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Unit 6 “Genetics” 18 Words.

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1 Unit 6 “Genetics” 18 Words

2 Genetics Science of heredity

3 Alternative form that a single gene may have for a particular trait.
Allele Alternative form that a single gene may have for a particular trait.

4 Mendel’s name for a specific trait that appeared in the F1 generation.
Dominant Mendel’s name for a specific trait that appeared in the F1 generation.

5 Recessive Mendel’s name for a specific trait hidden or masked in the F1 generation.

6 Organism with two of the same alleles for a specific trait.
Homozygous Organism with two of the same alleles for a specific trait.

7 Organism with two different alleles for a specific trait.
Heterozygous Organism with two different alleles for a specific trait.

8 An organism’s allele pairs.
Genotype An organism’s allele pairs. *Genetic Code*

9 * Physical: You can see it*
Phenotype Observable characteristic that is expressed as a result of an allele pair. * Physical: You can see it*

10 Law of Segregation Mendelian law stating that the two alleles for each trait separate to form different reproductive cells during meiosis.

11 Law of Independent Assortment
Mendelian law stating that different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells are formed

12 Carrier Individual heterozygous for a recessive disorder such as cystic fibrosis or Tay-Sachs Disease

13 Pedigree Diagrammed family history that is used to study inheritance patterns of a trait through several generations and that can be used to predict disorders in future offspring

14 homozygous parent organisms.
Incomplete Dominance Complex inheritance pattern in which the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between those of the two homozygous parent organisms. *Red Flower + White Flower = pink*

15 Codominance Complex inheritance pattern that occurs when neither allele is dominant and both alleles are expressed. * Roan Cows *

16 Chromosome that is NOT a sex chromosome
Autosome Chromosome that is NOT a sex chromosome

17 Sex Chromosome X or Y Chromosome; paired sex chromosomes determine an individual’s gender XX = Girl XY = Boy

18 Karyotype Micrograph in which the pairs of homologous
chromosomes are arranged in decreasing size

19 Sex Linked Characteristic—such as red-green color blindness or hemophilia—controlled by genes on the X- chromosome

20 The End

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