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Action Plan Progress Of Khon Kaen Municipality

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Presentation on theme: "Action Plan Progress Of Khon Kaen Municipality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Plan Progress Of Khon Kaen Municipality
By Dr. Somsak Pitaksanurat Mr. Tewakul Jullmanee The presentation prepared for the first 2009 Workshop 17-23May 2009 Kobe, Japan เทศบาลนครขอนแก่น Khon Kaen Municipality

2 Background The amount of solid waste has been dramatically increasing every year Solid waste generation rate is 0.89 kg./person/day.

3 Background The existing disposal site is 40 years old and could not be used efficient


5 GOAL Reduce the solid waste generation rate to be less than 0.8 kg./person/day Increase the percent of solid waste utilization to be more than 30%

6 Main Activities Present the program to the City Mayor for approval
Establishing implementation partnerships and networks Organizing the meeting among partnerships and networks



9 100% Completed 100% Completed 100% Completed 100% Completed 100% Completed 80%

10 Activities

11 Training 3Rs Program

12 Result 2005 – 2007 Total Reduce Quantity of Garbage = 400 Tons (0.365 Tons/day) 2008 Total Reduce Quantity of Garbage = 1 Tons/day 2009 Total Reduce Quantity of Garbage = 2 Tons/day (Goals) Remark ; Average total of garbage in khon kaen 150 Tons/day

13 obstacle Stay Between The Experiment
2. something the public relations still not throughout

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