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DO NOW What do you think were the goals of the US in fighting the War of 1812? What do you think the goals of England were in fighting the War of 1812?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW What do you think were the goals of the US in fighting the War of 1812? What do you think the goals of England were in fighting the War of 1812?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW What do you think were the goals of the US in fighting the War of 1812? What do you think the goals of England were in fighting the War of 1812?

2 US Goals Acquire Canada Stop impressment Free trade on the open seas
↓ European influence in this hemisphere Worldwide respect ↓ Native influence

3 English Goals Get back the colonies? At least a Native buffer country?
Favorable trade agreement?

4 US Military Strengths Weaknesses Home-field advantage
7 million population to Canada’s 600k Nationalism Napoleon Weaknesses Size of army Small navy New England dissention

5 British Military Strengths Weaknesses Size/ $$ Canadian base
Naval blockades Natives Weaknesses Busy with Napoleon Who cares?

6 Early Fighting US attempts to attack Canada So much for that plan!!!
“ON TO CANADA”!!!!!! "The acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighbourhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching, and will give us experience for the attack of Halifax the next and the final expulsion of England from the American continent." – Thomas Jefferson Crushed in Niagara Falls, Lake Champlain, and Detroit Ft. Michilimackinac captured So much for that plan!!!

7 Where does it seem like most of the battles are taking place? Why?
Great Lakes Geography and natives

8 Washington D.C. 4,000 British troops arrive in Chesapeake
British attack and capture Washington D.C Capitol, White House burned down The hero of D.C.?? Dolly Madison!! End of the war? Wasn’t that important Small city Government evacuated and moved Baltimore up next!!

9 Battle of Baltimore Attack on Ft. McHenry
Largest US flag ever made on top of fort Merchant traders unite for defense Francis Scott Key- Star Spangled Banner Baltimore holds on

10 Star Spangled Banner O! say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


12 Naval Battles Not much fighting on the Atlantic.. Why?
We couldn’t compete/ naval blockade Great Lakes was main theatre 20-1 US outnumbered, but we hold our own Small ships faster, better control Naval Heroes Decatur/ Macdonough/ Oliver Hazzard Perry

13 Battle of New Orleans Importance Control of Miss. River
Cut off supplies Superhighway to the interior Fighting- 4,700 US vs. 11,000 British “General” Andrew Jackson US KICKS ASS!! 2,000 British casualties, 71 US 1 ½ hour slaughter

14 Important and Un-Important
Importance Andrew Jackson a national hero ↑ morale Nationalistic feelings Not Important Happened 2 weeks after the treaty to end the war was signed Jackson had volunteer ragtag army, they weren’t US regulars!

15 Treaty of Ghent John Quincy Adams/Henry Clay Brokered by Russia
Basically an armistice, not really a treaty All conditions that existed before the war, were restored WHO WON? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE??

16 Affect of War of 1812 ↑ nationalism End of the Federalist party
New US heroes ↑ American industry

17 Hartford Convention-1814-1815
New England states got together to talk of secession or separate peace with England Federalist party At least trade concessions Failed, and pretty much ended the Federalist party!!!


19 Enterprise vs. Boxer


21 War of 1812 Webquest

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