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Online Testing System Assessment Viewing Application (AVA)

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Presentation on theme: "Online Testing System Assessment Viewing Application (AVA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Testing System Assessment Viewing Application (AVA)
Training Module Welcome to the Assessment Viewing Application (AVA) training module. AVA is a component of the Online Testing System that allows authorized users to view interim assessments for administrative or instructional purposes. This training module is designed to help you navigate the Assessment Viewing Application. Published: 10/30/18 This presentation contains a script in the notes section. If you are accessing this information with a screen reader, be sure you are reading the notes section as well as the text contained in the slides.

2 Objectives After viewing this presentation, you should understand how to: Log in to AVA Access the assessments Navigate through the test After viewing this presentation, you should understand how to: Log in to AVA Access the assessments Navigate through the test

3 Logging in to AVA To log in to AVA, you must have an authorized address and password, which is the same as the one you use for TIDE and the TA Interface. Contact your School Test Coordinator if you do not have a TIDE account. To log in to AVA, go to the WCAP Portal. Click the appropriate user role card. On the next page, click the Assessment Viewing Application system card. Enter your username and password, and then click Secure Login.

4 Logging in to AVA (cont.)
The system has an authentication process that will be triggered when you log in from a different device or browser, or after clearing your browser’s cache. If you see this screen, an containing the code will have automatically been sent to your address. Enter the code and click Submit. If you need the code resent, click Resend Code. When logging in to the system using a new device or browser, or after clearing the cache on a previously used browser, you will see an Enter Code page. If you see this screen, you will need to enter the code on this page within fifteen minutes of receiving the . If you do not receive a code or do not enter the code within the fifteen-minute time limit, click Resend Code. Click Submit after entering the authentication code to access the system.

5 Resetting Your Password
If you forget your password, you will need to reset it in order to access AVA. You may need to reset your password in the following situations: It is a new school year. You forget your password. Your activation link expired. Your account is locked because you exceed the account login attempt limit. To reset your password, click the Forgot Your Password link. You will be taken to the Reset Your Password page. Enter your address and click Submit.

6 Resetting Your Password (cont.)
Passwords must meet the following conditions: Be at least eight characters long. Contain at least one lowercase character. Contain at least one uppercase character. Contain at least one number. Contain at least one special character. Next, you will receive an with an activation link. After you click the activation link, you will be taken to the Reset Your Password page. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter a new password. The password must be at least eight characters long and must include at least one lowercase alphabetic character, one uppercase alphabetic character, one number, and one special character.

7 Step 1: Choose a Test Grade
After logging in, the Available Tests page appears. From the Grade Level drop-down list, select the desired student grade level.

8 Step 2: Choose a Test After choosing a grade, the Available Tests page will display the tests available for the selected grade level. From the Grade drop-down list, select the desired grade level to view the tests available for the selected grade. Next, click the test name you want to view. The test names use the following conventions: High school level test names start with “HS” ELA for English Language/Literacy Arts tests Math for math tests IAB for interim assessment blocks, with shortened versions of the content. For example, “LangVocab” is short for “language and vocabulary use” ICA for interim comprehensive tests PT for performance tasks CAT for computer adaptive tests; note the test is not currently adaptive. The Choose a Test Form page will appear.

9 Step 3: Confirming the Test
The Choose a Test Form page can display one or more test forms. For Washington, there should only be one test form available. If the Test Forms drop-down list is available, select the appropriate form. If the drop-down list is not available, verify that the correct test is listed in the Test Forms field. Click Next. If the test includes audio or video features, the Audio/Video Checks page will appear. If the test does not include audio or video features, the first page of the test appears.

10 Step 4: Audio Playback Check
If the test includes audio features, the Audio Playback check page appears. If the test does not include audio features, the first page of the test appears. The Audio Playback Check page allows you to verify the functionality of any audio features that the test may include. To perform the Audio Playback Check: Unmute the speakers on your computer, if necessary. Click the speaker icon. If you hear a sound, click I heard the sound. The first page of the test appears. If you do not hear a sound, click I did not hear the sound and consult your Technology Coordinator. Note: Just like in the Student Test system, the audio file must finish playing before you can click one of the buttons. The I heard the sound button will turn blue when the audio is done playing.

11 Understanding the Test Page
This slide displays a sample test page. AVA includes several on-screen tools, including global tools and context menu tools so you can get an idea of how students use the tools during the test. Global tools are those available on every page in the top banner. These include the Zoom, Pause, Back, and Next buttons. The context menu displays the tools available for that test item. For a detailed list of tools, consult your AVA User Guide.

12 Responding to Items This section describes how to navigate a test, pause a test, and complete a test review. When viewing a test, you can practice responding to the test items. You must respond to all the items on a page before advancing to the next page. Some pages may have only one item, and others may have multiple items. Any responses you enter will not be scored when you complete the test review. Review the Student Interface Module for more information about responding to items and moving through the test.

13 Navigating to Items You can navigate to items page-by-page or jump directly to an item’s page. To navigate page-by-page, click the Back or Next buttons at the top of the screen. To jump directly to an item page, select the appropriate item from the Questions drop-down list. The drop down selection options will on include items that have previously been answered. If items are grouped together, you can navigate back to each grouped item after you answer them by clicking the corresponding item button in the upper-right corner of the page.

14 Navigating to Items, Continued
In order to view the next item, all items on a page must be answered. If an item on a page is not answered, then this error message will appear.

15 Pausing Tests You may pause the test at any time. Pausing the test automatically logs you out of AVA. To return to the test, you must log in again and select the appropriate test again. To pause the test, click Pause in the banner. A pause test message will appear. Click Yes to confirm that you want to pause the test. As a security measure, you are automatically logged out and your test is paused after 20 minutes of inactivity. If you do not click OK within 30 seconds after this message appears you are logged out. This also pauses the test.

16 Finishing the Test Review
After viewing all the items in a test, the Finished button appears at the top of the page. Click Yes to complete the test and move to the review page, or click No to continue the test.

17 Reviewing Marked Items
After confirming in the Attention message, the Done entering data page appears. This gives you one more opportunity to review items. Note that if the test contains segments, you are only able to review items in the most recent segment of the test. To review items: Under Questions, click the item number you want to review. AVA displays that item. You can navigate through the test as you did when initially entering the responses. The Back, Next, Save, Pause, and Finished buttons are all available. Click Finish to return to the Done entering data page. To complete the review, click Submit Test.

18 Completing the Review After reviewing the items, AVA displays one last warning message. The Warning message gives you two options. Click No to return to the Done entering data page and click Yes to complete the test.

19 Logging Out The Done Reviewing Assessment page displays a confirmation that the test review is over. Click Log Out to return to the AVA login page. If you wish to review additional tests, you will need to re-log into AVA.

20 American Institutes for Research
Thank You! Further Information Washington Help Desk American Institutes for Research Tel For questions regarding state policy decisions and protocol, please contact OSPI at Thank you for taking the time to view this training module. For detailed information, consult the AVA User Guide located on the WCAP portal. Technical issues should be reported to the American Institutes for Research Washington Help Desk at or

21 Revision Log Updates to the Module after October 30, 2018 are noted below. Section Slide Description of Change Revision Date Blank If updates are needed throughout the school year, they will be outlined on this revision log and communicated in the WAW newsletter.

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