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Home Base Schoolnet Classrooms Introduction

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2 Home Base Schoolnet Classrooms Introduction
Trainer Name

3 Learning Goals At the end of this workshop, you will be familiar with the following: Logging in and basic navigation of Home Base Tracking the instructional progress of classes and students by standard and using diagnostic assessment data from multiple sources to analyze students achievement Locating available instructional materials Creating lesson plans and scheduling on a planner Strategies for turnaround training Today the focus will be on the Classrooms tab.

4 Logging into Home Base Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

5 PowerTeacher – Opening the IIS
For any more training information regarding Power School please contact your NC Wise Coordinator or visit PowerSource Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

6 Student Data on the Home Page
- Have participants log in now - Show My Classroom section picker – this is the ‘student set’ - Show roster - Show Classroom Assessment Monitor – if no benchmark available, defaults to standardized test – most recent - teachers typically see this web part, frequently turned off for administrators Reflects current students Select desired class View roster and recent test results

7 What information is available about each student?
Note- Schoolnet is like a shell all information is being pulled from PowerSchool. Anywhere you see a student name in blue text, such as on a report, you can click it to access the student profile. The Student Profile page is similar to an online cumulative folder. Teachers have a roster in the Schoolnet home page and in the Classrooms module that links to each profile. Show how to link to the student profile from the name in a roster or the Classroom Assessment Monitor. Also show the Find a Student (type-ahead) search field—search using first name last name or student ID Building block of all reports Demonstrate and discuss the available information on each tab of the Student Profile page Show PDF link (do batch print later)

8 Try It Out Practice Find a student Create a PDF of the profile
If available, compare classroom grade and test scores for a subject Check for Understanding What are two ways to get to a student profile? What kinds of data are available?

9 Teacher Dashboard Show how to pick a section, and the navigation options available Explain course vs. section – in Classrooms can look at 2 sections of same course together Show how to get here from sub-navigation Talk about teacher drop-down menu for principals Point out link to curriculum and past year sections, if applicable Classrooms and benchmarks dashboards work the same way—difference between two categories Expand a test—the best way to navigate to reports—these are the same links we saw on the Classroom Assessment Monitor

10 Which standards are difficult? Use Standards Mastery Reports
In this classroom report, results are grouped by standard; it shows how many students are in each score group per standard Materials and standards coverage Drill in to see names Try it out Discuss Times Taught and Times Assessed Will parse out results from open response items associated with multi-dimensional rubric Standards and Materials may be scheduled directly to the Lesson Planner from this screen—try it later

11 Which items are difficult for students? Use Benchmark Item Analysis
This report is available both at the school and classroom level. In this classroom example, the teacher can see not only which questions struggled with, but also see the most popular wrong answers Go to benchmark/classroom dashboard (or My Schoolnet) to get to item analysis Views – Low performing option, Current vs. total enrollment Section wide comparison Click on item - sometimes content not available Generate PDF to view printable view Practice – have participants identify a question that many students missed and speculate on reasons why

12 Skills Analysis View percent correct by skill at any level of the standards hierarchy View for one test or click Year-To-Date Year-To-Date option Switching levels—names may vary V15 note – multi-dimensional rubrics

13 Standards Mastery: Standardized Test Report
It works the same way for standardized tests Can drill down to skill level IF score group results are available

14 Discussion

15 Try It Out Practice Access each type of report Discussion
Change view by options Discussion How can report data impact instruction? What is the purpose of each report? What kinds of questions could each report answer?

16 Student List and Printing
Look at groups, marks, latest benchmarks Quick access to profiles Use to batch print profiles—demonstrate Birthday feature

17 Group Students for Differentiation
Create student groups based on assessment results or other criteria and view the data in a spreadsheet Discuss a student group from the Item Analysis report or Standards Mastery report Only you can see your student groups Make notes regarding student instruction or progress Determine appropriate instructional strategies Differentiate instruction based on student needs View in the analysis spreadsheet Edit membership Comments Print list

18 Student Analysis Spreadsheet How are my students performing across multiple data points?
Should have at least one pre-made column set available; you can also add your own columns By default, student set is the selected section – can override with student group If available, show running existing and editing Otherwise, start with creating Maximum of 25 columns Can export to Excel

19 Try It Out Practice Batch print profiles View a spreadsheet
Sort a column

20 Instructional Materials

21 What materials are available to support instruction?
Trainer–be familiar with what is available for audience Discuss how materials get in bank—source—NCLOR (North Carolina Learning Object Repository) Instructional Materials will be provided by the state (currently approx 7000 loaded) Explain suggested materials, if implemented Just click Search to see all available filters or browse available materials Search by subject, grade, keyword, standard, material type, and more Demonstrate external materials, if available, and explain differences – External Resources an be saved to My Materials but not edited. Demonstrate how to search and save to My Materials Sorting

22 Standards Search Search for standards that contain a keyword
Not only can you search for materials, but you can also search for standards and see what materials are available per standard Be sure to point out that you can only search for one level of the standards hierarchy at a time. Select which level in the bottom left. Use this screen to discuss the different material types—point to icons and discuss Search for standards that contain a keyword Locate all materials aligned to a standard Schedule standards on the lesson planner Be sure to search appropriate level of the standards hierarchy

23 My Materials A combination of the materials that you created and those you saved from a materials search This stays from one school year to the next. Filtering works the same way as in the Materials Bank

24 Try it Out Practice Locate a lesson and a resource and save to My Materials Check for understanding What are two ways a material gets into My Materials? What materials are available for the subjects you teach?

25 Create a Resource/Lesson
You can only use one format for each lesson In the lesson template, enter the information identified by the required fields, marked with an asterisks (*) Include the duration (recommended because of the impacts on the planner) Align to standards. which can be from other grades and subjects Create content for each template type—but don’t switch If usign the district template, any attachments must be added as a linked resource later In the lesson template, enter the information identified by the required fields, marked with an asterisks If your lesson already exists in another document, you can simply copy and paste text into this template Any attachments must be added as a linked resource

26 Attach Resources to a Lesson
Attach support materials to lessons Use the same resource for multiple lessons Instructional units – Attached lesson plans, resources, and assessments Lesson plans – Attach resources and assessments This is the only way to add an attachment when using the district template Can pull from bank, My Materials, or create on the fly—new resources become separate material Show organizers in next tab Show how to view detail to exit and return to lesson through My Materials

27 Lesson Plan: Available Actions
Recommend Submit for approval Edit and copy View related materials Build an express test Save locally or print Schedule to your lesson planner Actions will vary according to your role and the source of the material We’ll discuss the submission process in a moment You can: Recommend an instructional material (similar to a “Like” on Facebook) View Related Materials – Will display any material that is aligned to the same standards Express test – create a pre- or post quiz using items aligned to the same standards

28 Try It Out Practice Create a resource (for students)
Create a lesson with the above resource attached Edit a lesson

29 Submit for Approval Share materials with other teachers
Submit to School then District the State. If none, discuss all possible options. Reference QRC. Once you submit a lesson: The lesson goes first to a school approver If approved, it is available to other teachers at your school and can be submitted to the district When approved at the district level, it is available district-wide If approved, it is available to all Teachers in your District and can be submitted to the State When approved at the State level, it is available State-wide It can’t be edited once approved, but you can make editable copies

30 Approval Process Designated administrators can approve materials or request revisions. Approved materials are available to other teachers. Designated users have a link to approve materials. There is an approval alert web part that can be added to My Schoolnet.

31 Schedule on the Lesson Planner
Benefit – keep track of standards coverage (reference Standards Mastery report) Show views, scheduling events Copying, extending length Add note, attachment Printing options Discuss how principals can view (read only access) Drag and drop functionality Viewable by principal Personal and section views available

32 Rename Sections If you can’t tell multiple sections of the same course apart, you can rename them. If time demonstrate otherwise just talk to it

33 Try It Out Practice Schedule a lesson and event on your planner
Rename sections if helpful/time Add a note to one day Check for Understanding Who can see your planner? Who can add to your planner?

34 Assign Resources to Students
Any resource tagged for students that has content can be assigned to a section Only teachers can assign resources If needed, can copy some existing resources and edit the local copy to be tagged for students so they can be assigned.

35 Key Performance Indicators
If time permits, give a preview of School & District Data

36 Practice Scenarios Which students have perfect attendance so far this year? On what standard/skill is your class doing the best? The worst? Do you see improvement from one test to the next? What instructional materials are available to help students with the skills they are having trouble mastering? Which benchmark question did your students do collectively better or worse than the district as a whole? Which students are in an LEP (or ELL/ESL) program? Which students perform well in math, but not reading? Looking at the data, do you think that benchmark scores are good predictors of standardized test results? Use for individual or group practice. Tell participants to adjust scenarios to make them more meaningful, if desired.

37 Next Steps Wrap Up Classrooms - Lunch

38 What is Assessment Admin?
Assessment Admin is used to build tests and monitor the collection of results Reporting on the actual student responses is done in the Classrooms and School & District Data modules This is the focus of this afternoon’s training

39 Testing Administration Overview
Performance data available online for analysis 5 1 2 3 4 Print answer sheets and booklets, or usernames Tests administered to students Results scanned or collected online Create tests and test scoring key This is the workflow…. Note that #5 happens in School & District Data and Classrooms. Online testing, Clickers, Scanning, Traditional Paper and Pencil

40 Locate and create items

41 Create Test Content (items)
Create items separately or as part of a test ITEM CENTRAL TEST CENTRAL Select items from Item Central <KEEP SLIDE ANIMATION> In Assessment Admin, test items can be created in two different ways. NCDPI have loaded approx 22,000 items (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies a bank of items to start with. <CLICK and TALK THROUGH FIRST WORKFLOW – TEST CENTRAL to ITEM CENTRAL> <CLICK and TALK THROUGH SECOND WORKLOW – ITEM CENTRAL, THEN PULLED INTO A TEST> Set up test Create items Create items within test Add items to Item Central

42 Locate Items, Passages, and Rubrics
Filter by subject, grade, standard and more ‘Layer’ filters to locate desired items, such as by keyword, grade and subject Advanced search options This is why you want to add meta data to items Give participants time to see what is available for the subjects and grades they teach

43 Create Items – Multiple Types Available
Multiple choice True/false Gridded Open response (can attach a rubric – if time) Inline response* Matching* Any item type may be attached to a passage If items aren’t available for your needs, easy to build new items Refer back to quiz if taken All types supported by paper and online, some on clickers Demonstrate basic multiple choice with preview Note that alerts don’t refresh until page does – can ignore unless you need to submit – preview make completed alerts go away

44 Insert Images Do not paste in image – must insert as a file
For peak online test performance, use sizes below 250KB Resize images before adding Supported file formats: png, jpg, or gif Not suggested for passages of text Be sure to preview the item Demo site is having issues so talk to it but do not do Size limitation – will let you know if too big Resize before pasting in

45 Equation Editor Open the Equation Editor from the text editor
Link to additional equations and syntax to change font size Can put text in window

46 Math Manipulatives Interactive manipulatives for online testing (ruler, protractor, compass) Coming in V15 Something else for math teachers… Interactive manipulatives can be made available to students for online testing (ruler, protractor, compass)  Manipulatives are enabled on a test by test basis  Images in the test tunnels and printed test booklets will no longer be scaled down, this ensures image measurements remain as intended  Each manipulative has its own button which will launch the tool  NOTE: Due to a Safari 5 defect we are unable to support manipulatives on this browser, Mac users can use Safari 6 or Google Chrome Reference QRC

47 Item Visibility Options
Users permissioned to create items for other users will see this screen when they save an item and have the option to choose who else will be able to see the item. Discuss use case for each

48 Try It: Create Items Create one item of each type
Discuss pros and cons of each Suggest sticking with one grade and subject – invite participants to try out the features that apply to their classes (math equations, reading passages…) Discuss Demo best practices – use sample text doc to copy and paste

49 Create a Passage for Multiple Items
Discuss potential uses – Social studies adding Maps and Pictures, Math – Graphs and charts, ELA reading passages. Create with first item, when you create additional items link the new passage to them Add subject and grade, type Orientation – can change later Save or add new item Passage orientation is for online testing only

50 Rubric for Open Response Items
Single or multidimensional rubrics Contrast to scoring instructions – if you have multiple items for same rubric, worth building a rubric Will replace standard on item Lowest level first Can define a 0 level Reference QRC

51 Submit and Approval Process
Any user can submit an item, passage or rubric to be shared Users who are permissioned to do so can approve content at their default institution Once approved, content is no longer editable by the submitter Items will be submitted to school. Approved by nominated Approver. – Reference QRCs

52 Create and Schedule a test

53 Two Kinds of Tests Benchmark Classroom
Results appear in School & District Data and Classrooms Tests created at the district or school level for the purpose of institution-wide data collection Only highest level category used for KPI calculations Classroom Results only appear in Classrooms Tests created for the purpose of classroom use Can be teacher-created or selected from a pool of pre- made tests My Classroom or Common Classroom categories available In Assessment Admin, we can create two kinds of tests. Benchmark is a generic term that covers all interim assessments not loaded as standardized tests – might call them progress checks, baselines, minis, etc. Tests can be made required or optional for teachers.

54 Ways to Create a Test Express test Manual test
Express test (With or without existing items), add passages manually Manual test – either from within item central or start new naming conventions Test categories – review If teachers have access to create common classroom, they also have school benchmark category – be sure to pick appropriately All multiple choice options Explain AKO option Score type Customization options on test: Numbering, cut scores, attach resources

55 Express Test Method Select the standards to include and the number of items for each How differs No passages Ok if no items Tip – request more than you need so you came pick the best options

56 Manual Method Add your own questions or use existing items

57 Try It Out: Create a Test
Create a test with the items you created Add additional items from the item bank Modify the score group or item numbering Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

58 Where is My Test? Two Dashboard Versions
Screen varies for teachers with no extra permissions Use to locate tests Point out recently viewed test drop-down

59 Test Schedule Dates When entering dates, take the following into consideration: The dates must be within the current school year You can scan paper tests any time after the start date, even beyond the end date Online tests can be administered any time within the window, and even after if the window restriction option is not selected Remember, students can’t actually take the test until they are provided with the online passcode. The score date is the recommended date for the test proctor to complete and score open response items and scan test results Unless granted additional permissions, teachers do not have access to test content until the start date; however, they can print answer sheets once the test is scheduled Benchmark assessments created at the highest level institution are used to calculate Key Performance Indicators in the School and District Data module If benchmark KPIs are enabled, and if there are multiple tests assigned to the same grade level and subject, you may wish to consider coordinating the start date within the same window. For example, if 10th-grade students may take either a geometry or an algebra assessment in October, enter the same start date for each to include both tests in the calculation.

60 Online Test Options Schoolnet Secure Tester is not being used in the State of North Carolina North Carolina will have an option to share the test with their gradebook. Students use the passcode to access the test online. The code must be unique site-wide for each test. Scramble questions -Do not use this option if your test has multiple passages with multiple linked questions. This feature could hinder students by forcing them to answer multiple questions on the same passage out of order. Limit student test access to approved internet addresses is not being used in the State of North Carolina

61 Share Assessments with Gradebook
Teachers can share assessments with PowerTeacher Gradebook when creating a test or after the test has been scheduled. Sharing tests with the Gradebook allows test details and student scores to automatically be added to the Gradebook upon saving, preventing information from being entered twice. Share Assessments with PowerSchool Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

62 Assign Test Teachers can accept quick assignment (based on subject and grade level), choose specific sections or pick students Test admins can assign or recommend by course: Assign - teachers are required to administer the test Recommend to teachers – Select to recommend this test to students based on their course enrollment; teachers may assign the test to students, but are not required to do so Recommend to schools – Select to recommend this test to adminstrators who may assign the test to a teacher or section. Use the option to recommend to schools when you do not have sufficient knowledge of the courses at each school to assign the tests to courses. Will need to set up a test admin at the school

63 Administer a test

64 Ways to Administer a Test
Online (including iPad) Student Response Systems (clickers)* Paper Other (bulk upload results) Which will you use Advantages and barriers for each Strategies – stations, rotating labs *supported models only

65 Printing Options available on test detail page Discuss who will print:
Test booklet Answer sheets Answer key Scoring instructions Will you print district tests centrally or at each school or classroom?

66 Proctor Dashboard: Monitor an Online Test
Graphic representation of the portion of the class that is complete Links to individual student score, answer sheets and PDF test booklet Don’t use username/password links here (or in Assessment Admin) if students log in thru powerschool or another portal

67 Student Online Test Experience
Make sure computers are ready for testing Student logs in and enters online passcode Reference QRC

68 Student Online Test Experience
Explain test taking strategies to students Point out highlighting, hide, flag, manipulatives if applicable, test summary, timer Teachers can experience via test preview

69 Scoring Options Updating Scanned Results with Open-Ended Score: Teachers grade student responses to open-ended items in Assessment Admin Online Scoring only (no-scanner approach): Teachers enter student scores directly in Assessment Admin – for schools with no scanners or for oral tests Damaged scan sheets: Authorized individuals search for students by ID or name and manually enter student scores Upload File: Upload a spreadsheet of responses Upload file is useful for results from 3rd party tests, such as clickers

70 Scanning: ScanIt Application
Answer sheets must be scanned on a scanner attached to a computer installed with ScanIt

71 Where are the Results? Classroom and School & District Data

72 Available support materials
Powersource documents and Distance Learning available they were already provided access. Additional Homebase questions – NCDPI PD leads -have been through Certification training and can help with implementation Powerschool info provided by NC WISE coordinator Mid July access will be given to all LEA to a DPI website containing DPI Schoolnet materials All LEAs will receive training logins for turnaround training Mid July If your LEA chooses to opt in after March 31, 2014 they will receive 5 days of certification training free of charge

73 Next Steps Wrap up Questions and answers Evaluation -
Point out My Schoolnet link is the ‘I’m lost, reset button What’s new Any custom links to materials Online help Knowledgebase in PowerSource – Mastery in Mins, Courses and documentation i.e. QRC’s DL if applicable

74 and tell us what you think!
Don’t Forget!! Navigate to the survey and tell us what you think!

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