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1st Industrial Revolution

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1 1st Industrial Revolution

2 Samuel Slater Sam Slater was a manager at a mill in England. He memorized the plans to the mill. He secretly left England for America, and built his mill business over here.

3 Industry develops in the Northeast.
Textile (clothes) mills began to pop up all over the Northeast. These factories usually employed young women who worked very long hours. They came from the surrounding farms, and they all lived together in a boarding house.

4 The North Develops As factories increased, “urbanization” began happening in the North and many cities began to develop. These cities offered amenities that the countryside did not, like theatres and other forms of entertainment.

5 The “West” and the South develop differently
Factories did not develop much in the West (Northwest Territories) and the South. Farming was still the dominant industry. The cotton gin is invented and the production of cotton drastically increased. This also caused an increase in slavery in the South.

6 The American System James Madison proposed this and Henry Clay gave it its name. Basically it was a plan to make sure that the United States stayed United. The West would focus on providing a steady source of food to the North and South The South would provide the raw materials, mainly cotton, for the Northern factories. The North would provide the manufactured goods for everyone.

7 Connection To aid in this system, America needed infrastructure to connect itself. The first “National Road” was created, and this was the first time the Federal Government got involved in created a national mode of transportation. The Erie Canal was dug and connected New York City to Buffalo (Go Bills!) Ny.


9 Tariff of 1816 A tariff is a tax on imported goods.
Tariffs were welcomed by Northerners because it raised the price of their competition, leading Americans to purchase more American made goods. Southerners and Westerners resented tariffs because they increased the price of goods. Henry Clay and John Calhoun were responsible for making this happen.

10 Complete 7.1 Vocab and 3-5.

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