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By: Brett Burns, Paul Freeman, Nick Guarino, and Justin Rhiner

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1 By: Brett Burns, Paul Freeman, Nick Guarino, and Justin Rhiner
Healthcare Analytics By: Brett Burns, Paul Freeman, Nick Guarino, and Justin Rhiner

2 Agenda Background Importance to Organizations Real World Examples
Problems/Limitations How to Resolve Them  Future of Healthcare Analytics Importance to Class Agenda *Make sure you state* The goal/objective of this presentation is to...

3 Background Oncology and clinical trials: cancer is complex
Identifying risk factors Diagnostic tool USD $8.92 billion in 2017-> $29.84 billion by 2022  Justin

4 Importance to Organizations
Aid clinical decision support Abuse and fraud reduction Improved standard of care Justin

5 Analytics Solutions: Use aggregated and normalized data from multiple sources across health continuum Help drive decision-making Perform advanced analysis tailored to client's needs EX: Cost and utilization, pharmacy spend, readmissions, etc.  Nick - We chose Cerner for our vendor on the write-up - Quick background on Cerner – global leader in healthcare information technology - Offer many solutions to clients in healthcare industry utilizing analytics to make operations more efficient -  Very wide range of products and clients - Lots of data in healthcare, ultimately makes clients more effective in operations and using data for decision-making and treating patients more effectively - Overall, greatly improves healthcare 

6 Hackensack Meridian Health
Nick - allows clients to focus on needs of the patient

7 Advocate Health Care Partnered with Cerner in 2012
Developed advanced, evidence-based analytics to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care Identify and focus resources on high-risk patients --> educate them on how to manage symptoms and take ownership of their illness Advocate Health Care lowered its heart failure readmission rate by 21% in first year Nick

8 Other Industry Leaders
Predictive analytics Data architecture 

9 Problems/Limitations
Creating an interoperability roadmap Protecting privacy and security Establishing common technical standards Brett

10 How to Resolve Them Health record systems that encourage collaboration
PII protection Standardization of data format

11 Future of Healthcare Analytics
Data-driven, holistic, prevenative services  Genetic Testing leading to lifetime care  Observations by doctors, family and faculty can lead to healithier daily decisions  Machine learning techniques to create better treatments for diseases

12 Importance to Classmates
Will increasingly impact your daily lifestyle choices  Understanding how to interpret data will set you apart As more information is stored on people, securing this data will be a challenge Paul -I want to start by noting how hc analytics will impact your daily lives giving you reccomendations not just on diagnoses but also for instance what to eat based on your previous activity, meds you're on, etc  -Career wise interpreting data will be necessary... - Also I know a number of you are interested in info sec. As more data is collected and stored, we inch closer to developing a 360 view of people. While this poses many benefits, ensuring this data stays private will be a challenge and likely something that the companies you may work for will tackle in some way. 

13 Bibliography analytics.asp analytics companies

14 By: Brett Burns, Paul Freeman, Nick Guarino, and Justin Rhiner
Healthcare Analytics By: Brett Burns, Paul Freeman, Nick Guarino, and Justin Rhiner

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