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Innovative Activity in the Times of Crisis – Experiences of Finland

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1 Innovative Activity in the Times of Crisis – Experiences of Finland
Petri Rouvinen ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy World Bank’s Knowledge Economy Forum VIII INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France April 28 – May 1, 2009

2 Take Home Message Whatever you do (as a country), do not cut (public) investment in knowledge in times of economic hardship.

3 Why Not? Accumulated knowledge is in the heads of those engaged  If no longer involved, some knowledge is lost forever ½ of knowledge production is learning & training Large adjustment costs  Hard to scale up Clustering dynamics & localized spillovers Path dependency Discontinuities Loses may be unrecoverable Negative spirals / domino effects  Counter-cyclical public expenditure + Better opportunities + Lower (opportunity) cost + R&D/educ. Is 50–100% wages & related overhead  Full immediate local stimulus with upside potential

4 In 1990 Finland Was Hit by the Deepest Crisis of Any OECD in the Postwar Era
Private & public knowledge expenditures / Major policy shifts Macro  Micro Closed  Open Pro competition Pro globalization Creative destruction Incentivizing individuals & firms The crisis marked Finland’s transition into a knowledge economy But the foundations laid in the preceding 50–100 years! The crisis was beneficial & necessary for restructuring

5 A stylized view of the real educational expenditure in Finland
Billions of euros, year 2000 prices This ETLA stylized view is based on Arto Kokkinen (forth-coming), Human Capital and Finland’s Economic Growth in 1910–2000, European University Institute. €6 bn 6-fold increase in volume in the last 50 years €1 bn

6 Finnish Annual Economic Growth 1976–2011 % change of real GDP, Statistics Finland with ETLA forecasts for 2009–2011 Rapid & eventually complete opening up of the economy Collapse of the Soviet Union  Trade disruption Mismanaged liberalization  Banking crisis Domestic real estate & securities bubble Downturn in forest-related industries Finland hit mostly by the contraction in global demand rather than directly by the financial crisis per se.

7 Early 1990s vs. The Current Crisis
Domestic financial crisis, booming global demand Strategy: Export-led recovery, re-industrialization Policy: From macro to micro Unutilized human capital 1/10 of R&D outsourced Basic knowledge jobs Technical Improving competitiveness Global financial crisis, contracting global demand Strategy: Domestic demand, boost competences, “sit out” Policy: Micro-micro (?) Weak entrepreneurial spirit 1/4 of R&D outsourced Advanced knowledge jobs Non-technical Loosing ground

8 Finnish Response to the Current Crisis
Finnish stimulus mostly not related to innovation Social safety nets  Automatic/passive stimulus Active stimulus, e.g., by advancing public works +7–10% in government R&D expenditure in ‘09 Largely competitive funding with strong public–private dialog Consideration of previously delayed VC / angel inv. incentives? Further tax-based R&D incentives in 2010? Further +5–10% in 2010? Nat. Innov. Strategy  Demand- & broad-based Strategic Centres for STI (industry-led R&D consortia) Restructuring public research organizations University reform

9 Innovation Policy Objectives in Crisis
Accumulated knowledge stock should not be lost Stock is mostly in the heads of those engaged Maintained by keeping the people engaged Generation & use of new ideas should continue Stock accessed/accumulated by having people solve problems Creative destruction/renewal should prevail For society the stock is enhanced by labor mobility Focus on the innovators (= people engaged)

10 Lessons from the Experiences of Finland
Engage in the global knowledge economy – it is the only way to a country’s lasting prosperity Take time to build foundations from K–12 up (cf. Aghion) Initially accept any role, however small, in the global knowledge economy – Once in, be conscious of gradually upgrading Investing not only for economic gain but also for cultural & societal development – It will benefit the country in ways not directly measurable in money Do not force it – Have fate in individuals/incentives Waste or not? Depends strongly on framework conditions, business dynamics & individuals

11 Evaluation of the Finnish Innovation System to Be Completed by September 2009
Rouvinen & Ylä-Anttila: Case Study: Little Finland's Transformation to a Wireless Giant. In Dutta, Lanvin & Paua (Eds.), The Global Information Technology Report World Economic Forum. Dahlman, Routti & Ylä-Anttila 2006: Finland as a Knowledge Economy. World Bank Institute.

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