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2 Plynteria Thargelion (April-May) Arrhephoria 3 Skirophorion (May-June) Panathenaia Hekatombion (June-July)

3 PLYNTERIA 25-27 Thargelion (April-May)
Common Ionian festival Inauspicious (apophras) day declared. Temple of Athena closed and cordoned. Sheep sacrifices to Athena and Aglauros. Wooden image (xoanon) of Athena Polias stripped of crown, robe (peplos), and jewelry, then wrapped in cloth. Peplos taken to be washed. Daytime procession (pompê) conveys image in chariot to Phaleron, where it is washed and offered fig-cakes; no males present during washing. Torchlit pompê returns image to Acropolis, where it is reinstalled and reclothed in newly-washed peplos amidst sacrifices.

4 aition • anniversary of death of Aglauros (?) • clothing unwashed for one year • Aglauros and sisters first women to weave wool

5 PLYNTERIA city shore city day night culture nature culture clothed naked clothed “cooked” “raw” “cooked” figs raw wool peplos

6 Arrhephoria 3 Skirophorion (May/June)
Two girls aged 7 serve on Akropolis for one year, tending olive tree and weaving new peplos. In Arrhephoria (“Mystery Carriers” or “Dew Carriers”) ritual, each carries bundle; contents unknown. Underground passageway connecting Erechtheon and Parthenon to sanctuary of Aphrodite on north slope of Akropolis Arrhephoroi leave bundles and receive two other bundles, which they carry back up to Parthenon. Arrhephoroi immediately discharged from service. Athena daughters of Kekrops opened chest Erichthonius priestess arrhephoroi unopened bundle ??? Athena Aphrodite virginity sexual maturity

7 Panathenaia aitia (1) Panathenaia founded to celebrate death of authochthon giant Asterios, killed by Athena. (2) Panathenaia founded by ancestral authochthon Erichthonius, who invents first chariot used in pompê. (3) Panathenaia founded by hero king Theseus on occasion of incorporation of neighboring villages into polis of Athens (synoicism). ••• Greater Panathenaea established 566 BCE; held every fourth year until 3rd century CE

8 “bad” autochthon “good” autochthon civilizer Asterios Erechthonius Theseus nature culture

9 Eight-Day Greater PANATHENAEA
pannychis sunrise torch race into Athens up to Acropolis pompê from Dipylon Gate via Panathenaic Way to Acropolis hekatomb presentation of new peplos (Gigantomachy) athletic (incl. torch race) and musical competitions; amphoras awarded adorning of altar

return to earlier, raw, dangerous time predation by giants; no weaving; temple shut; apophras day; stripping and concealment of xoanon move from center to periphery Athens Phaleron move from periphery to center Phaleron Athens Dipylon Gate Akropolis night daytime reintroduction of elements of culture figs; old fire new fire ; weaving raw wool (peplos) competition Gigantomachy re-enactment of victory over chaos

11 Thargelia 6-7 Thargelion (April-May) Plynteria Thargelion (April-May) Arrhephoria 3 Skirophorion (May-June) Panathenaia Hekatombion (June-July)

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