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Talking about the future

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1 Talking about the future
An interactive grammar lesson

2 How do we know the future?
Quickly write down 3 ideas about how you or other people know the future. e.g. Read the news, my horoscope, etc. 

3 The Fortune Teller game
What is a fortune teller? Do you believe in fortune telling? No/ yes? Why?

4 Let’s have a closer look...
The fortune teller says: 1. You will get rich. 2. You will set up your own business. 3. You will marry a beautiful girl. 4. You will have a lot of children… NB: We use will to talk about things that may or may not happen in the future known also as predictions.

5 In These are predictions about the future of a group of classmates in Complete the sentences Megan (work) as a columnist in a fashion magazine. Patrick (write) at least a few popular cookery books. Kylie (take) part in a few expeditions to the Arctic. Rudy (receive) two Oscars for best special effects in sci-fi films. Peter (write) best-selling horror stories. Andrew (look) after his children at home. And you? What (you, do) ? What (you achieve) ?

6 Going shopping What are you going to buy?
Answer: decision taken before the moment of speaking  What are you going to buy? NB: We use going to when we talk about ...

7 Read the sentences and say what they have in common.
1. Bread is not on my shopping list. Good idea! I’ll get a loaf. 2. These flowers won’t grow there. It’s too dark there. 3. Sugar is on my shopping list. I am going to buy some. Tips: Is it a decision or prediction? Is it a decision made before or at the moment of talking? What is the tense?

8 Going to, Will 1. Bread is not on my shopping list. Good idea! I’ll get a loaf. (Decision taken at the moment of speaking) 2. These flowers won’t grow there. It’s too dark there. (Future prediction) 3. Sugar is on my shopping list. I am going to buy some. (Decisions taken before speaking) NB: We use will when... Answer: we make a prediction or take a decision at the moment of speaking.

9 Practice A. 1. I __________ (meet) my friend tomorrow morning. 2. You _____ probably have (not have) time to relax. 3. Look, this is Emma! ____ we (say) hello? (I/we shall/will) 4. There are too many customers in the supermarket. It ____ (take) ages to get served! 5. Where _____ you (go) on holiday?

10 Practice B. A friend is planning to go on holiday soon. Ask her/ him about her/his plans. Use the words in brackets to make questions: 1. (where / go?) 2. (how long / go for?) 3. (when / leave ?) 4. (travel/ alone ?) 5. (who/travel with?) 6. ( travel / by plane ?) 7. (where / stay ?)

11 Match the right solution with the problem
1. I’ve lost my wallet. ___________________________ 2. I’m freezing. ______________________ 3. I’m sad. ____________________________ 4. I’ve got a headache. 5. I’m thirsty. 6. My bags are heavy. _____________________________ 7. I’m hungry. 8. I’m very hot. 9. I’ve got no money. 10. I’m very tired. I’ll close the window. I’ll help you find it. I’ll open a window I’ll make you a sandwich. I’ll lend you some money. I’ll get you an aspirin. I’ll get you some coffee. I’ll get you a drink. I’ll cheer you up. I’ll help you.

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