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Winter JET Conference 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter JET Conference 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter JET Conference 2016

2 PAs in Saga Supervisors Meeting Harassment Taxes Winter DR Elections

3 PAs in Saga PAs are here to support you. Feel free to contact us for general advice and references, as well as simply someone to talk to! But please keep in mind: We can offer advice, but we will recommend that you seek professional help if we feel an issue is beyond us. And work-related issues must first be discussed with your CO. We can only get involved with their permission

4 PAs in Saga CIR PA Email:

5 Questions? Complaints? Compliments? Concerns?
Supervisors Meeting Questions? Complaints? Compliments? Concerns? In May, there is a meeting with all the Saga BOE Supervisors. The PAs explain the DR/PA system and present ALT concerns. If there is anything you want the PAs to address at the Supervisors Meeting, please write it in the box provided on the evaluation form.

6 Harassment What is sexual harassment?
- Sexual harassment is any unwelcome physical contact, statements or any other actions that cause the recipient emotional distress.

7 Harassment What should I do if I experience harassment?
- In the workplace - Co-worker Supervisor, a trusted teacher, PA or DR - Supervisor A trusted teacher, PA or DR - Student The main teacher, homeroom teacher - Outside the workplace Supervisor, a trusted teacher, PA or DR, Police, station attendant * As a general rule, please make your supervisor your first person to turn to, especially if you want to take action.

8 Harassment What should I do if I experience harassment?, cont.
Document each incident!! Who, when, where and exactly what happened. Remember, the Peer Support Group and online counseling service offer anonymous support PAs and SPIRA can offer interpretation help under certain circumstances

9 Harassment What should I do if my friend experiences harassment?
Listen: be there for them emotionally Offer them options: don’t push them to take any particular action What should I do if I’ve been blamed of harassment? Take accountability: Listen to what the person took issue with and modify your behavior around them. Be aware: Pay attention not only to people’s words, but also their body language

10 Taxes Inhabitant Tax Check with your C/O for the payment procedure.
Watch for the bill (to your home or C/O) around the beginning of June. Check with your C/O for the payment procedure. Income tax Don’t forget to file taxes back home!

11 PLEASE KEEP YOUR… Statement of Earnings
-for a simple translation of the gensenchoshuhyo, or statement of earning, check the GIH. This is something you would copy and send to your accountant 源泉徴収票 げんせんちょうしゅうひょう

12 Winter


14 DR Elections

15 AJET Representative

16 Who died and made you king?
CIRPA Built into job ALTPA Selected by the Saga Prefectural BOE Must be a Ken ALT AJET Representative Selected by the current representative DRs Elected in each district

17 Compensation The District Representative position is voluntary, but travel expenses to Saga for monthly DR meetings are paid (except DRs from Saga City). The position runs from April 2016 to March 2017.

18 DR Duties Help new JETs get oriented with life and work in Japan.
Be the go-to resource for JETs in your district. Help plan and present at the New JET Orientation, District Orientations, ALT Skill Development Conference, and the Winter JET Conference.

19 Take charge of updating resources for Saga JETs such as:
Welcome Materials Saga JET Website Saga Facebook Group Etc.

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