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Workshop 28 may 2008 Diffuse Sources: prevention first

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1 Workshop 28 may 2008 Diffuse Sources: prevention first
Titel dia Workshop 28 may Diffuse Sources: prevention first Ben Hermans Policy officer Water and Nature Stichting Natuur en Milieu Diffuse sources: prevention first

2 Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment
Tekst dia Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment Independent non-profit organisation All environment themes: energy, mobility, industry, agriculture, nature, water, air Main issues 2008: climate change, sustainable production/consumption, attractive landscapes Focus on national and EU policy and companies Member of the EEB Diffuse sources: prevention first

3 This presentation Our vision on diffuse sources
Problems to meet goals of the WFD Necessity for common approach In the Netherlands In the EU Recommendations In general Specific Diffuse sources: prevention first

4 Vision on diffuse sources
Triple P Close the circle of production and consumption: no emissions and no waiste of valuable resources Therefore: sustainable (food) production, reduce impacts on soil and water phasing out all problem substances set emission controls Environmental standards tightened (EQS) Diffuse sources: prevention first

5 Huge and increasing problems
Problems for waterquality in NL: Waiste of minerals (N and P: stupid enough!) Pesticides (atmospheric deposition: p.e. from warehouses by air and by precipitation) Heavy metals (p.e. Cu in feed for cattle and in antiseptic baths; Zn in construction materials; Cd in fertilizer) New problems arising to meet WGD goals: Antibiotics Oestrogenic substances Diffuse sources: prevention first

6 Examples P.e. Cd in crates for beerbottles out of the market
and 20 years waiting for a solution Previous: paper policy: goals on paper without measures (free of obligations) Untill now little progress: what do we know? Diffuse sources: prevention first

7 General recommendation
Necessary approach: Phasing out (starting with product measures: Reach, standards) Control routing (check emission flyway’s, no freeriders) Remediation of soils and cleaning up water Important tool: River Basin Management Plans Diffuse sources: prevention first

8 Over all reduction needed
Quantity of emissions: . Agriculture (metals, pesticides): sustainable production and management (NL: intensive agriculture covers 70 % surface) . Traffic and transport (PAH’s combustion, tyres): product measures, smutfilter, greening of taxes... (many participants that do not pay for emissions) Diffuse sources: prevention first

9 Specific concerns Give control and persceptives:
The ‘dynosaurs’ of pollution Cd, pcb’s,.. : not wait and see! Free riders and new (local) polluters: precautionary principle! Do not forget point sources! Diffuse sources: prevention first

10 Role of ngo’s National and EU:
In favour of strong implementation of WFD and Priority substances directive Showing necessity and advantages Water and soil: perspective of clean sources: Raising awareness: healthy environment, healthy food (media, giving advice to consumers) Diffuse sources: prevention first

11 Stichting Natuur en Milieu
Diffuse sources: prevention first

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