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Decisions and Recommendations for the

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1 Decisions and Recommendations for the
Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) CBS-16/Doc (2)

2 Decisions/Actions Required
Adopt draft Decision 5.4.1(2)/1 — Responsibilities of the oversight and review of OSCAR; Adopt draft Decision 5.4.1(2)/2 — OSCAR maintenance and resourcing; Adopt draft Recommendation 5.4.1(2)/1 — Submission and maintenance of WIGOS Metadata in OSCAR by Members; Adopt draft Recommendation (2)/2 — Training on OSCAR/Surface.

3 Draft Decision 5.4.1(2)/1 (Responsibilities of the oversight and review of OSCAR)
OSCAR is one of the five priorities of the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase EC-68: re-established ICG-WIGOS, ToR include coordination of further development of the WIR, with special emphasis on OSCAR; ICG-WIGOS-5: Task Team on OSCAR Development; ToR include overall coordination and leadership of OSCAR, in liaison with relevant CBS ETs; ICT-IOS-9: Recommendation regarding oversight and review of OSCAR; [The Commission …] decides to assign responsibility within CBS for the technical development of OSCAR as detailed in Table 1 of the Annex to this Decision

4 Draft Decision 5.4.1(2)/2 OSCAR maintenance and resourcing
Members [… urged …] to provide resources (WIGOS Trust Fund, seconded experts), to assist with the operational deployment of OSCAR/Surface, and to support the translation of guidance and manuals OSCAR/Requirements and OSCAR/Space play a key role in the RRR process The integration of OSCAR with the WIGOS Data Quality Data Monitoring System (WDQMS), will provide substantial benefits to Members; NFPs for OSCAR/Surface have a crucial role in its operational deployment

5 Draft Decision 5.4.1(2)/2 OSCAR maintenance and resourcing
[…] Secretariat [to] continue to carry out the function of maintenance and further development of the three components of OSCAR (OSCAR/Surface, OSCAR/Space, OSCAR/Requirements), and [to ensure] that contributions from Members to this effort be actively solicited, for example, in the form of secondments or financial resources to the WIGOS Trust Fund.

6 Draft Recommendation 5.4.1(2)/1 Submission of WIGOS metadata by Members
Per WIGOS Regulatory Material (WIGOS Metadata Standard), WMO Members obligated to exchange mandatory and conditional WIGOS metadata for observations that are exchanged internationally Members requested to submit metadata to OSCAR/Surface, as this is the implementation layer of the WIGOS Metadata Standard Some Members operate own databases of WIGOS metadata for their observing systems; development of machine-to-machine interfaces for the exchange of metadata between existing databases and OSCAR is therefore essential

7 Draft Recommendation 5.4.1(2)/1 Submission and maintenance of WIGOS MD in OSCAR by Members
Recommends that Members submit to OSCAR all the WIGOS MD […] Urges JCOMM to ensure fully compliance with WIGOS Metadata Standard and facilitate ingestion of WIGOS metadata in its database […] Urges Members operating their own databases of WIGOS metadata to develop and implement procedures for the use of the machine to machine interfaces with OSCAR

8 Draft Recommendation 5.4.1(2)/2 Training on OSCAR/Surface
OSCAR/Surface is a new tool for WMO Members The period of transition from WMO no. 9, Vol. A, to OSCAR/Surface runs from May 2016 to the end of 2017 Operational uptake of OSCAR/Surface critical to success of WIGOS At this point still only a few WMO Members have received any training on the use of OSCAR/Surface OSCAR training is therefore a high priority item

9 Draft Recommendation 5.4.1(2)/2 Training on OSCAR/Surface
Recommends: Adoption of the Training Plan for OSCAR/Surface […] The Secretary General to: (a) Develop training materials, specially e-learning modules on OSCAR/Surface; (b) Develop and deliver OSCAR/Surface training events to Members; (3) Regional associations to contribute to the effort […] (4) The WMO ETR Department to work closely with the RTC and WIGOS Project Office to organize and deliver training events according to the OSCAR/Surface Training Plan Urges Members to contribute to this effort [… via …] expertise and resources

10 Thank you

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