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Department of Surgery OSCE: Paediatric-, Plastic-& Vascular Surgery

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Surgery OSCE: Paediatric-, Plastic-& Vascular Surgery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Surgery OSCE: Paediatric-, Plastic-& Vascular Surgery
Answer all questions in written on the answer sheets provided Remember your name and student nr on each page The OSCE consists of 16 stations, 5 marks each, 5 minutes per station No cellphones,books or study material may be brouhgt into the examination venue.

2 Slide 1 – Question scroll down

3 Station 1 – Paediatric Surgery Question for slide 1
This photograph shows a fistula on the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. What is the diagnosis and the aetiology? Hierdie foto wys ‘n fistel op die voorkanste rand van die sternokleidomastoide spier. Wat is die diagnose en die etiologie? What are the possible complications and what is the treatment of choice in uncomplicated cases? Wat is die moontlike komplikasies en was is die behandeling van keuse in ongekompliseerde gevalle?

4 Station 2 – Paediatric Surgery QUESTION scroll down

5 Question for station 2. What is the diagnosis suggested by the X-ray? Wat is die diagnose volgens die X-straal? How do these babies classically present? Wat is die klassieke kliniese beeld waarmee hierdie babas presenteer? What are the referring doctors duties before transferring this baby for further tertiary care? Wat is die verwysende dokter se pligte voorda hy/sy hierdie baba vir tersiere sorg oorplaas?

6 Station 3 – Paediatric Surgery Question scroll down

7 Station 3 – Question/Vraag
What is the name of this abnormality? Wat is die naam van hierdie abnormalitiet Why is this condition clinically important? Hoekom is hierdie toestand klinies belangrik? What is the embryological explanation for this condition? Wat is die embriologiese verduideliking vir hierdie toestand

8 Station 4 – Paediatric Surgery Question scroll down

9 Question for station 4 What do you see on this abdominal X-Ray? Wat sien jy op hierdie buik X-Straal? What clinical signs is this newborn presenting with? Met watter kliniese tekens presenteer hierdie pasgeborene? Give a differential diagnosis (quite a few conditions can be the cause of this abnormal AXR) Gee ‘n differensiële diagnose (‘n paar toestande kan die oorsaak wees van hierdie abnormale X-Straal).

10 Station 5 – Paediatric Surgery Question scroll down

11 Question for Station 5 What is the diagnosis? Wat is die diagnose? What must you do before you transfer the patient? Wat moet jy doen voordat jy hierdie pasiënt oorplaas?

12 STATION 6 STASIE Plastic surgery
1. Name the diagnosis Gee die diagnose? 2. What other morphological types of this condition may be present. Noem ander morfologiese tipes van hierdie verskynsel wat teenwoordig kan wees 3. How would you treat it? Hoe sal u dit behandel?

13 STATION 7 STASIE Plastic Surgery
What type of wound is this and name one possible cause?Watter tipe wond is dit en noem ‘n moontlike oorsaak (1) Name the principles of management/Noem die beginsels van hantering (4)

14 STATION 8 STASIE Name the diagnosis/Gee die diagnose
Discuss the treatment/Bespreek die behandeling What additional workup will be required/Watter bykomende voorbereiding word vereis

15 STATION 9 STASIE Grade the depth of the burn injury/Watter graad van brandwonde is dit(1) What are the principles of management/Bespreek die beginsels van behandeling(4)

16 STATION 10 STASIE This child has been in a MVA (motor vehicle accident) He is fully conscious and systemically and neurologically normal. Question: What are the principals of management (5) Die kind was in ‘n motorongeluk. Hy is by sy volle bewussyn en sistemies en neurologies is daar geen afwykings. Vraag: Noem die beginsels van sy hantering(5)

17 Stasie / Station 11

18 Stasie / Station 12

19 Stasie / Station 13 A

20 B

21 C

22 D

23 Stasie / Station 14 PRE-KONTRAS RT / PRE-CONSTRAST CT
Abdominale Aorta / Abdominal aorta Nier / Kidney

24 Stasie / Station 15

25 Stasie / Station 16 A B 1

26 C 2

27 D E 3

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