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“Oh it is at a fearful expense that ministers are allowed to enter the pulpit without being preceded, accompanied, and followed by the earnest prayers.

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Presentation on theme: "“Oh it is at a fearful expense that ministers are allowed to enter the pulpit without being preceded, accompanied, and followed by the earnest prayers."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Oh it is at a fearful expense that ministers are allowed to enter the pulpit without being preceded, accompanied, and followed by the earnest prayers of the church. It is no marvel that the pulpit is so powerless, and ministers so often disheartened when there are so few to hold up their hands.

3 The consequence of neglecting this duty is seen and felt in the spiritual declension of the church, and it will be seen and felt in the everlasting perdition of men.” Gardiner Spring


5 II Tes. 3:1-2 “Verder, broers, bid vir ons, sodat die woord van die Here vinnig mag versprei en oral in ere gehou mag word soos by julle. Bid ook dat ons van verkeerde en slegte mense verlos word, want nie almal is gelowiges nie.”

6 Rom. 15:31 “Stry saam met my deur vir my te bid dat God my veilig mag hou tussen al die ongelowiges in Judea en dat my hulp aan Jerusalem aanvaarbaar mag wees vir die gelowiges daar.”

7 Rom. 15:32 “En as dit die wil van God is, sal ek vol blydskap na julle toe kom om 'n tydjie by julle te rus.”

8 Ef. 6:19 “Bid ook vir my dat wanneer ek preek, God my die woorde gee dat ek die geheimenis van die evangelie met vrymoedigheid kan bekend maak.”

9 I Kor. 9:27 “Maar ek oefen my liggaam en bring dit onder beheer, sodat ek nie ander tot die stryd oproep en self nie kwalifiseer nie.”

10 “Bretheren, pray for us, that we may be kept from sin; that we may walk carefully, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time; that our hearts may be more devoted to God and our lives a more impressive example of the Gospel we preach” Gardiner Spring

11 Hebr. 13:18 “Hou aan om vir ons te bid, want ons is daarvan oortuig dat ons gewete skoon is, omdat ons in elke opsig probeer doen wat reg is.


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