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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENT WATER AND SANITATION PROJECT Copyright © 2011 CCAA Project By Neima Adamo."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Research Subject Analysis of the Environment Water Supply System and Sanitation 1. Research Subject Analysis of the Environment Water Supply System and Sanitation

3 1.1 Introduction Water is the most endangered natural resource in this century, either by lack of human care for its preservation, or for its waste in its various forms of exploitation and use. The PNCDA – National Programme for Water Waste Combat, defines that in the Public system, water loss is considered to be the volume of water not accounted for, which includes both physical loss, as the portion not consumed (originated from leaks in the system beginning from capture point up to utilization terminals as well as excessive unnecessary consumption), and non-physical loss as non-registered consumed water (resulting from illegal or non-registered connections that lead to loss of billing) 1.1 Introduction Water is the most endangered natural resource in this century, either by lack of human care for its preservation, or for its waste in its various forms of exploitation and use. The PNCDA – National Programme for Water Waste Combat, defines that in the Public system, water loss is considered to be the volume of water not accounted for, which includes both physical loss, as the portion not consumed (originated from leaks in the system beginning from capture point up to utilization terminals as well as excessive unnecessary consumption), and non-physical loss as non-registered consumed water (resulting from illegal or non-registered connections that lead to loss of billing)

4 This research project in Water Supply Systems, is intended to assess the number of houses that have access to potable water, sanitation and how is the maintenance of these services done as in terms of hygiene and care required with black waters caused by rain, identify the leaking points of origin in the system is the reason to be of this research project carried out in the Municipal District of KaMaxaquene in Maputo city. Thus, the need to inform, sensitize, build and strengthen the capacity of the communities, relevant actor involved in in local development to respond to these challenges by exploring and reevaluating the sustainability of the strategies and policies in place.

5 1.3 Objectives General The project aims in analyzing the water supply system and environmental sanitation in neighborhood of Maxaquene A. Specific objectives Describe the process of distribution of the water in the neighborhood of Maxaquene A; Assess the impact of the difficulties in accessing potable water; Identify the main points of water loss and respective causes and Assess the existing conditions to minimize black waters. 1.3 Objectives General The project aims in analyzing the water supply system and environmental sanitation in neighborhood of Maxaquene A. Specific objectives Describe the process of distribution of the water in the neighborhood of Maxaquene A; Assess the impact of the difficulties in accessing potable water; Identify the main points of water loss and respective causes and Assess the existing conditions to minimize black waters.

6 1.2 Assertion of the Problem In the Municipal District of KaMaxaqueni, particularly in the neighbourhoods of Maxaquene A is composed by poor communities with a distinct socioeconomic vulnerable characteristic where the conditions of water supply are very precarious. What are the difficulties in operationalizing the service in many water supply systems in Maputo? 1.2 Assertion of the Problem In the Municipal District of KaMaxaqueni, particularly in the neighbourhoods of Maxaquene A is composed by poor communities with a distinct socioeconomic vulnerable characteristic where the conditions of water supply are very precarious. What are the difficulties in operationalizing the service in many water supply systems in Maputo?

7 1.4 Justification The research area limit of this project in the District of KaMaxaqueni, specifically the neighborhood of Maxaquene A for being affected by a variety of environmental problems, resulting from extreme (rain, wind that not only modify the landscape of the area, but the leaving conditions as well). 1.4 Justification The research area limit of this project in the District of KaMaxaqueni, specifically the neighborhood of Maxaquene A for being affected by a variety of environmental problems, resulting from extreme (rain, wind that not only modify the landscape of the area, but the leaving conditions as well).

8 How? When rain falls, because the neighborhood has a low slope landscape with agglomerated houses, most of the area becomes flooded with black waters, which are propitious for the proliferation of illness causing vectors, affecting mostly the children that due to the absence of playgrounds, gather to play around the puddles, waste and drain. Additionnaly the existence of a large number of water pipes positioned underground or on the surface area that present several breaking points letting the water leak naturally, enhancing the fact that some of these breaking points are cut out by individuals that for different reasons seek for water.

9 Considering these aspects and safeguard the environmental health, quality of the water distribution services for human consumption, it is important to launch a research study in control and maintenance of the services rendered, optimizing the cost/benefit relation with economic consciousness.

10 1.5 Research Question Considering the different environmental impacts exposed in the city of Maputo, what are the positive aspect under this problem and how to contribuite to improve the access of potable water in these city? What are the measures or strategies adopted by the Government to mitigate the problems inherent from the lack of water in the city of Maputo? What are the strategic plans implemented by the Mozambican Government in the negotiations taken during the process of distribution of water and prevention of human health related to water? What activities are being implemented in order to minimize the existence of black waters? 1.5 Research Question Considering the different environmental impacts exposed in the city of Maputo, what are the positive aspect under this problem and how to contribuite to improve the access of potable water in these city? What are the measures or strategies adopted by the Government to mitigate the problems inherent from the lack of water in the city of Maputo? What are the strategic plans implemented by the Mozambican Government in the negotiations taken during the process of distribution of water and prevention of human health related to water? What activities are being implemented in order to minimize the existence of black waters?

11 2 Local context 2.1 Geographical position The Municipal District Ka Maxaqueni, city of Maputo is situated in middle of 3 districts. It shares its North boarder with the Municipal District KaMavota, through the Av. of the FPLM, the South boarder with the Municipal District of Kamfumo, in the Av. Marein Ngouambi and Joaquin Chissano, the West border with Municipal District KaChamankulo, in the Av. of Angola and East boarder with Municipal District KaMpfumo, through the Av. Marginal. 2 Local context 2.1 Geographical position The Municipal District Ka Maxaqueni, city of Maputo is situated in middle of 3 districts. It shares its North boarder with the Municipal District KaMavota, through the Av. of the FPLM, the South boarder with the Municipal District of Kamfumo, in the Av. Marein Ngouambi and Joaquin Chissano, the West border with Municipal District KaChamankulo, in the Av. of Angola and East boarder with Municipal District KaMpfumo, through the Av. Marginal.

12 The District the population number is approximately 223.688; the neighborhood of Maxaquene A has approximately 22.733 habitants, of which 11,074 are men and 11,659 are women. (III RGPH, 2007). It is important to mention that the studying area boarders are the Municipal quarter of Mavalane Bin the North, Municipal quarter of Malhangalene in the South, Municipal quarter of Urbanização in the West and Municipal quarter of Maxaquene B in the East side.

13 3. Methodology This research is based on the quantitative model that will be used in the process of collecting and interpreting numerical data and qualitative, when seeking perception and understanding about the general nature of a certain question, thus interpreting the observed phenomenon, where the researcher try to understand the behavior and attitude like for example cutting out water pipes that result in non-registered consumption of water and consequently a loss of billing. The loss of water during the capitation process, the contamination of the water table eutrophication is lead mainly by human intervention in its biotic environment. 3. Methodology This research is based on the quantitative model that will be used in the process of collecting and interpreting numerical data and qualitative, when seeking perception and understanding about the general nature of a certain question, thus interpreting the observed phenomenon, where the researcher try to understand the behavior and attitude like for example cutting out water pipes that result in non-registered consumption of water and consequently a loss of billing. The loss of water during the capitation process, the contamination of the water table eutrophication is lead mainly by human intervention in its biotic environment.

14 3.1. Research Approach The bibliographic research will be fundamentally through books and magazines aiming to place the researcher informed on past events, thus draw a theory about the subject(PADUA, 2004); Documental analysis, that consist in reports, archives and other publications about the subject; Action research that is a typical social research approach with empiric base, conceived and carried out in relation to an action or resolution of a collective problem, in which the representative participants are involved in a cooperative and participative manner (THIOLLENT, 1986); Internet research 3.1. Research Approach The bibliographic research will be fundamentally through books and magazines aiming to place the researcher informed on past events, thus draw a theory about the subject(PADUA, 2004); Documental analysis, that consist in reports, archives and other publications about the subject; Action research that is a typical social research approach with empiric base, conceived and carried out in relation to an action or resolution of a collective problem, in which the representative participants are involved in a cooperative and participative manner (THIOLLENT, 1986); Internet research

15 4. Population and Sample 4.1. Population The research presents as its population universe, all residents of the Municipal District KaMaxaquene, and has as target group the young and old habitants of Maxaquene A quarter because they are directly affected, vulnerable, exposed to extreme events, strong and intelligent. Thus promote the readjustment of consciences and capacities spreading throughout the speech of a sustainable development. 4. Population and Sample 4.1. Population The research presents as its population universe, all residents of the Municipal District KaMaxaquene, and has as target group the young and old habitants of Maxaquene A quarter because they are directly affected, vulnerable, exposed to extreme events, strong and intelligent. Thus promote the readjustment of consciences and capacities spreading throughout the speech of a sustainable development.

16 4.1.1 Sample The population of the Municipal District of KaMaxaqueni, quarter A that is composed for 60 blocks, where each block has 40 houses approximately. We will work with a part of the block 56, 53, 54 being target of interview only young and adult residents from 10 houses per block since these populations are exposed to environment problems related to water and sanitation. 4.1.1 Sample The population of the Municipal District of KaMaxaqueni, quarter A that is composed for 60 blocks, where each block has 40 houses approximately. We will work with a part of the block 56, 53, 54 being target of interview only young and adult residents from 10 houses per block since these populations are exposed to environment problems related to water and sanitation.

17 Criteria for selection of sample The presentation of project to the legal Secretary authority of the quarter and through the commentaries to adjust some unidentified points; Through the inquiries identify the existent level of knowledge among the population relatively to sanitation of the environment. Criteria for selection of sample The presentation of project to the legal Secretary authority of the quarter and through the commentaries to adjust some unidentified points; Through the inquiries identify the existent level of knowledge among the population relatively to sanitation of the environment.

18 Instrument of data collection Inquiry; Questionnaire; Interview and Direct observation made during the interview. Instrument of data collection Inquiry; Questionnaire; Interview and Direct observation made during the interview.

19 5 Expected results Consciousness of the target group about rational management of water; Aquire basic knowledge about mitigation and adaptation mechanism; Greater involvement and unification of the community in the resolution of problems that affect them; Sustainable use of hydric resources; Less waste of water during the process of capitation; 5 Expected results Consciousness of the target group about rational management of water; Aquire basic knowledge about mitigation and adaptation mechanism; Greater involvement and unification of the community in the resolution of problems that affect them; Sustainable use of hydric resources; Less waste of water during the process of capitation;

20 New policies that respond to the problems related to puddle waters, and consequently less deseases; Less ignorance in relation to small issues, but with greater consequences; Support the interaction and dynamic information system in order to strengthen their own empiric knowledge. New policies that respond to the problems related to puddle waters, and consequently less deseases; Less ignorance in relation to small issues, but with greater consequences; Support the interaction and dynamic information system in order to strengthen their own empiric knowledge.

21 6 Appendix

22 Figure 1 and 2: Water pipes breaking points, in one of the streets of block 58.

23 Figure 3 and 4: Children playing close to water puddles with residual waters from rain

24 5 Modification of the landscape, trying to gain the life in precarious situations

25 Figure 6: Illegaly breached pipes to take off water for the domestic consumption

26 6. Bibliographic References UNESCO, 2005. UN Decade of education for sustainable Development. International implementation Scheme (draft). 2005-2014: 53pp. SCHMIDT, L. et all, 2006. Década das nações unidas da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável, Contributo para a sua dinâmica em Portugal. Comissão nacional de UNESCO. 36pp. 2005-2014; DUARTE, Marcos; Uma visão sobre formas de pesquisas, São Paulo editora, 2000. BERNARDO, L. Di.1993.Método e Ténica de Ttratamento de Água, editora Rio de Janeiro. Jornal a-verdade, Sem água não há Vida, 8 de Julho de 2011. 6. Bibliographic References UNESCO, 2005. UN Decade of education for sustainable Development. International implementation Scheme (draft). 2005-2014: 53pp. SCHMIDT, L. et all, 2006. Década das nações unidas da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável, Contributo para a sua dinâmica em Portugal. Comissão nacional de UNESCO. 36pp. 2005-2014; DUARTE, Marcos; Uma visão sobre formas de pesquisas, São Paulo editora, 2000. BERNARDO, L. Di.1993.Método e Ténica de Ttratamento de Água, editora Rio de Janeiro. Jornal a-verdade, Sem água não há Vida, 8 de Julho de 2011.

27 Thank you Live in peace with the environme nt…. 27

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