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“A Commitment to Excellence”

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1 “A Commitment to Excellence”
Code of Conduct 18-19 “A Commitment to Excellence”

2 Seahawk Tent – Homecoming 2018 October 19th



5 Chris Herren – Thank you CSH PTG, Seahawks BoosterClub and Focus

6 Accountability A championship team has hundreds of moving parts that must come together for your team to make a run for the whole thing, and creating a culture of athlete accountability is a big part of that. Perhaps the largest deciding factor in a healthy thriving team is the individual athlete's accountability to one another. If accountability is what helps a team achieve it's goal, then consequences for lack of accountability is where your season is won or lost. Every action has a corresponding consequence. Good or bad, the athletes need to know the entire menu of consequences for their actions. Including: Academics, Behavior in and out of school, practice and games

7 Leadership/Character

8 Leadership – role models for others
Character is who you are, not what you do. It is our hope to motivate and challenge you in becoming a better person no matter what you do or where you go in your future. You will be presented with some ideas, some principles and truths that will help you to be successful in life in terms of your character. Purpose: Learning to be a leader and working with a team is central to the mission of the school athletic programs. Varsity team captains are expected to model leadership, sportsmanship, and good citizenship to their teammates, competitors, and the school community. The Captain’s Council exists to support those varsity team captains in their role by assisting them to become more effective leaders.

9 Presenter: Sophia Taglich (Multi-Sport Athlete)
Playing at a high level requires a consistent effort to get better Individual Information: Sophia plays soccer, basketball and lacrosse. During JH she continued with her club sports as well. Better prepared me for HS sports by increasing her skill level and mental preparation, helped with her time management Unfortunate that there aren’t more 3 sport athletes – Specialization has become a Norm Student-athletes say they “need to focus on school” Studies show that athletes perform better academically in season

10 Value of the Multi-Sport Athlete Common
Young Athletes say they need to rest or focus on one sport for skill development – Fact: Multiple Sports are more effective Different sports activate different muscle groups Has the ability to make you faster ,stronger, and less prone to injury Develops a competitive edge and helps you deal with adversity More interactions with multiple people, friends, teammates, and coaches

11 Positives and Sacrifices – Multi Sport Athlete
Sacrifice Time Sacrifice exhaust a lot of energy You will gain friends you might not have met, Learn to deal with different coaching styles learn discipline, develop character, and understanding of time management Problem solve within team dynamics Develops confidence and self esteem You learn to deal with all different situations, some you wouldn’t experience if you don’t play multiple sports

12 Important take away from the athletic experience
My first desire was play basketball in college but if I didn’t continue other sports, I might not have developed other skills and maybe lost the opportunity that I do have which is to play collegiate lacrosse. You all should continuing playing and exploring your interests in every sport you can because you never know which you will grow to love The opportunity in JH and HS to play multiple sports might never happen again in college. Love playing the game, love the moment, love your friends and teammates There is nothing like representing your school, competing and going to battle with your friends. My thought for you, the opportunity is in front of you, take advantage of it while you can

13 How can positive leaders/teammates impact your team?
It's very important for leaders to be positive. Positive leadership drives a positive culture and atmosphere. It also helps drive the attitude to always get better This reminds me of Caroline Kiernan who was my captain in both soccer and basketball when I was a freshman. She was always positive no matter what the score was. Caroline created an energetic atmosphere at games and practices and drove people to work hard. Whenever I was mad at myself after a hard game she would always be there to say the right thing. Being positive not only makes you better but also the people around you better. It helps you overcome negativity and challenges you to perform at a higher level It teaches you to never give up Positive leaders set goals to create a team purpose That Purpose will be a common vision that will bring out the best in all of us

14 Why is a positive culture crucial in a sports team
It's crucial to have a positive culture in team sports A positive culture helps you succeed as an individual and as a team This culture creates a shared vision which will drive you forward This will help you overcome obstacles and any setbacks you encounter Last year in the long island championship game in lacrosse we versed Mt. Sinai. Although we were ahead by 6 goals at the start of the half Mt. Sinai was able to tie it up and force us into overtime. Because of our positive attitude and commitment to each other we didn't give up and won the game. We then achieved our ultimate goal and became state champs. Learning from your mistakes is a must and a positive attitude will help you never lose sight of your vision and ultimate goals

15 I read the powers of positive leadership by Jon Gordon
How Can you apply The Powers of Positive Leadership to school and to and your life. I read the powers of positive leadership by Jon Gordon I can apply this book to my life in many ways Having a positive outlook through school and throughout your life can only make you better Having an optimistic vision and setting up positive goals in school or even in personal life will help guide you to success The way to achieve these goals is through hard work and a determined attitude This attitude will drive you to never give up

16 How has this book changed your mindset
Jon Gordon’s book has changed my mindset on how I view my life The idea of having a vision and having a positive attitude to achieve it, makes sense to me As an individual, I can see myself following this attitude and outlook on life to help achieve my goals As a captain, I need to promote these ideas and know my team will respond and achieve our vision Our goals this year for girls varsity soccer, basketball, and lacrosse is the same, and that is to be state champs. I know it's going to be a long road but through hard work and a shared common vision we can achieve our goal

17 If you were in middle school, what do you wish a senior told you today
Looking back to when I was in Jr high these are some lessons I wish I heard from upperclassman Stay Positive Never give up Take chances Love what you are doing In the words of Jon Gordon the author of the powers of positive leadership “You need to love what you are doing. That love must be greater than the fear of failure” 

18 Decision Making and Choice
Ability to make sensible decisions – key characteristic of the mature adolescent Challenges of peer pressure Challenges of Time Management Decisions making may have an impact over one’s future in athletics Commitment Choices – may have consequences that can impact Health, academic standing, career, athletic standing and social acceptance

19 Expectations Behave in a manner that brings credit to the school, program, and/or team. Set a positive example by living a healthy lifestyle that includes refraining from the use and/or possession of alcohol, tobacco/Vaping products and all forms of illegal drugs. Take steps to prevent and not participate in any type of hazing or related initiation ceremony. Respect fellow teammates and others during the school day or at school-sponsored events whether on or off school property.

20 Vaping popular-teens

21 Experts are calling out a vape pen with 'scary' nicotine levels that teens love — here's how it affects the brain Nicotine is highly addictive and has a host of negative impacts on the developing brain — particularly in an area that's linked with decision making, emotions, and impulse control.

22 Communication Email Blasts through the School District
Schedule Star – Information on district website District Website – Weekly Schedule will be posted Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @cshathletics

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