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Back to School August 30, 2018.

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1 Back to School August 30, 2018

2 Important Dates September 6th Washington, D.C. Parent Meeting
September 13th, Cornelia Connelly High School on campus Sunday, September 16th 7:30 a.m. School Wide Mass Kindergarten, 4th & 8th Grades September 20th Rosary Academy and Servite High School on Campus September 28th Shadow Day, Rosary and Servite High School September 28-30th Fall Festival Advent Program December 7th Christmas Break December 24th- Jan 4th Late January- High School Testing March 13th Living Lent April 2nd Graduation Pictures Washington D.C. April 6th to the 12th

3 Important Dates April 16th Senior Pal Luncheon May 3rd Faley Games
May 2nd May Crowning May 21st and May 22nd Portfolios May Washington D.C. Pot Luck 6:00p.m. Parish Center May 29th Class Day May 30th Graduation Mass Dismissal 12:00 noon 8th grade only May 31st 9:00 a.m. Kindergarten Graduation Dismissal 10:30 a.m. 8th Grade Only Graduation 3:00 P.M.

4 Detention Three missed homework assignments per trimester.
Five behavior tickets per week Six tardies per trimester Three incomplete uniform violations per trimester. Informal uniform for school wide Mass. Failure to return signed Responsibility Sheet by second day. (Responsibility sheets come home Monday due Wednesday) Being off task on laptop. Disregarding cell phone policy.

5 Portfolios Tentative Dates May 21st and 22nd
Portfolios are a cumulative Writing and Grammar project where students present a slideshow to their families and guests. In their portfolios, students share reflections on their accomplishments, achievements, memories and lessons learned as shaped by our core values. Eighth grade students only attend school for their own portfolio time (approximately 20 minutes) Students will schedule their portfolio time in after the new year.

6 Dress Code Boys- Please watch haircuts. Fades are permitted but please be conservative and not overly trendy. Boys and Girls- Socks over the ankle bone. Girls- Skirt and shorts length to the knee. Free Dress- No overly tight or skinny pants.

7 Cell Phones Cell phones should always be off while on school property.
No smart watches.

8 Late and Absent Work Go to office hours on Wednesday, if you are unsure of your late work. Students with outstanding late work will be required to stay for office hours. Students will receive a summary of their late work with their responsibility sheet on Monday.

9 Service Hours True Acts of Service 8 Hours per trimester no more than 3 hours per activity. (D.C. fundraisers are not volunteer hours.)

10 Homework Homework Site/Google Calendar on 8th Grade Teacher Page
Students are responsible to write homework assignments in agenda every day, every class. Study Buddies- Absent work complied by study buddies.

11 Carpool Helpers for TK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Dustin
Halen Matthew Megan Jerred Joe Michael Alex Sydney Diego Hudson Paul Daniella Juliet Chris Elliot Ethan Faith

12 Carpool Helpers for Kindergarten
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Nolan Angie Cali Luis Alexis Walker Maya Ava Layla Lauryn Lucas Natalie Frankie Kathleen Caroline Brayden

13 Senior Pals This year to build community between our school and parish. Our students will be pen pals with Senior Citizens in the St. Juliana Church Community. On April 16th, the 8th grade class will host a luncheon for their pen pals.

14 Washington, D.C. Pot Luck On May 22nd, the 8th grade will be presenting a video recapping their Washington, D.C. experience at a pot luck dinner in the Parish Center.

15 High School Admissions
Please see the websites of the high schools your children are interested in attending for details regarding the admissions process.

16 High School Test prep for Math
A high school test prep course will be offered at 7:00 a.m. on Monday and Thursday mornings from early October to late January. Details will becoming soon.



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