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Energy Energy is the ability to do work or to move something

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Energy is the ability to do work or to move something"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Energy is the ability to do work or to move something
The unit of energy is the joule (J).

2 Types of Energy Heat energy Kinetic energy Sound energy
Light energy Electrical energy Magnetic energy Kinetic energy Potential energy Nuclear energy Chemical energy

3 Heat Energy Heat is a form of energy caused by the movement of particles in a substance. It causes a change in temperature.

4 Sound Energy Sound is a form of energy formed by vibrations (movement) of the air.

5 Light Energy Light is a form of energy that is visible and allows us to see. The speed of light equals 300,000,000 m/second. Nothing else travels faster than light, not even sound!

6 Electrical Energy Electrical energy is energy made available by the flow of electric charge

7 Magnetic Energy Magnetic energy is a type of energy that attracts certain types of metals.

8 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy of movement.

9 Potential Energy Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to it's position or shape.

10 Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is the energy that is released by joining (fusion) or splitting (fission) the atoms of certain substances eg. Uranium. The sun's energy comes from fusion of hydrogen to form helium.

11 Chemical Energy Chemical energy is the energy stored when atoms join together or bond. It is the energy in fuels and food.

12 Sources of Energy There are 2 main sources of energy:
Non – Renewable sources which are those that can't be reused and will run out eventually. Renewable sources which can be used over and over again and will not run out.

13 Non – Renewable Energy Non – renewable sources are also called fossil fuels. They are made from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Examples are: Coal Oil Gas

14 Advantages of fossil fuels
Cheap and readily available at the moment. Very efficient at producing electricity. Easy to use. Disadvantages of fossil fuels Contributing to the warming of the planet, or global warming Causes pollution such as acid rain Potential source of global political unrest.

15 Renewable Energy Sunlight – using solar cells to trap the sun's energy. Hydroelectric power makes electricity by using the energy from falling water. Wind power can drive a turbine with a propeller and make electricity. Biofuels are fuels that are made from plants, for example ethanol made from sugarcane.

16 Wave power can also drive generators but this is still a very new idea.
Tides, that is when the sea goes up and down twice a day - can drive generators. Biogas (methane) for cooking and heating can be made from human sewage and farm animals' waste. Geothermal energy is energy tapped from inside the Earth.

17 Advantages Disadvantages Can be reused. Less efficient.
Less maintenance. Raw materials are free. Doesn't cause pollution. Disadvantages Less efficient. Often weather dependant. Very expensive to set up.

18 Conserving Energy Can you think of any ways to save energy in your eveyday life? Turn off appliances when not in use. Reduce your thermostat. Wash clothes at 30oC. Make sure the dishwasher is full. Choose energy efficient appliances. Insulate attics and walls.

19 Energy Conversions Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted to other forms. Examples: Light bulb: electrical energy to heat energy to light energy. Electric kettle: electrical energy to heat and sound energy.

20 Door Bell: electrical energy to magnetic energy to kinetic energy to sound energy.
Solar calculator: light energy to electrical energy. Car: chemical energy to kinetic and heat energy.

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