the characters? Is there a clear protagonist or antagonist? 2) Word Master – what words or expressions did you find interesting or important? 3) Connector – what does the reading remind you of in another book/movie/your own life? 4) Discussion Director – stay on task, ask questions, ask opinions, etc. Create discussion questions for your group. 5) Culture collector – how does this relate to or differ from our or your culture? What is strange or familiar?

15 Please choose one job (you will change each class and I will add more jobs in the future.)
1) Summarizer – 2) Word Master – 3) Connector – 4) Discussion Director – 5) Culture collector – You will need to take notes before, during, or after you read. These notes will be checked as assignments and shared with your group each day.

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