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Constitution Review.

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1 Constitution Review

2 Powers that are expressly given in the Constitution.
Expressed Powers Powers that are expressly given in the Constitution.

3 Numbered powers given to congress found in Art 1 Sec. 8
Enumerated Powers Numbered powers given to congress found in Art 1 Sec. 8

4 Implied Powers Powers that government has to have in order to fulfill the expressed powers Derived from the “Necessary and Proper” clause which is also referred to as the Elastic Clause

5 Reserved Powers Powers that the Constitution gives or “reserves” to the state governments

6 Powers that government has just because the are a government
Inherent Powers Powers that government has just because the are a government

7 Powers shared by the State and Federal Governments
Concurrent Powers Powers shared by the State and Federal Governments

8 Supremacy Clause The provision in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution that establishes the United States Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties as "the supreme law of the land."

9 The official power to make legal decisions and judgments
Jurisdiction The official power to make legal decisions and judgments

10 1st ten amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights 1st ten amendments to the Constitution

11 Federalism The sharing of power and governing between a central and state governments

12 Separation of Powers Placing the power of government in separate branches so that no one person or group has all the power

13 Checks and Balances Giving each branch of government an opportunity to stop the other branches from becoming too powerful

14 Amendment Process Process Proposal By Congress (2/3 vote)
By the States (2/3 of states need to call a convention)(Never used successfully) Ratification(Always by states) State legislatures vote for it (3/4 of states) States call a convention(3/4 of state conventions)

15 Articles Article 1, Legislative Branch Article 2, Executive Branch
Article 3, Judicial Branch Article 4, Federalism Article 5, Explains how to change the constitution Article 6, States that the Federal Government is supreme vs. the states Article 7, Ratification

16 Amendments 1-5 1-Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and criticism of government 2-Right to bear arms 3-Protection against quartering soldiers 4-Protection against unlawful search and seizures 5-Right against self incrimination

17 Amendments 6-10 6- Right to a speedy trial 7- Right to a trial by jury
8-Protection against excessive bail 9-All rights not EXPRESSED in the constitution are held by the people 10- If a power is not EXPRESSLY given to the Congress, it is then the states power

18 Amendments 11-15 13-Abolishes Slavery
11-Removes cases in which a state was sued without its consent from federal jurisdiction 12-Requires presidential electors to vote separately for president and vice president 13-Abolishes Slavery 14-Grants citizenship to former slaves 15-Extends voting rights to former slaves

19 Amendments 16-20 16- Allows congress to tax your income
17-Changes the way Senators are elected 18- Prohibition 19-Gives women the right to vote 20- Changes the Presidential inauguration day

20 Amendments 21-27 21-Repeals 18, legalizes alcohol
22-Limits president to 2 terms 23-Washington DC gets the right to vote 24- Makes poll taxes illegal 25-Sets Presidential Succession 26- Gives 18 yr olds the right to vote 27- Bans congress from increasing its salaries until after the next election

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