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Beamstrahlung Monitor

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Presentation on theme: "Beamstrahlung Monitor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beamstrahlung Monitor

2 A 3GEM Beamstr. Monitor 10 cm 2.4 cm 2.4 cm 64 pads 10 cm A triple GEM 10x10 cm2 has been built with a 64 pixel 3 x3 mm2 The read out has been realized using 8 chip ASDQ (8 channel each) Actually non more than 64 channel readout is possible;

3 Pictures Calorimeter 3GEM lead

4 Analysis run 1381 (1-4-07) several channels masked due to high noise level

5 Analysis run 1383 y x # hits y x x y time

6 Time profile hits number in 10 msec

7 Run 1414 (5-4-07 19:35) Improvements on grounding 1 2 3 4 1 2

8 Luminometer

9 Luminometer detail

10 PCB with pads : two solutions
channel 200 mm channel

11 frames

12 GEM foil

13 GEM foils

14 details of discharges Discharges with chamber powered at 1370 with Ar CO2 CF4:

15 details of discharges Discharges with chamber powered at 1340 with Ar CO2 CF4:

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