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Network Approaches John D. Prochaska, DrPH, MPH

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1 Network Approaches John D. Prochaska, DrPH, MPH
UTMB Department of Preventive Medicine & Community Health

2 Learning Objectives To define a network and discuss the utility of analyzing networks rather than isolated individuals To present examples of networks in real-world applications To summarize key network measures commonly implemented in network analysis

3 What is a Network? A structure made up of a set of actors and the dyadic ties among the actors Examples include Social networks Organizational networks Information networks Complex networks of all of the above

4 Why do Network Analysis
Researched to understand the nature of relationships among actors, nodes, or other agents or organizations

5 Components of a Network?
Notes (or vertices) Ties (or edges) Strong (bi-directional, reciprocal) Weak (uni-directional) Pendants Isolates Attribute Data Relational Data

6 The Internet in 2005

7 Spatial Network Network of Facebook Friends circa Source: Wikimedia

8 Epidemiology / Disease Outbreak

9 Types of Relationships
Similarities Membership Same attitudes towards Spatial location Social Relations Friend of Knows about Relative of Interactions Talked to Helped Flows Information Beliefs Personnel Resources

10 Network Measures - Individuals
Density Centrality Total degree In degree Out degree Closeness Betweeness

11 Network Measures – Network Level
Size Network density Network centrality Reciprocity Efficiency

12 Applications – Faculty Collaboration
Faculty Members that Attend Meetings Together

13 Applications – Faculty Collaboration
Same Group of Faculty Members that Develop Grant Proposals Jointly

14 Applications – Faculty Collaboration
Same Group of Faculty Members that Publish Together

15 Issues to Consider Who completes the survey and who do they represent
What are the boundaries of the network Sampling

16 Summary Examining networks provides key insight into the workings of a the larger system Provides information beyond what can be gained by examining individuals as separate units Can provide critical information for improving communication, collaboration, and efficiency

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