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Benefits, Policies, & Culture

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1 Benefits, Policies, & Culture
Staff development through the RISE dimensions of life

2 An illustration of how HOPE’s benefits & policies support the RISE model in seeking to create and maintain a culture that embraces the qualities of Christ, community, character, calling, and competencies.


4 Relational Flexible workplace policy Birth and Bereavement leave
Expat Care Holidays, PTO, and Comp time Birth and Bereavement leave Flexible workplace policy Travel cap policy Employee Assistance Home Leave & R&R

5 Relational Built in community, leaders build leaders
Expat Care – By fostering care to our expats through cards, care packages, and check-in calls, we are ensuring that they are healthy and thriving in their relationships Holidays, PTO, and comp time – By offering leave programs we foster the desire for our staff to be involved with family, and their local communities through recreational activities that bring them together in meaningful fellowship without worry about missing work time. (Matthew 11:28) Birth and bereavement leave – Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”. By offering generous leave benefits for births and bereavement we are allowing our employees to take the time to do just this. Flexible workplace policy – HOPE is intentional in building a strong culture that reflects the values of the organization. One way that we do this is through encouraging work/life effectiveness by allowing flexible work schedules that meets the individualized needs of our employees and their families. Travel cap policy - It is HOPE’s policy that employees should not be away from home for more than 75 nights per year. Employee assistance program – Our EAP offers staff the opportunity to work through any issues that they are having with a qualified counselor. This allows them to be the best person God has called them to be, while fostering an environment that recognizes that we are supermen and superwomen. Sometimes we need to help and that’s completely ok! (II Tim. 1:7) Home leave and R&R – One of the most rejuvenating offerings for our expats is the home leave and R&R benefits. These benefits allow expats to remove themselves from the day to day and have the opportunity to reflect on the call that God has placed on their lives, and to gain some perspective on why they do what they do.

6 Education Allowance (MD level only)
Instructional Professional Development Learning Update Language training Education Allowance (MD level only)

7 Instructional Direct teaching and guidance to grow in specific ways
Professional development budget – our annual professional development budget is a generous $500 per employee. HOPE encourages the stretching of employees through books, programs, certifications, classes, and other meaningful opportunities to grow in the area of competency. (Proverbs 16:3) Learning update – this bi-monthly newsletter offers opportunities and resources which touch on four areas to learn and grow. By providing this resource we are not only encouraging employees to learn, but we are walking alongside them in their journey to become competent in a holistic way. Language training – it is important for all employees at HOPE to have the access to language training in order to effectively communicate across programs. Education allowance (MD’s only) – we not only encourage the instruction of our employees, but we also encourage that of children. Through the education allowance managing directors have access to an educational allowance that allows their children to obtain quality education.

8 Organizational devotions and prayer times
Spiritual PASSION New manager training Organizational devotions and prayer times Technology Policy

9 Spiritual Ultimately, God is the one who builds leaders
PASSION – the PASSION acronym exemplifies the HOPE culture. Through prayer, allegiance, service, stewardship, innovation, optimism, and nurturing we are learning collectively to live like Christ. New manager training – by training our new managers in the 5 C model, we are creating an environment that upholds a culture that is focused on Christ, community, character, calling, and competency. HOPE devotions and prayer times – employees have an opportunity to gather together and pray four times a week through regular and consistent prayer and devotion times. Technology policy – at HOPE we believe in rest and encourage employees to observe the Sabbath. To this end, s should not be sent on Sundays whenever possible.

10 Experiential Housing assistance Expat vehicle loan policy
Milestone policy International insurance Performance Assessments Green card policy

11 Experiential Learning by doing, we grow through challenges.
Housing assistance policy – by providing housing assistance to our expat employees, we allow them to take on experiences working abroad that they may not have been otherwise able to do. Expat vehicle loan policy – HOPE understands that having a vehicle to utilize while living abroad allows employees and their families to experience areas outside of the immediate work area. Milestone policy - while serving a variety of specific purposes, milestone honors create an environment and work culture that employees want to engage in for the long term. These recognitions are designed to create remarkable experiences for our employees by showing appreciation, reminding them of our mission, and blessing them by investing in their dreams. International insurance – our MetLife insurance offers expats outstanding coverage to ensure that they are taking care of themselves physically to live out the calling that God has on their lives. Performance assessments – by establishing a consistent process for employees and managers to connect on performance we are ensuring that our employees are being challenged and given assignments that will provide growth through experience. Green card policy– this new policy provides non-US citizens working in the US the opportunity to obtain a green card with financial assistance from HOPE. Leviticus 19:34 teaches us to love foreigners as ourselves.

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