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Latin & Greek Roots Unit Four.

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1 Latin & Greek Roots Unit Four

2 PECC From the Latin word ‘peccare’ or ‘peccatum’ To sin, to be flawed

3 Words from “pecc” Peccadillo Noun; A small sin or fault
Leonard grew so irritated by his roommate's peccadilloes that he threatened to move out.

4 Words from “pecc” Impeccable Adjective; Having no flaws
Oliver’s impeccable comic timing made him the center of every party Synonym: perfect antonym: flawed

5 Words from “pecc” Peccant Adjective; Violating a moral law; sinful
The seamstress was exiled from the colony for her supposedly peccant morals.

6 Pej, pair From the Latin word ‘pejor’ Worse

7 Words from “pejor” Pejorative
Adjective; Negative and critical; insulting Mosheh was clearly disturbed by the pejorative comments used in the review of his latest album. Synonym: belittling, derogatory Antonym: praising

8 Words from “pejor” Impair
Verb; To cause to diminish, as in strength, values, or quality A new report claims that many prescription drugs will severely impair one’s ability to operate a vehicle. Synonym: harm Antonym: fix

9 Mal From the Latin word ‘malus’ Bad

10 Words from “mal” Malign Verb; To speak of maliciously; insult
The pamphlet tried to help the incumbent win the re-election race for city council by maligning the two opposing candidates Synonym: depreciate Antonym: praise

11 Words from “mal” Malinger
Verb; To pretend to be sick in order to avoid something Shannon malingered all day Friday because she hadn’t studied for her math test.

12 Words from “mal” Malaise Noun; A sense of unease; depression
One year after the crash of the stock market, the economy remains stuck in deep malaise. Synonym: boredom

13 neg From the Latin word ‘negare’, ‘negatum’, ‘neglegere’ To neglect

14 Words from “Neg” Negligent Adjective; Not properly attentive
Because the captain had been negligent in his malignance of the ship, the hull developed a leak. Synonym: Careless Antonym: careful; attentive

15 Words from “Neg” Negligible Adjective; Unimportant; insignificant
Although the automobile accident was terrifying, actual damaged to the car was negligible. Synonym: Remote Antonym: significant

16 Words from “Neg” Negate Verb; to cancel the effect of; nullify
Donna feared that her years of gymnastics training would be negated by an accident during the competition Synonym: Deny; contradict Antonym: affirm

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