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CEPC partial double ring scheme and crab-waist parameters

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1 CEPC partial double ring scheme and crab-waist parameters
Dou Wang, Jie Gao, Feng Su, Ming Xiao, Yuan Zhang, Jiyuan Zhai, Yiwei Wang, Bai Sha, Huiping Geng, Tianjian Bian, Xiaohao Cui, Yuanyuan Guo CEPC AP meeting,

2 Primary parameter for CEPC double ring (wangdou20160325)
Pre-CDR H-high lumi. H-low power W Z Number of IPs 2 Energy (GeV) 120 80 45.5 Circumference (km) 54 SR loss/turn (GeV) 3.1 2.96 0.59 0.062 Half crossing angle (mrad) 15 Piwinski angle 2.5 2.6 5 8.5 7.6 Ne/bunch (1011) 3.79 2.85 2.67 0.74 0.46 Bunch number 50 67 44 400 1100 Beam current (mA) 16.6 16.9 10.5 26.2 45.4 SR power /beam (MW) 51.7 31.2 15.6 2.8 Bending radius (km) 6.1 6.2 Momentum compaction (10-5) 3.4 2.2 2.4 3.5 IP x/y (m) 0.8/0.0012 0.25/ 0.268 / 0.1/0.001 0.08/0.001 Emittance x/y (nm) 6.12/0.018 2.45/0.0074 2.06 /0.0062 1.02/0.003 0.62/0.002 0.62/0.0028 Transverse IP (um) 69.97/0.15 24.8/0.1 23.5/0.088 10.1/0.056 7/0.046 7.9/0.053 x/IP 0.118 0.03 0.032 0.008 0.005 0.006 y/IP 0.083 0.11 0.074 0.084 (Fl=3) 0.073 (Fl=2.6) VRF (GV) 6.87 3.62 3.53 0.81 0.12 f RF (MHz) 650 Nature z (mm) 2.14 3.0 3.25 3.9 Total z (mm) 2.65 4.1 4.0 3.35 HOM power/cavity (kw) 3.6 1.3 0.99 Energy spread (%) 0.13 0.09 0.05 Energy acceptance (%) Energy acceptance by RF (%) 6 2.1 1.7 1.1 n 0.23 0.47 0.3 0.27 0.24 Life time due to beamstrahlung_cal (minute) 47 36 32 F (hour glass) 0.68 0.82 0.92 0.95 Lmax/IP (1034cm-2s-1) 2.04 2.01 3.09 3.61

3 parameter for CEPC double ring-88km (wangdou20160318)
Pre-CDR H-high lumi. H-low power Number of IPs 2 Energy (GeV) 120 Circumference (km) 54 88 SR loss/turn (GeV) 3.1 2.0 Half crossing angle (mrad) 15 Piwinski angle 2.6 Ne/bunch (1011) 3.79 1.75 1.53 Bunch number 50 257 176 Beam current (mA) 16.6 24.5 14.7 SR power /beam (MW) 51.7 30 Bending radius (km) 6.1 9.0 Momentum compaction (10-5) 3.4 1.9 1.5 IP x/y (m) 0.8/0.0012 0.36/0.0011 Emittance x/y (nm) 6.12/0.018 1.63/0.005 1.15 /0.0035 Transverse IP (um) 69.97/0.15 24.4/0.074 20.5/0.062 x/IP 0.118 0.04 0.033 y/IP 0.083 0.091 VRF (GV) 6.87 2.57 f RF (MHz) 650 Nature z (mm) 2.14 2.7 2.94 Total z (mm) 2.65 3.25 3.53 HOM power/cavity (kw) 3.6 2.2 1.1 Energy spread (%) 0.13 0.1 Energy acceptance (%) 1.4 Energy acceptance by RF (%) 6 3 2.1 n 0.23 0.29 0.31 Life time due to beamstrahlung_cal (minute) 47 32 40 F (hour glass) 0.68 0.78 0.82 Lmax/IP (1034cm-2s-1) 2.04 4.18 2.63

4 parameter for CEPC double ring-100km (wangdou20160318)
Pre-CDR H-high lumi. H-low power Number of IPs 2 Energy (GeV) 120 Circumference (km) 54 100 SR loss/turn (GeV) 3.1 1.7 Half crossing angle (mrad) 15 Piwinski angle 2.0 2.83 Ne/bunch (1011) 3.79 1.43 1.22 Bunch number 50 436 307 Beam current (mA) 16.6 30 18 SR power /beam (MW) 51.7 Bending radius (km) 6.1 11 Momentum compaction (10-5) 3.4 1.8 1.4 IP x/y (m) 0.8/0.0012 0.297/0.0011 0.3/0.0011 Emittance x/y (nm) 6.12/0.018 1.63/0.0049 1.03/0.003 Transverse IP (um) 69.97/0.15 22/0.074 17.6/0.59 x/IP 0.118 0.033 0.025 y/IP 0.083 VRF (GV) 6.87 2.25 f RF (MHz) 650 Nature z (mm) 2.14 2.45 2.77 Total z (mm) 2.65 2.94 3.33 HOM power/cavity (kw) 3.6 2.3 1.1 Energy spread (%) 0.13 0.1 Energy acceptance (%) 1.46 Energy acceptance by RF (%) 6 3.5 2.2 n 0.23 0.27 0.28 Life time due to beamstrahlung_cal (minute) 47 40 49 F (hour glass) 0.68 0.8 0.85 Lmax/IP (1034cm-2s-1) 2.04 4.75 3.01

5 Luminosity vs circumference (Higgs)

6 y vs circumference (Higgs)

7 Bunch number vs circumference (Higgs)

8 Bunch charge vs circumference (Higgs)

9 Energy acceptance vs circumference (Higgs)

10 Bunch length vs circumference (Higgs)

11 SR loss vs circumference (Higgs)

12 Double ring FFS design with crab sextupoles
Betax=0.25m Betay= m K2hs=23.3 m-3 K2vs=-32.8 m-3 Crab sextupole Critical energy: Ec=190 keV Dipole strength: B=0.019 T IP As Oide said, the second FFS sextupoles of the CCS-Y section can work as the crab sextupoles, if their strengths and phases to the IP are properly chosen.

13 Final doublet IP L*=1.5m L(QD0)=1.56m, G(QD0)=-200T/m
L(QF1)=1.53m, G(QF1)=98T/m L0=0.85m

14 Crab sextupole strength
x=2, y=2.5 The crab sextupole should be placed on both sides of the IP in phase with the IP in the horizontal plane and at π/2 in the vertical one. 13% strength of main sextupoles

15 Thanks!

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