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Patient Lookup Window
Lesson Objectives In this lesson you will learn:
How to conduct a thorough Patient lookup The differences between selecting Patient Lookup in Scheduling & Registration The established CHS Patient Search Criteria The meaning of an EPI indicator when listed on the Patient ID table
Patient Lookup Window – Appointment Desk
The Patient Lookup Window can appear on the screen if you select from any of the following Epic desktop locations: The Appointments icon on the toolbar (Ctrl + 1), or from within the Epic Button selections.
Patient Lookup Window – Appointment Desk
The Patient Lookup window is used for accessing patient records. It can be opened from different locations on the Epic Desktop. The Patient Lookup window will take you to various parts of the patients’ record (i.e. to the appointment desk for scheduling an appointment, to full or view only Registration, and Billing). Note: The ability to access different sections of a patient’s record is based on user security.
Patient Lookup Window – Appointment Desk
The Patient Lookup Window can appear on the screen if you select from any of the following Epic desktop locations: The Appointments icon on the toolbar, press Ctrl + 1 or from within the Epic Button selections.
Patient Lookup Window – Appointment Desk
Type the patient information into the Name/ID field (use Medical Record Number, or the first 3 letters of the last name, comma, the first 3 letters of the patient’s first name). Click “Find Patient” button. The Patient Select window displays all patients with a similar name. If more than 50, they may not be in alphabetical order. You can click Pat Name column header to sort by name.
Patient Lookup Window – Appointment Desk
The Appointment Desk is specific to each patient. It contains a list of Future and Past Appointments (yellow portion at the bottom), and information placed into the registration record (Appointment Desk Display Area in white)
Patient Lookup Window – How to conduct a thorough Patient Search
The most efficient way to look up a patient record is searching by their Medical Record Number. If you do not have the MRN available, conduct a search using the first 3 letters of the patient’s last name followed by a comma and the first 3 letters of the patient’s first name. If no match is found, enter the first 3 letters of the last name and enter the date of birth.
NAME/MRN You can use the Name/MRN field by itself to look up a patient’s record by entering any of the following: Type in the known Patient ID# such as: Epic ID HMRN ChartCare No prefix is required.
NAME/MRN (continued) If you do not have the patients MRN, then type the first 3 letters of the patient’s last name, comma, first 3 letters of the first name. This is known as a 3,3 search. Click on the ‘Find Patient’ button.
NAME/MRN (continued) You can conduct a search for a patient by telephone number by entering the letters ph. followed by the patient’s ten digit telephone number in the Name/MRN field as displayed here (ph ). Ph
NAME/MRN (continued) Family name/number search can be used by entering the letter “f. followed by the known family number or name, e.g. F or F.Thomas Note: Family numbers are used only at specific practices.
NAME/MRN (continued) The alias of a patient can be used, e.g. maiden name or preferred name if it has been listed in the patient’s registration record and displays an AKA entry in the patient ID table.
NAME/MRN (continued) Patient’s Date of Birth (DOB)-- enter a “dob” in the Name/ID field followed by a period. Enter the child’s DOB, e.g. dob (resulting list is specific for that date only).
NAME/MRN (continued) The Name/ID field can be used to look up the patient by social security number by typing “ss.” followed by the numbers (e.g. ss ). The social security number field can also be used to lookup the patient.
NAME/MRN (continued) Patient search by account name:
You can also search for a patient by guarantor account name. In the Name/MRN field, enter the letter “a”. Enter a period Enter the last name of the guarantor (remember to search with both parent’s names). Click on the Find Patient button (e.g. a.Thomas will return all guarantors with the last name Thomas)
NAME/MRN (continued) Patient search by account number:
A. followed by the known account number (A ; this search criteria will look for all patients attached to the target guarantor account. You can then select the correct patient from the Patient Select display. Steps to Select: Highlight the patient’s name Click the Accept button to open the selected patient’s Appointment Desk
NAME/MRN (continued) Newborns: who have not yet been given a name.
Name entry for newborns must be entered as the mother’s lastname, comma, BB for baby boy or BG for baby girl followed by a hyphen and the mother’s full first name (e.g. Smith,BB-Mary). Multiple Births: Multiple births must be entered as the mother’s lastname, BB or BG followed by a hyphen and a letter such as A, B, or C to indicate the birth sequence, another hyphen and the mother’s full first name (e.g. Smith,BB-A-Mary)
NAME/MRN – Other MRN For those Practices using the Other MRN to document their paper chart ID: For Ortho – type “mr.ort9999” (where 9999 is the chart number). For CAP – type “mr.cap9999” (where 9999 is the chart number).
Patient Name Search Criteria
Now that you know how to find a patient, CHS has established a patient name search policy to assist in finding the patient quickly and effectively using the Name/MRN field. Primary Search: Known ID numbers Initial name search: 3,3 Secondary search: 3 of the last name & DOB (DOB in the DOB field)
Patient Name Search Criteria
Third (Optional) searches include: Telephone search (ph ) DOB search (DOB ) Social Security search (ss in the Name/ID field or just the number in the SSN field). Account number search (A.#) Fourth search: Account name search (A.lastname of guarantor) Note: Remember to search with both parent’s name.
Understanding Patient Look Ups
After entering the established search criteria for CHS, click the “Find Patient” button (also accessed by pressing “Alt+F” on the keyboard or by pressing the “Enter” Key). Tho,cha
Understanding Patient Look Ups
The Patient Select window will list the patients that match the entered search criteria. The columns in the window are defined in the table below. This screen will appear even if the search criteria finds only one patient match. If more than 50 patients returned, they will not be in alphabetical order—load all and click on the Pat Name column to sort. Ensure all information on the patient is reviewed prior to selection.
Understanding Patient Look Ups
ID TYPE: Lists the site ID. If the initials match your practice, the patient’s record has been accessed and updated at your practice. If the initials are EPI, the patient record has not been accessed or updated at your practice. Patients with an EPI ID Type have been seen at some other site in the CHS enterprise. If only the EPI ID Type displays, review the displayed patient information to select the correct patient record. Look for matches such as name, middle initial, DOB, address and or social security number. When you find the right patient, highlight their name and press the “Accept” key.
Looking up Recent Patients
Within the Patient Lookup screen, you can select the Recent Patients tab. This will display the 25 most recent patients’ records that you have accessed from either the appointment patient lookup, or the registration patient lookup screens.
Looking up Recent Patients
Also from within the Patient Lookup screen, you may look up the last patient by entering an equals sign “=” in the Name/MRN field. Then selecting Find Patient will pull up the last patient record you viewed.
Patient Highlight If a patient has been Marked for Merge, meaning this is a possible duplicate, the Patient Highlight screen will open when you select a patient via Appts or Registration. You can then click on the Appt Desk or Registration button on the left.
Patient Highlight (continued)
End of Chapter 5 Continue to Next Chapter
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