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Summer Term.

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1 Summer Term

2 General Routine Changes
Squash on a Wednesday morning for the next 6 weeks (Please wear P.E kit) in addition to Tuesday and Thursday, Daily Mile from 9am (We will be on the field), Spellings set on a Monday and tested on a Friday. Reading 3 x week (Children to record this) 20 minutes on Mathletics a week has significant impact on learning (3 activities a week) Picture News Pilot

3 It’s all Greek to me! Daily Life Sport (Olympics) Slaves Science
Fashion & Architecture Myths & Legends Gods & Goddesses What did they do for us?

4 English Writing a myth – looking at describing a character/setting, building suspense, engaging the reader and direct speech. Persuasive writing- arguing both sides of an argument, drawing upon reasoning and justifying viewpoints. Non-chronological report- Children to select which area of the topic they would like to create a leaflet about. Spelling

5 What does ARE look like in English?

6 Math Revision of the four operations,
Read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal places. Rounding decimals numbers Recognise percentages and write them as a fraction e.g. 42% = Solving problems which require knowledge of equivalent FDP. Adding and subtracting decimals Geometry and measurements.

7 What does ARE look like in Maths?
Arithmetic: Column addition and subtraction with more than 4 digit numbers – including exchanging. Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one or two digit number using formal written methods (including long multiplication for two-digit numbers). Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division (bus stop method) and interpret remainders appropriately for the context. Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.

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