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Gregor Mendel – “Father of Genetics”

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1 Gregor Mendel – “Father of Genetics”
Genetics Review Gregor Mendel – “Father of Genetics”

2 Genetics Vocabulary: Heredity – the passing of traits from parent to offspring Genetics– the study of heredity Dominant – the expressed form of a trait; ex: T Recessive – the trait that is not expressed; ex: t Homozygous – when the two alleles of a trait are the same; ex: TT, tt Heterozygous – when the two alleles of a trait are different; ex: Tt Genotype – the set of alleles for a trait; ex: TT, Tt, tt Phenotype – the physical appearance of a trait; ex: tall or short

3 Punnett Squares – a diagram that predicts the outcome of a cross
Monohybrid Cross – a cross between individuals that involves one pair of contrasting traits Dihybrid cross - a cross between individuals that involves two pairs of contrasting traits = RY, Ry, rY, ry

4 Example of a Monohybrid Cross Example of a Dihybrid Cross
Phenotypic Ratio: 9:3:3:1 Phenotypic Ratio: 9:3:3:1

5 Pedigree - a diagram that shows a trait inherited over several
Male Female

6 Complex Patterns of Heredity
Sex-linked Disorders – occurs mainly in males b/c the mother usually donates the recessive allele; use the X and Y chromosomes to set your punnette square Polygenic Traits – traits influenced by several genes Multiple Alleles – ex: blood types AB, A, B, & O have three alleles (A, B, O)

7 Complex Patterns of Heredity
Complete Dominance – dominant trait is expressed as long as on of the alleles is present ex: BB (black) Bb (black) bb (white) Codominant – two dominant traits are expressed at the same time ex: BB (black) BW (black & white) WW (white) Incomplete Dominance - a trait that is intermediate between the two parents ex: BB (black) Bb (gray) bb (white)

8 Genetic Disorders – caused by a mutated gene that in turn makes a
defective protein Example of genetic disorders: sickle cell anemia – recessive disorder; RBC’s are deformed hemophilia – sex linked disorder (X-chromosome); blood doesn’t clot properly colorblindness – sex-linked (X-chromosome) Genetic counseling – identifies risks & counsels parents through a variety of different tests Gene technology (or gene therapy) – replacement of a defect gene with a healthy one

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