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1. About HYSEO HYSEO is a French company, created in 2008, located in Toulouse and dedicated to the development of innovative projects aiming at the self.

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2 About HYSEO HYSEO is a French company, created in 2008, located in Toulouse and dedicated to the development of innovative projects aiming at the self sufficient generation of energy and water HYSEO have a recognized expertise in Engineering, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of sustainable infrastructures HYSEO combines successful experiences in Solar Energy, Hydraulic Energy and Wind Energy to develop integrated solutions for Public infrastructures, Power Generating companies, small & medium Industries, Private infrastructures HYSEO is a key player in photovoltaic projects in the agricultural world : 150 MW of photovoltaic power already implemented, Excellent ROI on sustainable infrastructures Supported by reliable investors such as EDF group Visit our website at : 2

3 Our Values Capitalize on our return on experience to develop improved systems leading to low cost renewable energy production Integrate the ultimate state of the art technologies to create all in one packages for final users. Examples : combining solar energy generation with water treatment technology, urban lighting with integrated batteries, … Study and develop low cost maintenance systems to reach the self sufficiency objective Distribute among worldwide partners some self sufficient products able to generate clean energy and pure water with no short cut 3

4 A rising demand of water The world's water consumption rate is doubling every 20 years. By the year 2025 water demand should exceed supply by 56%. Agriculture is the highest consumer of water but high purity water is usually requested by remote population Lack of fresh water reduces economic development and lowers living standards Seaside micro urban communities are attracting everyday more population Water Consumption by regionsWater consumption by category of use 4

5 A solution by HYSEO A R&D partnership between HYSEO and INSA University of Toulouse An innovative solution mixing solar energy proven experience and water desalination ultimate technology Effective mineral and salt removal converts previously unusable waters to high-purity resources for drinking, irrigation or industrial process uses. To provide an economical and sustainable solution called SWRO (Salted Water Reverse Osmosis) TO SUPPLY CONTINUOUSLY PURIFIED WATER TO 30-70 PERSONS PER UNIT IN A TOTALLY SELF SUFFICIENT MODE 5

6 Process Technology (1) 6

7 Process methodology 7

8 Conditions for installation 1 bulk equivalent to a 10 shelter easy to handle and install Ruggedized equipment to handle salty weather conditions Request of a basic network of water distribution (or tank) One person requested for operation (operator level) Support & maintenance - Installation & training for operation - Remote assistance for 1 st and 2 nd level of maintenance Plug & Play System 8

9 Benefits for users HYSEOs projects provide small size 5 cubic meter/day plants An autonomous design with modest maintenance needs Batteries stored energy to supply power 24H/24. Long life cycle batteries (LiFePO) to solve the traditional problems of storage Clean and silent operation with no harmful emissions when powered by solar energy 9

10 Where for In remote regions near an available salt water or brackish water source (close proximity to sea or ocean water) For organizations and relief agencies working to bring fresh drinking water to developing countries At remote exploration sites by companies and government agencies to meet the water needs of their employees and staff By individuals interested in implementing green design technology in their surroundings By anyone interested in achieving independence from local water authorities To remove undesirable inorganic salts and elements as well as low molecular weight organics 10

11 Conclusion Independent operation Solar power provides clean renewable energy Storage of reliable power supply Space saving design Moderate price Fully scalable for varying requirements Drinking water dispensing system Any request for information, please contact us at : 11


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