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World Water Online Proposing A Distributed System for Global Water Information Presented by: Fernando R. Salas Prepared by: Fernando R. Salas and David.

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Presentation on theme: "World Water Online Proposing A Distributed System for Global Water Information Presented by: Fernando R. Salas Prepared by: Fernando R. Salas and David."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Water Online Proposing A Distributed System for Global Water Information Presented by: Fernando R. Salas Prepared by: Fernando R. Salas and David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin GEOSS Standards and Interoperability Forum October 18 th, 2011 WWO

2 World Water Online within the GEOSS Framework

3 We Collect Lots of Observations Data in Hydrology Water QuantityRainfallSoil Water Water QualityMeteorologyGroundwater

4 …The Consortium of Universities for the Advancements of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI) is a consortium of 125 universities working together to advance hydrologic science in the United States…

5 How the Web Works HTML – web language for text and pictures CatalogBrowserWeb Server Harvesting Search Access

6 Services Oriented Architecture for Water Data WaterML – web language for water data CatalogUserServer Harvesting Search Access

7 WaterML as a Web Language Discharge of the San Marcos River at Luling, TX June 28 - July 18, 2002 USGS Streamflow data in WaterML The USGS now publishes its time series data as WaterML web services

8 CUAHSI Water Data Services Catalog 69 public services 18,000 variables 1.9 million sites 23 million series 5.1 billion data values And growing All the data comes out in WaterML The largest water data catalog in the world

9 Open Geospatial Consortium – Web Service Standards Map Services Web Map Service (WMS) Web Feature Service (WFS) Web Coverage Service (WCS) Catalog Services for the Web (CS/W) Observation Services Observations and Measurements Model Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Sensor Observation Service (SOS) WaterML2 – Fall 2011

10 Web Services Stack for Time Series OGC Catalog Service for the Web with standard metadata: ISO, Dublin Core,.. Time Series Services Catalog (CSW) Metadata (WFS) Data (WaterML) Who? What? Where? When? Access Data

11 Water Agency Stacks Each Agency Maintains Their Own Data and Metadata USGSNCDCTWDB MetaCatalog is a listing of the URL addresses of all agency catalogs Structure is similar to GEOSS

12 Searching Federal, State and Local Data Catalog Metadata

13 We Study the Earth System

14 World Water Online Models Water Climate Geospatial Flooding, Water Availability, Water Quality Observation Sites, Structures, Streamflow, Groundwater, Water Quality Temperature, Evaporation, Precipitation, Soil Water, Solar Radiation Elevation, River Networks, Watersheds, Land Cover, Land Use Inspired by Rob Vertessy, CSIRO, Australia World Water Online

15 Climate Data Many groups distribute climate data (national and global data) Precipitation, Evaporation, Temperature etc. Observations (i.e. GPCC), Remote Sensing, Models/Reanalysis (i.e. CFSR) and Predictions (i.e. IPCC) Which products should be used within a global system?

16 The Digital Divide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Climate Observations and Grids Remote Sensing Observations and Time Series

17 Interoperability Challenges Observations Data Measures variables over a discrete space-time domain Stored in tables, relational databases and geodatabases Gridded Data Measures variables over a continuous space-time domain Stored in large multi- dimensional arrays in specialized formats How can we connect these very different worlds together?

18 Observations Data Information Model Data Source United States Geological Survey (USGS) Network National Water Information System – Unit Values Sites Colorado River at Austin Variables Streamflow Values 2,500 cfs at 8:30 am on June 19 th, 2011

19 Multisensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) West Gulf River Forecast Center Exported by NWS to CUAHSI Observations Data Model and WaterML web services at University of Texas at Arlington Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) 19

20 Situational Awareness for Flash Flooding in the CAPCOG region Combines federal, river authority, city and water district data …. …. to support real-time flood emergency response 20 National Weather Service, USGS, Corps of Engineers

21 Rainfall in Cypress Creek Watershed Drainage area – 38 Sq. Mi. Virtual Rain Gages Nexrad Radar Rainfall points Time Series of Rainfall Data obtained via WaterML web service from NWS and UT Arlington 21

22 Data Source National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Dataset North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Grid Size 32 kilometer Variables Temperature Values 78 deg. Fahrenheit at 8:00 am on June 15 th, 2000 Gridded Data Information Model Time 1 NARR

23 WFS Building a Series Catalog for Observations Data Datacart – a collection of data series organized thematically Observations Metadata Catalog -Source -Site Name -Location (Lat/Long) -Variable Name -Variable Units -Concept -Start Date -End Date -WaterML URI

24 WFS Building a Series Catalog for Gridded Data Datacart – a collection of data series organized thematically Observations Metadata Catalog -Source -Coverage Name -Location (Lat/Long Box) -Variable Name -Variable Units -Concept -Start Date -End Date -WCS URI

25 Services Stack Framework Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) enable metadata services describing observations data to be registered in a catalog of services. Web Feature Services (WFS) enable data services to be completely described by metadata in a series catalog. Sensor Observation Services (SOS) and Web Coverage Services (WCS) enable observations and climate data to be conveyed through the internet in a standardized manner. Catalog Metadata Data Services CSW WFS SOS Catalog Metadata Data Services CSW WFS WCS

26 Building a Catalog of Services WFS CSW Time SeriesRaster Series THREDDS Servers HydroServers WaterML NetCDF

27 One Common Ontology Precipitation Streamflow TurbiditySnow Cloud Cover Precip Rainfall Rain Total Precip Precip Rainfall Rain Total Precip

28 HydroPortal – A Catalog Service …enables data discovery across multiple data sources and types… Geoportal Extension of ArcGIS implements Catalog Services for the Web (CSW)

29 Lots of geospatial data available Organized at national and global scales GIS is moving to the web – desktop to websites ESRI has created ArcGISOnline - a platform for sharing geospatial data (features, rasters, maps, databases etc.) Publish, manage, share, discover, access ArcGIS World Elevation Services Geospatial Data Intelligent Web Maps

30 Geospatial Data for the World Global Elevation Data 90 meter, 30 meter, 5 meter National and International River Networks Geometry (xy coordinates), Logic (topology) and Address (linear referencing) Cell to cell, line to line, polygon to line Global delineation services Watersheds and catchments

31 Water Data via The Web Elevation Data Services Watershed River Network Cross-Sections Climate Data Services Observation Data Services Precipitation Streamflow Modeling

32 World Water Online Models Water Climate Geospatial Flooding, Water Availability, Water Quality Observation Sites, Structures, Streamflow, Groundwater, Water Quality Temperature, Evaporation, Precipitation, Soil Water, Solar Radiation Elevation, River Networks, Watersheds Inspired by Rob Vertessy, CSIRO, Australia World Water Online National Water Resources Information System Template

33 World Water Online

34 Questions? WWO Contact: Fernando Salas ( or David Maidment (

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