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Will you come, will you come, With your poor broken heart,

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Presentation on theme: "Will you come, will you come, With your poor broken heart,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Will you come, will you come, With your poor broken heart,
Jesus Will Give You Rest Will you come, will you come, With your poor broken heart, Burdened and sin-oppressed? Lay it down at the feet of your Savior and Lord, Jesus will give you rest. O, happy rest, sweet, happy rest! Jesus will give you rest. (happy rest.) O, why won't you come in simple, trusting faith? Jesus will give you rest. 1-4 Words by Fanny J. Crosby / Music by John R. Sweney

2 Will you come, will you come, There is mercy for you,
Jesus Will Give You Rest Will you come, will you come, There is mercy for you, Balm for your aching breast; Obey Jesus your Lord, heed His ev'ry command, Jesus will give you rest. O, happy rest, sweet, happy rest! Jesus will give you rest. (happy rest.) O, why won't you come in simple, trusting faith? Jesus will give you rest. 2-4

3 Will you come, will you come, You have nothing to pay;
Jesus Will Give You Rest Will you come, will you come, You have nothing to pay; Jesus, who loves you best, By His death on the cross purchased life for your soul, Jesus will give you rest. O, happy rest, sweet, happy rest! Jesus will give you rest. (happy rest.) O, why won't you come in simple, trusting faith? Jesus will give you rest. 3-4

4 Will you come, will you come, How He pleads with you now;
Jesus Will Give You Rest Will you come, will you come, How He pleads with you now; Fly to His loving breast, And whatever your sin or your sorrow may be, Jesus will give you rest. O, happy rest, sweet, happy rest! Jesus will give you rest. (happy rest.) O, why won't you come in simple, trusting faith? Jesus will give you rest. 4-4

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