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Structure of the Universe

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1 Structure of the Universe

2 What makes up the Universe
Sun Solar system Planets – orbits the Sun Moon Stars Composed of gas and emits light Formed in Nebulae Galaxy Large collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity 3 shapes Groups of galaxies Super clusters Universe

3 Universe Distance Distances within the solar system are measured in astronomical units (AU) Astronomical units – the average distance between Earth and the Sun. Light year – the distance light travels in 1 year. Measure of distance NOT TIME Used to measure things beyond our solar system The farther away an object is, the longer it takes it’s light to reach Earth. # of AU’s in a light year = 10 trillion km

4 Measuring distance Light travels about 300,000 km/s
Closest star to the sun and Earth is Proxima Centauri 4.3 years for light to travel to Earth. Light from the Sun takes about 8 min to reach Earth

5 Parallax The apparent change in an objects position caused by looking at it from two different points. EX: extend arm – stick up thumb- close 1 eye- notice thumb – open eye – close the other – thumb appears to “jump positions”.

6 Size of the observable universe
Actual size not known Radiation from objects that formed in early universe have not reached Earth. Universe believed to have a radius of 14 billion years Universe is ever expanding outward Estimation 93 billion years

7 Structure of the universe
Universe – space and all the matter and energy in it Galaxies dense Clusters and super clusters Nothing exists Voids New thinking: Universe is like a spider web Web = galaxies Space = voids

8 Classifying Galaxies Edwin Hubble
1st person to identify groups of stars as a galaxy. 3 type of galaxies Spiral Elliptical Irregular a massive galaxy cluster found to be 160 trillion times the mass of the Sun. The detail in this mass map was made possible thanks to the unprecedented depth of data provided by new Hubble observations, and the cosmic phenomenon known as strong gravitational lensing.

9 Types of Galaxies Spiral Elliptical Irregular
Flat disks with spiral arms and bulges in their center core Look like a pin wheel or a hurricane Most common type Example: Milky Way Elliptical Rounded, like a football or egg Irregular Galaxies that are neither spiral or elliptical

10 Milky Way Part of the galaxy cluster called the Local Group
Contains the Sun The Milky Way is our galaxy. It looks “milky” because the stars are too close together to be seen individually.

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