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Lesson 19 Part 1 Verb Conjugations

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1 Lesson 19 Part 1 Verb Conjugations
April 3-4, 2013

2 Conjugations! Verbs are divided into families called conjugations.
The infinitive (-re) helps tell you which conjugation/family the verb belongs to. There are 4 main conjugations and 1 sub-conjugation.

3 1st Conjugation 1st conjugation verbs have –are for their infinitive ending. Their principal parts follow a set pattern: o, -are, -avi, -atus amo, amare, amavi, amatus voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus 1

4 2nd Conjugation 2 Their first ending is always –eo.
2nd conjugation verbs always have –ēre for their infinitive ending. Their last two endings vary. doceo, docēre, docui, doctus habeo, habēre, habui, habitus 2

5 3 3rd Conjugation Their first ending is always –o.
3rd conjugation verbs always have –ere for their infinitive ending. Their last two parts often have very different spellings than the first two. rego, regere, rexi, rectus pono, ponere, posui, positus 3

6 Sub-group: 3rd –io Conjugation
Their first ending is always –io. 3rd conjugation –io verbs always have –ere for their infinitive ending. Their last two parts often have very different spellings than the first two. capio, capere, cepi, captus 3-io

7 4 4th Conjugation Their first ending is always –io.
4th conjugation verbs always have –ire for their infinitive ending. munio, munire, munivi, munitus venio, venire, vēni, venturus 4

8 Things To Take Away With You…
1st conjugation: -O, -ARE 2nd conjugation: -EO, -ĒRE 3rd conjugation: -O, -ERE 3rd –io conjugation: -IO, -ERE 4th conjugation: -IO, -IRE

9 Time To Practice! Tell Which Conjugation Each Verb Belongs To…
veto, vetare rego, regere moneo, monēre audio, audire facio, facere narro, narrare 1st 3rd 2nd 4th 3rd –io

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