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Automatic Processing with GAMIT

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1 Automatic Processing with GAMIT

2 Overview Motivation for sh_gamit an automatic processing script
runs GAMIT from RINEX files to H-files How to set up sh_gamit Running sh_gamit Getting input correct makes runs more robust Options in sh_gamit User controls 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

3 Motivation for sh_gamit
Increase in amount of GPS data requires autonomous processing GAMIT uses many files sh_gamit manages them automatically Successful with both continuous and campaign data 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

4 What sh_gamit does Checks tables (e.g. polar motion/UT1) for valid time range Creates any directories that are needed. Begins execution in the processing directory. Get new tables by ftp if needed Checks orbit files by ftp if needed 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

5 What sh_gamit does (2) Finds raw data files and translates them into RINEX format using teqc Finds RINEX-format data files Gets any missing files from the ftprnx entries with ftp Creates a daily processing directory Creates links in day directory to data files Executes GAMIT run in day directory 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

6 What sh_gamit does (3) Plots one-way phase residuals and converted to images in GIF format optional GIF files are much smaller than postscript files Updates processing history file 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

7 What sh_gamit does (4) Sends an message to you (not Simon!) with important summary information number of sites disk space remaining best and worse RMS scatters RMS fit from GAMIT runs sites with large or no adjustments 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

8 What sh_gamit does (5) Compresses, archives or deletes intermediate files as selected by the user. Begins processing next day’s data Continues until fatal error or all requested days are processed. 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

9 What sh_gamit does not do
Estimate velocities The dishes Think 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

10 Basic example sh_gamit -d 1998 240 -orbit SIOF -expt emed -eops usno
process GPS data from day 240 of 1998 (Aug 28) use any data in the local rinex directory ftp data for sites specified by the user optionally scan multiple directories to find data use Final orbit estimate from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) use EOP data from US Naval Observatory (USNO) [IERS Bulletin A] Name the run “emed" identify files select data 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

11 Running sh_gamit List options sh_gamit -help
Select days of data to process -d yr days where yr and days are the data to be processed e.g., -d -s yr d1 d2 where d1 is start day and d2 is stop day to be processed e.g -r day where day is number of days before current date. 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

12 sh_gamit options -expt
4 char name of experiment/solution being run [Default expt] -orbit Type of orbit to use. [Default SIOF]. Optional second argument gives the day-of-year for the orbit if not the same as processing day -orbt 4 char ID for orbit files. [Default 4 char extracted from the orbit selected] -eops Name of EOP series to use. (bull_b, bull_a, etc.) [Default usno] 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

13 sh_gamit options (2) -sessinfo
Session - sampling interval, number of epochs, start time (default ) -rx_doy_plus n Search RINEX file names this many days into the future for current-day data -rx_doy_minus n Search RINEX file names this many days into the past for current-day data -xsite list List of sites to be excluded from the processing. 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

14 sh_gamit options (3) -netext <char>
add network suffix <char> to day directories. i.e. 035r -yrext add year prefix to day directories. Ie 1997_053 -pres Plot gamit residuals as skyplots <Y/N/E>. YES, NO, ELEV. [Default N] -nogifs Do NOT create skyplot GIF graphics files 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

15 sh_gamit options (4) -mailto -copt [file types]
Compress remaining files for each dayserve when d [Default x k autcln.out] -aopt [file types] Copy the specified files for each day to the directory specified by –archivepth -dopt [ file types] Delete specified files after processing each day. [Default c] -mailto Name of user and machine to send results summary. (e.g., 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

16 sh_gamit options (5) -snrres
Calculate theoretical phase residuals from SNR. Requires raw data or RINEX with valid SNR values. -noacc Do not exclude satellites base on accuracy codes in the .sp3 file. [Default exclude] -xver char 1-character x-file version (6th character of x-file). [Default is single-digit year] -noftp Use this option if no ftp download connections are available. 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

17 sh_gamit options (6) -remakex Y/C/N
Y - Remake x-files without checking. C - Remake x-file if orbit and are incompatible and all RINEX files are available [Default C] N - Don't remake x-files under any circumstances 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

18 sh_gamit options (summary)
Most of the sh_gamit options are not normally used and are related to processing old GPS data or reprocessing 'failed' days. Main options will be used in tutorial 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

19 Before running sh_gamit
Create and fill templates directory cd expt; cp -r ~/gg/templates . Modify your files cd expt/templates edit templates/process.defaults edit templates/sites.defaults Create and fill "local" data directories mkdir rinex mdir raw Ready to go 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

20 process.defaults Normally only needs a little modification:
Default mailto address Change directories where rinex and raw data may be found Change the paths to: gs (ghostscript) convert (ImageMagik program to convert postscript to gif images). These changes could be made permanently at each institution. They depend on machine setup) 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

21 sites.defaults File specifies other sites to be used in processing and how sites should be treated. Format: site expt options expt is 4-character code for experiment options given below Main options: ftprnx - ftp Rinex data ftpraw - ftp raw dat 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

22 Options in sites.defaults
localrx Used to name sites that should be used from local rinex directories. If given only these sites are processed from the found files xsite Used to name sites that should not be used or not used for certain time spans xstinfo Ignore this site while automatically updating file after successful solution If a site is not in this list, then information about the antenna type and height will be extracted from the RINEX file 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

23 How high was that antenna?
If the file is absent from the tables directory, then sh_gamit will use the header information from the RINEX file The file called guess_rcvant.dat will be used to translate the entries in the RINEX file to codes that GAMIT knows. If this fails, then GAMIT will stop 'fatally' Antenna height errors can be corrected downstream in GLOBK, but errors in identifying the antenna type can not be corrected (phase center variations) 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

24 Controlling GAMIT Two main files may need to be changed depending on data being processed sestbl. sets parameters for the sessions being processed sittbl. sets parameters for individual sites and defaults for sites Both files reside in the tables directory Links in day directories point to them. “Standard example” versions of these files are for regional, bias fixed solutions. 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

25 Apriori station coordinates
Estimating them is a multi-step process generated from GLOBK (.apr) format apriori file with positions and velocities for each day GAMIT reads L-file with geocentric spherical lat/long/radius but no time dependence Apriori coordinates need to be good (discussed Lecture 3) 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

26 Summary The sh_gamit script provides a robust method for processing GPS data automatically and autonomously Initial setup sometimes has problems, but once the first day of data runs without an error, the remaining days usually follow easily 28-Dec-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 2

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