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Unit 5 Antebellum (Pre – Civil War) America The search for TRUE Core Democratic Values (Liberty, Equality, Voting) for Everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Antebellum (Pre – Civil War) America The search for TRUE Core Democratic Values (Liberty, Equality, Voting) for Everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Antebellum (Pre – Civil War) America The search for TRUE Core Democratic Values (Liberty, Equality, Voting) for Everyone

2 What are 5 of the biggest social problems that exist in America today?
Warm Up Discussion ? What are 5 of the biggest social problems that exist in America today?

3 Reforming American Society
Chapter 14.3

4 The Second Great Awakening
religious movement that swept across the country to reawaken the importance of faith and GOD in society. Its a Revival!

5 The Second Great Awakening
Appeals to “equality loving” people who want to change the country for the better

6 The Second Great Awakening
Focus on reforming the problems of: Slavery Alcohol Abuse Education Care for all people

7 The Temperance Movement
Problem to Reform: Alcohol Abuse

8 The Temperance Movement
Movement to stop the drinking of Alcohol in the belief that it contributed to many of societies problems.

9 The Temperance Movement
They placed a special emphasis upon the importance of Family Life and the negative effects that alcohol abuse can have upon it.


11 Worker Rights Problem to Reform: Labor (work) Conditions

12 Worker Rights Fought for:
shorter work hours, safer work conditions, and higher wages

13 Worker Rights Created Labor Unions-
a group of workers who band together to seek better working condition

14 Education Problem to Reform: Better Schools

15 Education Led by Horace Mann Calls public education the
“Great Equalizer”

16 Why would he call education a
“Great Equalizer”

17 Education Education was essential to
Ensure a functional Democracy (intelligent voters) Transitioning Immigrates Creating a strong workforce

18 How did it go? By 1850 Northern States open many public elementary schools 1st high school Boston Churches and Institutions begin to build private schools

19 How did it go? In the North:
It was rare for women and African Americans to attend college In the South it was illegal to educate slaves.

20 Care for the Needy Major reform changes were made to accommodate the needs of The Mentally Ill The Deaf and Blind Prison Rehabilitation Preparing people to live useful lives after their release from prison.

21 On the bottom, answer one of the following questions..
Do you think that it would be possible to have another great awakening in today's society? If so, what is one of the major problems it could fix and how would it do it? What do you think Horace Mann would think about today's public education system? (Is education today still the great equalizer) What are two things he would like about it and two things he would think went completely wrong?

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