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Submission rates workshop Department of Economics

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1 Submission rates workshop Department of Economics
Dr Arne Risa Hole

2 Background 29 registered PhD students ~1 student per member of staff
6 home 5 EU 18 overseas ~1 student per member of staff Students are based in a shared office in 9 Mappin Street

3 Trend in submission rates

4 Policies introduced to improve submission rates
Strict admissions criteria PGR research culture Progress monitoring

5 Strict admissions criteria
All potential acceptances interviewed by PGR director and potential supervisor Only accept students who are strong on paper and in interviews, and where there is a good match with the supervisor About 10% of applicants (~150 per year) are offered a place

6 PGR research culture New students are told that the normal completion time is 3 years Before students were expecting to take 4 years as the norm → many missed the target 'Roadmap' of a three year research programme given to students at induction Includes milestones to reach in order to submit after three years

7 Monitoring Internal 6 month 'light touch' progress reports
Arrangements for fourth year students: The PGR director has a discussion with student and supervisor at the start of the year Set out a research plan to submit before the 4 year deadline Three-monthly verbal progress reports by supervisors of fourth year students, to check they are on course with the workplan Students discouraged from leaving Sheffield to write-up elsewhere

8 Any questions?

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