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CL I/ Sustainment Function
NOTE: Pictures such as this are okay to enhance your brief, but any picture used must be relevant to your Function! EXAMPLE ONLY
Outline Associated doctrine Definition of the Sustainment Function
Overarching functional support concept Service responsibilities for that function Organizations: Strategic/National Partners Strategic Level (to include Agencies & Modular forces/units) Operational Level (to include Modular forces/units) Tactical Level (to include Modular forces/units) Requirements flow Distribution and/or Support Concepts from Strategic level to tactical LPT considerations Planning considerations Contracting considerations Requirements calculations- e.g. Student Text 101-6 Equipment Acronyms SMEs, POCs and web sites You can add to this outline if you need…but don’t take away unless the slide really doesn’t have anything to do with your sustainment function. Remember, the info you gather now will only help you in the time of crisis.
DOCTRINE AR 40-25, Nutrition Allowance, Standards, and Education
AR 30-22, The Army Food Service Program AR 40-25, Nutrition Allowance, Standards, and Education FM 4-0 (100-10), Combat Service Support, 29 August 2003 DA PAM 30-22, Operating Procedures for the Food Service Program FM ( ), Army Theatre Distribution, 27 May 2008 FM , Stryker Brigade Combat Team Logistics, 10 Sept 2007 FM , Theatre Sustainment Command, 15 April 2003 FM 10-1, Quartermaster Principles, 11 August 1994 FM 10-23, Basic Doctrine for Army Field Feeding and Class I Operations Management, 18 April 1996 Modular Force Logistics, version 6, 20 September Look for any Army, Joint or sister service regs. Also, if you find a really helpful article, you can add that here too.
Definition of (CLI/Function)
The feeding standard is three quality meals each day Types of Rations: Unitized Group Ration-A (UGR-A); UGR-Heat & Serve (UGR-H&S); Meal Ready to Eat (MRE); Commercial off-the- Shelf (COTS) The UGR must be supplemented with bread and milk - required to comply with the Surgeon General’s nutrition requirement Use of the meal, ready to eat (MRE), as the sole ration will not exceed 21 days in accordance with the Surgeon General’s policy Issued based on the Ration Cycle (the what) and the Issue Cycle (the when) Define your Class of Supply of Sustainment Function.
CONOPS Feeding Plan Timeline Overarching Support Concept
(Condition Based) Overarching Support Concept Expeditionary < 6 Months Force Provider, LOGCAP or Direct Contract 90 % Supported by SPV Platform 10% Combination of MRE’s, UGR’s Condition based MRE % MKT, KCLFF, CK, Tents, Refers U-M-U 21 Day CONOPS Menu 1-20 days 91-180 181 Days to 24 Months 21-30 31-60 61-90 U-M-U w/one UGR (A) meal every third day U-M-M M-M-M Force Provider LOGCAP & SPV MKT, CK, Unit Tents, Force Provider, Refers MRE % MRE % MRE % MRE % UGR (H&S) 34% UGR (H&S) 56% UGR (H&S) UGR (H&S) 05% UGR (A) 11% UGR (A) 33% UGR (A)+ 70% UGR (A)+ 80% Standard Ration Cycle Theater Ration Mix Temporary < 24 Months Facilities Deployment Days D+ Notes: Ration Legend: MRE-M, UGR (H&S) or UGR (A) – U, UGR (A) with Short Order Supplemental Menus – UGR (A)+ Units deploying into developed areas may move directly into the temporary standard depending upon their mission and the theater logistical capabilities at that location.
Natick Soldier Research
Manages the DOD Combat Feeding Program and is responsible for research, development, integration, and testing for operational ration Food Service equipment technology and combat feeding systems Responsible for implementing all Field Feeding Foods
Army Material Command(AMC)
Develops and maintains specifications for subsistence items Determines the Army mobilization and contingency stocks Develops contract support through the Logistic Civil Augmentation Program(LOGCAP)
DSC-Philadelphia Subsistence Branch
Bottled Water/ Host Nation Support Contracts US Army Vet CMD/ FDA/ QMC&S-ACES /RDECOM MRE’s/UGR-A’s/UGR H&S Supplier Issues/ Information Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DFAC Support and Contracting Subsistence Branch is your one-stop shop for food and food safety: Food Services: The Food Service CBU is provides total dining hall support worldwide to military and other authorized federal customers. Through the Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV) program and direct vendor delivery, customers can receive their food 48 hours after placing an order. Account Managers are assigned from the business unit to insure the customer is getting good service and high quality items. Produce: The DSCP Produce Division is the worldwide provider of choice for fresh fruits and vegetables to the Military Services, Military Exchanges and MWR Facilities, Job Corps Centers, VA Hospitals, Federal Prisons, as well as Schools and Native American Reservations in partnership with the US Department of Agriculture, National School Lunch Program and related Food and Nutrition Services Programs. Browse through our electronic "web site" to see how the Produce acquisition network has been ensuring our customers receive high quality produce at competitive market prices, as well as value-added services. Supplier Support: The mission of the Supplier Support Division is to support the Supplier Operations organizations within the Subsistence Supply Chain. The Supplier Support Division provides streamline management of both Subsistence Quality Audit Programs and a master strategy for the integration of the Subsistence Standardization Program to manages all subsistence technical and quality documents cited in contracts and /or that available electronically to all DSCP customers and Government organizations. Operational Ration: The Operational Rations Division provides streamline management of all Operational Rations Programs and a master strategy for the integration of the Nation's industrial base for these rations. Our primary focus is our Military Customers' requirements. We respond by implementing and providing Operational Rations Programs/Items and logistical infrastructures to support their use. Food Safety Office: The Food Safety Office is dedicated to providing service, responsible for food safety issues, ALFOODACT messages, and technical and quality assurance policies for food worldwide. Through partnerships with the U.S. Army Natick Research Development and Engineering Center (RDECOM), a division of the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM), the U.S. Army Veterinary Command (VETCOM), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA-AMS and USDA-FSIS), our duty is to assist and serve upon request. QMC&S – ACES: Quartermaster Center and School – Army Center of Excellence – Subsistence, Ft Lee, VA; RDECOM: US Army Research, Development and Engineering Command – Natick, VA CFMS = Common Food Management System: joint initiative between DLA, its Military Service customers, and other organizations, to provide a tightly integrated Class I, Subsistence supply chain that will provide end-to-end linking of Warfighter demand with sources of supply. CFMS uses a best of breed Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product to provide core food management functionality, such as recipe, nutrition linking, menu planning, food production, and inventory management, to support garrisons and deployed units worldwide. With STORES, it represents a single, virtual retail and wholesale food system, replacing existing legacy food management systems with one DoD-supported system.
DLA - Defense Supply Center Philadelphia
The Director of DLA has been designated by the Deputy Secretary of Defense as the DoD Executive Agent (EA) for Subsistence Troop Support Lead Center CLOTHING & TEXTILES - Combat uniforms/tents - Body armor/field equipment - Individual chem/bio protective suit - All Service uniforms SUBSISTENCE -Operational Rations (incl. Meal, Ready-to-Eat and Unitized Group Rations) - Food Service & Field Feeding Equipment - Dining Facility Support - Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Customers Major Commands Maintenance Activities International Customers Suppliers OEM Competitive Sources CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENT -Facilities Maintenance Equipment (HEPP, Diving, Safety & Rescue, MHE) -Fire & Emergency Services -Wood Products Metals Barrier Material MEDICAL - Diagnostic Imaging Equip - MRI Equipment - Surgical & Dental Supplies - Pharmaceuticals Optical Products Laboratory Items
TSC and ESC SPO TSC ESC CL I and Water 10
Modular Force Review eliminated the Materiel Expeditor Teams Combined Future Ops into the Plans branch Where Materiel Management Occurs Where Distribution Management Occurs 10 10
Quartermaster Support Company
DS Spt Tms (x8) CO HQS 42529FA00 FLD FEED SPT TM Area Spt Plt (x3) 42529FD00 Dist Tm Rec/Stor/ Issue Sec SPT OPS SECT 42529FB00 PLT HQ SSA Spt SEC (x2) Pack/Crate Subsist Plt 42529FC00 MHE Aug TM 42529FE00 1 per 3 QM Spt Cos Maint Tm (x3) Maint QM Spt Co 42420F00 One or more of these can be found in the CSSB of the Sustainment BDE Supply distribution is conducted by the quartermaster support companies, assigned to the sustainment brigades in both the corps and division. The company is modular and tailorable to provide support from smaller scale contingencies or early entry operations to a fully developed theater of operations. Mission: Provide DS supply support on an area basis to the units attached to and passing through its area of operations. Capabilities: Modular and tailorable to provide support from small scale contingencies or early entry operations to a fully developed theater of operations. The supply companies at both the corps and division levels perform a DS mission. The supply company’s area support platoons build configured loads from modules and bulk supplies and re-configure combined loads received from the strategic level for issue and forward movement to satisfy unit requests. Configured loads will be either throughput to the unit, delivered to the BSB. The company in the sustainment brigade performs minor re-configuration and maintains minimal stockage, supporting the receipt, storage, issue, and retrograde of general supplies during replenishment operations. Retrograde of returned supplies is also handled by the company. Retrograde is distributed rearwards to the supply companies at both the division and corps in order to re-enter those items into the supply system; re-distribute to other units or FDPs; or configure items for evacuation from theater. To the extent possible, throughput is conducted from the corps to the BSB.
I I CSSB Organic Attached I POL HR TRANS MAINT AMMO SUPPLY HHC FIN MA AIRDRP SPT FIELD SVC WATER POL SPRT CO Task Org based on: JSCP, TRO, Stationing and / or Specific Operations MISSION: Assigned to a Sustainment Brigade; receive & employ modular logistics units in support of its mission. Provide C2 & admin. support for all organic and attached units. Plan, coordinate, synchronize, monitor and control logistics operations within assigned AO. Provide common user logistics (e.g. Class I, III, V, inland transportation, etc.) within the limits of its capabilities, for joint or multinational forces as directed. This slide shows what units (the functional units attached to a CSSB) executes the specific functional mission.
Heavy Brigade Combat Team
STB BSB FSC FSC FSC FSC Fig 1-2, p 1-5, FMI The FSC provides all logistics (less medical) to the HBCT combat battalion and is the senior logistician at the combat battalion level. FSCs, organic to each battalion, have some DS capability. They are OPCON to supported battalion. [FSCs took the place of AOE support platoons.] NOTE: The FSCs do not have a support operations section. Functions required of a support operations section are provided by the FSC commander and his executive officer or as determined by the FSC commander. The FSC’s Distribution Platoon has a Class I Section, Class V Section, and General Supply Section. The FSC distribution platoon is responsible for delivering supplies throughout the battalion’s area of operation. The platoon leader or his NCOs lead the combat logistics patrols to the LRPs where they are released to company control if throughput is desired. If throughput is not desired, then the supplies are transloaded and the FSC pushes the supplies forward. BSB Commander is the senior logistician in brigade combat team (BCT) (an O5). FSCs are organic to the BSB and OPCON to supported battalion. They may be habitually attached to the CAB, fires battalion, and the reconnaissance squadron.
Distribution Process
Distribution Based Concept of Support
Strategic and Theater DM
Strategic Segment Theater Segment National Supply Management Strategic Distribution Platforms Other Distribution Centers and Installations Inventory Control Point (ICP) Vendor Theater Distribution Brigade Contract Repair Supply Support Activity (SSA) APOE APOD CCP Maintenance Depot The distribution pipeline represents the flow of resources from supplier to point of consumption, and in some cases back to the supplier in retrograde activities necessary to recycle repairable Class VII, and IX assets. Resources within the pipeline pass through a complex framework of integrated national and theater level physical, resource, information, and communications networks that constitute the distribution system. The strategic portion of the pipeline has two distinct functions performed by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). Activities that perform the traditional supply functions, acquisition and materiel management, and asset visibility include DLA, Army Materiel Command (AMC) and respective service logistics activities and installations. These defense and service activities and installations perform supply chain and distribution management, and perform maintenance. USTRANSCOM has responsibility for management of air and surface transportation requirements and maintaining in-transit visibility of assets in the distribution management pipeline. Theater distribution occurs in that part of the distribution system extending from the ports of debarkation (APOD or SPOD) or other in-theater locations to the operational area and the customer. The theater’s pipeline consists of the distribution functions performed by the modes and the nodes. The theater distribution network provides the resources to accomplish the distribution functions, regardless of the military operational phase: Deployment, “Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration.”; Employment; Sustainment, or Redeployment. The processing of a requisition through the distribution management system is broken down into segments. Each segment identifies established processing times for every element in the distribution pipeline. APOE/APOD Aerial Port of Embarkation/Debarkation SPOE/SPOD Sea Port of Embarkation/Debarkation CCP Containerization and Consolidation Point Theater stockage Big, heavy, and high demand items Expensive items if presents time advantage SPOE SPOD
ALOC Distribution Pipeline Army RWT Standard for Iraq (military ALOC)
Segments 20 Days Army RWT Standard for Iraq (military ALOC) 0.5 Days 0.5 Days 1 Day 1 Day 3 Days DOC TO EST NICP PROCESSING PICK, PACK, AND SHIP MOVE TO CCP CCP HOLD Transition to DLA / AMC Transition to TRANSCOM The Military Air Lines of Communications (MILALOC) Distribution Pipeline consists of the 11 segments you see depicted here – for illustration, the current standards used for shipments to SWA are depicted. The distribution process starts with “Doc to Est” – which is nothing more than establishing a valid requisition in SARSS. As you can see, from the time the document is established in the unit document register, the standard is to get the requisition established in SARSS within .5 days. Once the requisition is established in SARSS, it is passed to the National level from the SARSS in your supporting SSA to a router called the DoD Automatic Addressing System Center, which routes the requisition to the appropriate source of supply (AMC, DLA, vendor, etc.). If it goes to an AMC or DLA National Inventory Control Point (NICP), they have .5 days to receive and act on the requisition. If/when stock is on hand at the NICP, a materiel release order is sent to the appropriate DLA Supply Depot, who has one day to pick, pack and ship the item, and then another day to get it to the Containerization and Consolidation Point (CCP). For materiel being shipped to USAREUR and SWA, the CCP is at the Defense Distribution Center near New Cumberland, PA. The CCP can hold cargo for up to three days, in order to consolidate it for direct shipment to a specific SSA (this saves having the break down pallets in Theater – the idea is to ensure each pallet built is “pure” for a given SSA, and never has to be broken until it arrives at that SSA. Then the materiel moves to the Aerial Port of Embarkation (APOE) – for shipments to Iraq, the currently designated APOE is Charleston, SC. Upon arrival at the APOE, TRANSCOM has 3 days to get the pallet manifested and loaded onto an aircraft (normally, this is only taking a day), and 2.5 days to get it to the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD), since the routing normally goes thru at least one intermediate stop. At the APOD, TRANSCOM has two days to unload the pallet, and holds it for pick up by Army distribution assets, for delivery to the SSA where the requisition originated, for receipt processing. Due to having to plan convoys and force protection requirements, this can be as long as 5 days. Transition to Theater RECEIPT PROCESSING UNLOAD & HOLD HOLD & LOAD MOVE TO APOE DELIVERY TRANSIT 5 Days 2 Days 2.5 Days 3 Days 1.5 Days
Strategic Distribution Platforms
Tracy DDJC New Cumberland DDSP The Defense Distribution Center Susquehanna Pennsylvania (DDSP), New Cumberland, PA and the Defense Distribution Center San Joaquin California (DDJC), Tracy, CA. San Joaquin (Stockton) and Susquehanna (New Cumberland) are the strategic distribution platforms and are responsible for support in their areas of operations. San Joaquin is responsible for support to the Western USA and Pacific while Susquehanna is responsible for the Eastern USA, Europe, and Africa. These DDCs serve as DLA’s Consolidation and Containerization Points (CCPs) and are responsible for pure palleting logistics for supported Army activities. DLA’s Consolidation and Containerization Points (CCPs) are responsible for pure palleting supplies to minimize processing and handling when containers arrive in theater. Since most shippers do not regularly generate full containers of cargo for shipment direct to receivers, the CCP provides a means for combining shipments from multiple shippers. All customers of a single SSA may have their shipments consolidated for delivery to the servicing SSA or a container may be stuffed in delivery priority sequence. Army multi-packs and 463L pallets configured SSA pure (Pure Pallet), greatly enhanced the speed of theater distribution. The reduced handling and sorting of materiel significantly reduces delays and losses of materiel. The objective is to maximize throughput distribution to the SSA level by segregating cargo for each SSA onto separate pallets/containers to the maximum extent possible. Assigned a geographical support mission. DDJC Western US and Pacific. DDSP Eastern US, Europe and Africa. Consolidation and containerization points. Maximize “pure pallet” packing to minimize handling in theater.
CONUS Defense Distribution Centers
PUGET SOUND TOBYHANNA SUSQUEHANNA COLUMBUS HILL SAN JOAQUIN RICHMOND (2) NORFOLK OKLAHOMA CITY CHERRY POINT BARSTOW SAN DIEGO ANNISTON NOTE: The Instructor has the option of selecting the distribution and storage activity to be discussed. Only DDC HQ, and selected Defense Distribution Centers that support the Army are listed on this slide. All distribution centers are listed if the instructor or students wish to discuss other DDCs. Defense Distribution Center (DDC): The DDC is DLA’s lead for stock positioning and distribution. DDCs depots are located through the U.S, Europe, Pacific Theater, and South West Asia. The depots are strategically located to take advantage of existing transportation. In addition to the primary mission of receiving, storing and issuing materiel, DLA depots provide additional services: refrigerated storage, cylinder refurbishment, medical unit assemblies, unitized group rations and deployable medical systems. DDC supporting depots include: Defense Distribution Depot Anniston, AL (DDAA): Provides distribution services for tracked vehicles, wheeled vehicles, small arms and missile systems. Primary mission is to support the maintenance mission of Anniston Army Depot. Defense Distribution Depot Red River, TX (DDRT) provides worldwide distribution support for track and wheeled major end items (MEI), secondary items and repair parts, and serves as the center of excellence for Air Force and Army tire distribution. DDRT is the Army’s designated storage site for Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, and High Mobility Multi-purpose Vehicles. WARNER ROBINS ALBANY RED RIVER JACKSONVILLE CORPUS CHRISTI DOD distribution and storage mission. Strategically located. Supports the mission of Army depots.
Planning Considerations
What will be the mission for the 92G in AO Do we plan to operate a dining facility or provide a detail of 92Gs to support a contractor dining facility How many cooking locations do we plan to inherit outside of the FOB Will be utilize our equipment Will contractors have refers in place or do we need to contract When Planning to Deploy what do you need to consider for Class I
Planning Considerations(cont)
How many Hazmat Containers are available for shipping material Do you have approximate date for your equipment to be weighted and ready for deployment Has a date been set for validation of equipment with PBO Team How many 92Gs to put on Torch and Advance party
Brigade Support Battalion, HBCT
BSB BSB Field Maintenance Company Distribution Company Medical Company We will focus on the Distribution Company The principal source of external support to the battalions in the HBCT is the brigade support battalion (BSB). The BSB is structured and designed to conduct distribution based supply. The BSB is structured with a distribution company that allows it to conduct distribution based resupply at forward Logistic Release Points, i.e. replenishment operations (RO). The BSB provides support for the HBCT The BSB relies on distribution based sustainment operations
Meal, Religious, Kosher for Passover
Ration Meal for those in the Military Service who celebrate and maintain a Kosher for Passover diet. Shelf-stable (9 80 degrees F), ready-to-eat meal, in a single flexible meal bag All food is certified Kosher for Passover Each meal bag consists of an entrée, complementary food items, and accessory items (i.e., salt, sugar, spoon, matches, toilet tissue, moist towelette, and Flameless Ration Heater, as applicable) Additionally, eachcase has a box of Matzo crackers and a feedback survey Each meal bag shall provide a minimum of 1200 calories The are 12 meals per case. Each case has 4 different menus-4 chicken, 4 beef stew, 2 salmon, 2 gefilte fish
Types of contracts in Theater
Full Food Service (FFS) provide the full food service operations that would provide food service operations for all patrons at the facility Dining Facility Attendance(DFA) are the contracted personnel used to clean and upkeep the operation Management & Food Production (M&FP) is a contract that would keep each facility Properly managed and food production IAW all guidance’s
HC DOS Ration MODs Pallets Total (RU) 20ft CT 40ft CT Semi 500 7 UMM 70 5.83 6 0.29 0.15 Perish 2.92 3 0.07 Each modular feeds 50 people. There are three boxes in each Modular. Semi Perishable contains two boxes and Semi contains one box. The above example gives a H/C of / 50 =10 (There is a 7 day of supply) 7x10=70 12 will fit on a pallet, so 70/12=5.8 Remember you have three boxes to each modular, the Last box is Frozen items (Meat). It takes up half the amount of pallets than the one above that has two boxes.
HC DOS Ration MODs Pallets Total (RU) 20ft CT 40ft CT 550 7 UMU 154 19.25 20 0.96 0.48 UMM 77 9.63 10 0.24 Remember in the above Situation you are feeding two UGRs a day. H/C 550 X 2=1,100 x 7 (days of supply)=7,700/50 (1 modular)=154 cases needed to feed this plan. 154/19.25 = 8 (154/8)=19.2 pallets
MRE PLANNING FACTOR HC DOS Ration Cases Pallets 20ft CT 40ft CT 172 3 MMM 129 0.2 0.1 550 413 9 0.5 <# OF MEALS 43.0 1 There are 12 MREs in a case. The Planning factor above indicates a H/C of 172 at three MREs a day. EX: 172 X 3 =516 X 3(Days of Supply) = 1,548 (1,548 / 12)= There is 48 cases to a pallet, 129/48 =2.6 (rounded) 3 pallets
ORDER SHIPPED FROM PWC Truck leaves PWC with a PWC Envelope containing 2 sets of documents. 1.All the Original documents on the Order: 1.1 Original Invoice for the Order(3083). 1.2 Original Invoice for the Sub list Order(3061). 1.3 Delivery Sheet of the L M R I. 1.4 Sub list on the Order (Optional). 1.5 Truck Manifest for the Order. 1.6 Customer Feedback Form Xerox Copy of all the above documents except the Customer Feedback form. For Every Order: Kuwait CSR’s sends scanned Copy of all the above documents to the DFAC’s Iraq CSR’s sends the scanned Copy of all the above documents, Convoy tracker for the Order & the Excel Based Customer Feedback Form.
Places Order STORES Order delivered with Invoice CUSTOMER Sublist & Queries (DAY-1) Response to Sublist & Queries (DAY-2) Scanned Invoice & Feedback Form Signed Invoice & Feedback Order To Warehouse(DAY-3) Order Received by CSR (DAY-1) CSR Processes Order(DAY-1) PV Portal C S R Order Picked (DAY-4) Loaded(DAY-5) Order Leaves PWC With Convoy (DAY-6) Signed Invoice & Feedback INVOICING DEPARTMENT Invoices Sent to DSCP
C1.1 W98C1A C1.2 W98C1B C2 W98C02 C4 W98C04 C7 W98C07 C8 W98C08 H1 W98H01 H2.1 W98H02 H3.1 W98H03 H4 W98H04 H5 W98H05 J3 W98J03 DFAC HUB SUPPORT Dahuk D1.1 W91D1A D1.A W90D1A D3 W9DDD3 D2 W91D02 D4 W91D04 D5.2 W91D52 D7 W91D07 D8 W91D08 D11 W91D11 F1.1 W9VICT F1.2 W9FF12 F2.1 W91F02 F2.2 W91F03 F2.3 W91F23 B1.1 W98B01 B1.2 W98B12 B2 W98B02 B3 W9BB03 B4 W9BB04 B3.2 W91B32 B06 W98B06 B07 W98B07 I W91I01 J1 WCPAM1 L W91L01 TF 626 WTF626 Dahuk Bashur Tigris R. Arbil Mosul C5.1 W91C05 C5.2 W91C06 1 Ninawa 2 Kirkuk IRAN Dayr az Zawr At Tamim As Sulaymaniyah FLB SPEICHER FLB SYCAMORE Salah ad Din Euphrates R. LSA ANACONDA 5 Al Qaim 12 Samarra SYRIA Taji Diyala A1.1 W91A01 A1.2 W91A02 A1.3 W91A03 A1.4 W9ALSA A1.5 W91A05 (not open) C3 W91C03 C3.D WCPABQ C11 W98C11 C3B W9GABE C3F W9NORM C3K W9SCUN 336 MP BN W336MP Ar Ramadi Baqubah BIAP Baghdad 1 Ar Rutbah Fallujah 10 Wasit H4 H3 Babil Al Hillah Karbala Al Anbar Al Kut Dezful JORDAN Karbala SCANIA Al Kufa Al Amarah An Najaf G W91G02 G W91G03 G W91G04 G W91G05 G W91G06 G W91G07 J WCPASH K W91K03 KALSU WKALSU B W91DKE Al Qadisiyah 22 As Samawah Maysan CEDAR Dhi Qar Ahvaz Ad Diwaniyah 6 FLB CEDAR An Nasiriyah Ar’ar Tallil SAUDI ARABIA An Najaf Al Basrah K1 WTALLI K2 WCEDER K4 W91K04 1 9 Az Zubayr Safwan NAVISTAR AS OF 3-June-2005 Rafha J WCPABS EPW2 W9EPW2 KUWAIT
Mobile Kitchen Trailer (MKT)
Contanerized Kitchen(CK)
Containerized Kitchen
Mission: Provide a mobile, modern, efficient kitchen serving 800 meals up to 3x per day. Description: 3:1 ISO 8x8x20 container with seven Modern Burner Units, two commercial refrigerators, an environmental control unit, a 10KW generator and other required field feeding equipment. Towed by 5T FMTV; PLS Compatible Total cost is approximately $150,000.
Multi-Temp, Refrigerated Container System (MTRCS)
Distribute and Store Mixed Rations: fresh, frozen chilled Dimensions are 8’ x 8’ x 20’ Hold 14 standard pallets Designed to sustain 800 Soldiers for two days Currently in test phase of development
Assault Kitchen (AK)
Sanitation Center
Dry Ration Storage
Beverage Storage
Operational Ration Storage
Ration Delivery Truck
Ration Downloading Detail
Ration Download Detail
H&S and Water Storage Area
Water Storage Blivet
Water Buffalo
MRE & Water Storage Area
Ice Download
Additional 20’ Reefer Download
Sanitation Area
Serving Line
Bottle Water Policy Commanders of units deploying for contingency operational missions with Operations Order (OPORDs) can obtain individual bottled water using subsistence funds (MPA) from a supporting Troop Issue Subsistence Activity (TISA) or Food Program Manager (FPM) as appropriate. Deploying units will be issued three days worth of individual bottled water as part of their OPORD Class I requirements for enroute consumption only. No individual bottled water will be obtained to support preparing for or awaiting deployment.
Water Planning Factor (1l)
HC DOS BTLS Cases Pallets 20ft CT 40ft CT 550 3 11 1,513 25 2.5 1.3 Planning factor is based on 3 gallons of water a day, per soldier which is equal to 11 liters per day. We are ordering 1 Liter bottles, which comes in a case of Liters is equal to 3 gallons. EXAMPLE: ( H/C) 550 X 11 Liters (authorized a day) =6,050/12(a case) = 504 cases x 3 days TOTAL(1,512) 1,513 (cases) / 60=25 (pallets)
Planning Factor Drinking Water
The recommended planning factor is based on a force mixture of 15 percent light work, 65 percent medium work, and 20 percent heavy work. Due to the subjective nature of this assumption, and the fact that minor water losses have not been considered, all figures are rounded to the next higher number of quarts
Water Requirements Heavy Work (maximum) 2 + 18 = 20 qts/soldier/day
Total Drinking Requirements Light Work = 8 qts/soldier/day Moderate Work = 11 qts/soldier/day Heavy Work (sustainable) = 14 qts/soldier/day Heavy Work (maximum) = 20 qts/soldier/day
Water Drinking Consumption
References Websites Defense Supply Center Philadelphia
US Army Community of Excellence – Subsistence US Army Veterinary Command US Army Soldier System Center – Natick
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