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Kindergarten Entry Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Entry Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Entry Assessment
A formative assessment to inform instruction and education planning by NC.

2 5 Domains of Child Development
1- approaches to learning 2- language development and communication 3- cognitive development 4- social and emotional development 5- health and physical development

3 Crossing Midline Children are learning that crossing the midline with fine and gross motor activities enables them to perform tasks more efficiently Practice: Playing catch with a ball Wrapping yarn or thread around a spool Bean bag toss or hand clapping games

4 Emotional Literacy Emotional Literacy: Children understand that emotions may be experienced in their bodies and expressed in their behaviors. Children understand that emotions may be recognized in themselves and others. Children understand that emotions have causes and effects and that people may feel and respond differently in similar situations. Discuss emotions with your child: What makes people sad, happy, angry, lonely, etc.? After reading stories together, discuss how characters may feel or react.

5 Following Directions Following Directions: Children understand how to respond to directions, requests, and commands in a variety of settings (one-on-one with an adult, one-on-one with a peer, small group setting, large group setting.) Discuss the importance of following directions. It is also important for children to understand that they should raise their hand if they are confused or need the directions repeated.

6 Grip and Manipulation Grip and Manipulation: Children are learning to coordinate muscle groups to perform fine manipulation of objects and skilled use of tools, while moving towards fine motor skills performed automatically with a focus on content & outcome. Practice: Opening and closing small containers Manipulating beads or small game pieces such as dice or game board markers Play doh or putty!

7 Hand Dominance Hand Dominance: Children are learning to coordinate muscle groups to perform fine manipulation of objects and skilled use of tools, while moving towards fine motor skills performed automatically with a focus on content and outcome. Practice with: Pizza cutters, large kitchen utensils, clothespins, scissors, paper clips, nuts and bolts

8 Letter Naming Support your child with games and activities including:
Magnetic Letters Alphabet Books, Poems, and Songs Heidi Songs, Dr Jean songs, Jack Hartmann songs (YouTube)

9 Object Counting Children begin to recognize and understand that counting tells the number of objects Practice: Counting games with objects Counting food pieces (beans, cereal, boxes in the pantry, etc.) Take a ride and count: number of red cars, number of stop lights, number of animals, etc.

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