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How Do You Respond to Jesus?

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1 How Do You Respond to Jesus?
Mark 3:7-12

2 Mark 3:7-9 7 Jesus withdrew to the sea with His disciples; and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and also from Judea, 8 and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon, a great number of people heard of all that He was doing and came to Him. 9 And He told His disciples that a boat should stand ready for Him because of the crowd, so that they would not crowd Him…

3 Mark 3:10-12 10 for He had healed many, with the result that all those who had afflictions pressed around Him in order to touch Him. 11 Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they would fall down before Him and shout, "You are the Son of God!" 12 And He earnestly warned them not to tell who He was.

4 How Do You Respond to Jesus?
Mark 3:7-12

5 Big Idea If we truly love Jesus and truly love His Word; then we love Him not only for how He died and rose again for us; but also for how He lived for us.

6 Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

7 I. The Popularity of Jesus
7 Jesus withdrew to the sea with His disciples; and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and also from Judea, 8 and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon, a great number of people heard of all that He was doing and came to Him. 9 And He told His disciples that a boat should stand ready for Him because of the crowd, so that they would not crowd Him… Mark 3:7-9

8 I. The Popularity of Jesus
We gain insight as to the immensity of Jesus’ daily ministry

9 Matthew 12:14-15 “14 But the Pharisees went out and conspired against Him, as to how they might destroy Him. 15 But Jesus, aware of this, withdrew from there. Many followed Him…”

10 John 11:47-48 “47 Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council, and were saying, “What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. 48 If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”

11 John 7:44-46 44 Some of them wanted to seize Him, but no one laid hands on Him. 45 The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why did you not bring Him?" 46 The officers answered, "Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks."

12 John 7:47-48 47 The Pharisees then answered them, "You have not also been led astray, have you? 48 "No one of the rulers or Pharisees has believed in Him, has he? 49 "But this crowd which does not know the Law is accursed."

13 I. The Popularity of Jesus
We gain insight as to the immensity of Jesus’ daily ministry We gain insight as to why Jesus was so popular

14 John 6:26 Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.”

15 Thoughts Is your interest in Jesus fueled by a concern for your soul?
Are you here because you desire to know everything you can about eternal life? Are you here simply because you love Jesus and you know that He has promised to be among His people? Are you interested in Jesus so that you might worship Him?

16 John 6:66-69 66 As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” 68 Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. 69 We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.”

17 I. The Popularity of Jesus
We gain insight as to the immensity of Jesus’ daily ministry We gain insight as to why Jesus was so popular We gain insight as to the context of the choosing of the Twelve We gain insight as to the compassion of the Son of God

18 The Problem of Humanity
Blind to the greatest human need Who is this Jesus?

19 How Do You Respond to Jesus?
Mark 3:7-12

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