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Lesson Two-Way Tables Obj: I can 1) Construct two-way tables 2) Use two-way tables to summarize data HWK: Worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Two-Way Tables Obj: I can 1) Construct two-way tables 2) Use two-way tables to summarize data HWK: Worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Two-Way Tables Obj: I can 1) Construct two-way tables 2) Use two-way tables to summarize data HWK: Worksheet

2 Vocab: two-way table- displays two-variable data by organizing it into rows and columns categorical data- when numbers are collected in groups or categories two-way frequency table- a visual representation of the possible relationships between two sets of categorical data relative frequency- how often something happens divided by all outcomes – can be a fraction, decimal or percent joint frequency- entries in the body of the table marginal frequency- the cells that contain the sum of the initial counts by row and by column conditional relative frequency- when a relative frequency is determined based upon a row or column – divide a joint frequency by a marginal frequency total Cumulative frequencies – the totals

3 Example Basketball Volleyball Total Boys 20 15 35 Girls 10 40 50 30 55
100% Pink boxes are joint frequency Blue boxes are marginal frequency

4 Ex 1) Marisa took a survey of 100 pet owners to find out whether cats and dogs preferred being inside or outside during the day. Construct a two-way table for the results: 35 out of 50 cats prefer being inside 20 out of 50 dogs prefer being inside

5 Ex 2) Using the two-way table from Ex 1, include the relative frequencies.
Ex 3) Use the two way table to describe relationships that you can see.

6 Ex 4) Use the following table to answer the questions.
Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) Sports Car Total Male = 9% = 16% = 25% Female % = 19% = 75% = 65% = 35% = 100% How many people responded to the survey? How many males responded to the survey? How many people chose an SUV? How many females chose a sports car? How many males chose an SUV? What percent of the survey takers was female? Was there a higher percentage of males or females choosing an SUV?

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