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2018-2019 DTC and BTC Training Mary Matthew,
Lee Jones,
Agenda Everything Kansas Assessment
Assessment Acronyms and Abbreviations Assessment Resources and Contact Information Navigation of Critical Websites: KSDE, KAP Test Coordinator Responsibilies 2019 KAP Summative testing: Windows, Timelines, Due Dates, Updates, etc. Accommodations Kite Student Portal Educator Portal Resources ACT
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Handout provided
Assessment Resources and Contacts
KSDE: , Search alphabetically for assessments or individual content areas. KSDE authenticated applications AMOSS and KIDS. Kansas Assessment Program: Contains news, updates, KITE, and documentation. Dynamic Learning Map: cPass: Handout - Available on KSDE website
Assessment Resources and Contacts
KIDS helpdesk: KITE Service Desk: DLM Service Desk: DLM: Cary Rogers: KELPA2: Julie Ewing, Handout - Available on KSDE website
Resources and Contacts
ELA: Sarah Perryman, Mathematics: Melissa Fast, History/government: Don Gifford, Science: Lizette Burks, Elementary: Cynthia Hadicke, Handout - Available on KSDE website
Assessment Resources and Contacts
Assessments: Lee Jones, Assessments: Juanita Anderson, Assessments: Beth Fultz, KAP: Mary Matthew, Handout - Available on KSDE website
Navigation of the KSDE Website
It is important that you become familiar with the KSDE website.
2018-2019 DTC Assessment Activity Timeline
Posted on KSDE website Details the DTC Assessment Activity Timeline Handout provided, Available on the KSDE website Lee Handout - Available on KSDE website
District and Building Test Coordinator Responsibilities
Handout Available on KSDE website
District and Building Test Coordinator Responsibilities
Communication Communicate information regarding assessments throughout the year to all personnel involved with assessments. Advise administrators to sign up for Test Coordinator listserv. Advise teachers to sign up for Content listserv. Share assessment resources with personnel that will be involved with assessments.
Navigation of the KAP Website
It is important that you become familiar with the Kansas Assessment Program website.
Download the 2018-2019 Assessment Calendar
Important Dates Assessment Calendar Download the Assessment Calendar
2019 Assessment Updates
2019 KAP Update: ELA Summative
Little to no changes on the 2019 assessment 2 stage adaptive test Items not aligned to the 2017 Kansas ELA Standards were removed Field test items Each test session takes about minutes Score reports will be available about one week after the close of the testing window Parent Guide to interpreting the report – available in both English and Spanish
2019 KAP Update: Summative Math Assessment
Test Design Fixed form with 2 sessions Items not aligned to the 2017 Kansas Mathematics Standards were removed Calculator Section (grades 6 – 8, 10) The calculator inactive portion will be Section 1 of both sessions The calculator active portion will be Section 2 of both sessions Resource Sheet Available on Session 1 in Kite Student Portal for grades 4 – 8 and 10
Math: Session, section…
Each test has 2 test sessions! Session 1 (day 1) Session 2 (day 2) Within a test session – it may have two test sections. If this happens the test will have a soft break that divides the test session into two sections!
2019 KAP Update: Summative Math Assessment
Calculator Section (grades 6 – 8, 10): Section 1 of both sessions is changing to calculator inactive Section 2 of both sessions is changing to calculator active
2019 KAP Update: Summative Math Assessment
Resource Sheet Grades 4 – 8 and 10 will have a grade-specific resource sheet with formulas and conversions Available on website ( Available on summative assessment in Kite Student Portal for Session 1 only
2019 KAP Update: Summative Math Assessment
Grade 4 and Grade 5 Session 2 Resource not available Session 1 Resource available Calculator not available
2019 KAP Update: Summative Math Assessment
Grades 6 – 8 and Grade 10 Section 1 Session 2 Section 2 Resource not available Session 1 Calculator not available Calculator available Resource available
2019 KAP Update: Science Aligned to current Kansas Science Standards
Test items are being evaluated and replaced when needed 2 test sessions; fixed form; administration time – about 45 minutes Teacher item writing event for the spring/summer are going to be scheduled to involve KS educators
Interim Assessment Program
Interim Formative assessments/tools for the classroom Mini-tests
Aligned to KS ELA and KS Math Standards Mini-tests Formative assessments/tools for the classroom Teacher builds using short 6-8 item tests created by CETE Predictive tests Indicate how students will perform on the KAP Summative tests CETE developed; 3 testing windows with items per test
Interim Resources Educator Portal Manual for District Test Coordinators – found on the KAP website. Pages Also NEW Educator Guide on
Interim Available in ELA and Math: Mini-tests and Predictive tests
Science is not available in the interim system.
2019 KAP Update: ELA Interim Predictive tests
3 predictive tests at each grade 3-8, 10 Items that were not aligned to the 2017 Kansas Standards were removed 3 testing windows The Kite system automatically enrolls any student with a TASC record in predictive assessment.
2019 KAP Update: Math Interim Predictive tests
3 predictive tests available in grades 3-7 2 predictive tests at grade 8 (fall and winter window) NO predictive interim at grade 10 Items that were not aligned to the 2017 Kansas Standards were removed The Kite system automatically enrolls any student with a TASC record in predictive assessment.
Math Assessment Update: Interim - Predictive
Each predictive test will have items The number of items on each predictive test varies by grade and testing window When applicable, the calculator availability will mirror the summative (calculator inactive, soft break, calculator active)
Interim Predictive Reports
There are five reports available for interim predictive tests. Predictive Student Score Student Report Question CSV School Report District Report
Interim Predictive Reports
2019 KAP Update: Interim Mini-tests
Mini-tests cover the range of the standards Can be used a formative tools after a unit is taught to check for understanding New reports available; immediate results In the process of: removing items not aligned to the 2017 Kansas Standards adding new mini-tests throughout the year as time allows Math: Mini-test names reflect cluster alignment
2019 KAP Update: Interim Mini-tests
Website continues to be updated with the list of mini- tests available for each grade
Interim – Mini-tests Log in to Educator Portal Interim tab
Interim – Mini-tests 1. Select Build or Select a Test
Interim – Mini-tests 3.G.A-Classify Shapes-01 3.MD.A-Solve Time and Measurement Problems-01 3.MD.B-Measurement, Scaled Graphs & Line Plots-01 3.MD.C-Area of Plane Figures-01 3.MD.D-Perimeter of Figures & Relate to Area-01 3.NBT.A-Place Value & Multi-Digit Arithmetic-01 3.NF.A-Represent and Compare Fractions-01 3.OA.A-Represent and Solve Multiplication & Division-01 3.OA.B-Multiplicative Properties & Factors-01 Use drop-down menus to view mini-tests by subject and grade
Interim – Mini-tests Mini-tests can be previewed!
Mini-tests can be built by combining two or more tests Mini-tests that are built within your own district/school can be copied and used Educators can assign tests to students rostered to them via KIDS TASC records and are able to create their own student groups to facilitate future assignment. These student groups can be saved and used for faster test assigning.
Interim – Mini-tests 2. Managing Tests
Students use the same Username and Password for interim and summative tests!
Interim – Mini-tests Reports
Student Activity Report: Summary of all testing within my organization. Test Summary: Data for each student’s score per item and for the test. Item Report: Data for each item with aggregated student response analysis. Student Report: More comprehensive data for each student’s performance on each item (ideal for sharing with student).
Educator Item Writing Workshops
Math Educator Item Writing Event – July 2018 Focused on high school geometry and algebra ELA Educator Item Writing Event – November 5-7, 2018 Involves grades 3-8, 10 Additional item writer events for all content areas will be schedule for spring/summer Starting first with focus area of needs where the standards changed
Kansas Assessment Examiner’s Manual
The Kansas Assessment Examiner’s Manual (KAEM) will be available the first week of January on the Any staff member who administers or supports the administration of the state assessment must read the KAEM prior to administering the assessment. Since this document is not available until January you will need to build this into your training plans.
Kite Suite Educator Portal Student Portal
KIDS and Kite TASC Uploads to Kite
Needed for students to be able to take Interim assessments TEST uploads to Kite Needed for students to take summative assessments in ELA, Math and Science. Needed for students to take KELPA2 and cPass.
Kite Student Portal New Look
Old software must be uninstalled and the new software must be downloaded. Student Usernames and Passwords: Available as an extract Available as a “ticket”
Kite Student Portal Student Portal Downloads available on
Kite Technology Practice Test
Kite Technology Practice tests are available now for students to become familiar with the Kite system and item types Formerly known as Interactive Demos
Kite Technology Practice
A new Educator’s Guide is posted on website
Kite Technology Practice Math Resource Sheet
Kite Technology Practice Calculator
January 2019 TI-30XS scientific calculator will be added to grades 6-8 test TI-84 Plus graphing calculator will be added to grade 10 test Grade-specific resource sheets will be added
Kite Educator Portal Educator Portal Login – on
DTC Responsibilities: Kite Educator Portal
Ensure that all personnel who need Educator Portal accounts have them and the proper roles are assigned. Learn the features of Educator Portal and share/discuss with staff.
Kite Educator Portal
Kite Educator Portal: Home Page
Kite Educator Portal: Roles and Permissions
Educator Portal defines the level of access a user has to data and certain functions in the Kite system. Page 9-10 of the Educator Portal District Test Coordination Manual Teacher BU BTC DU DTC
Kite Educator Portal: Data Extracts
Current Enrollment – Current enrollment information for active students. KAP Student Scores – Year to year student scores by subject. KAP Test Administration Monitoring – Test administration status by student and subject. Monitor Scoring – Scoring assignment status by student, subject, and stage. PNP Setting Counts – Student PNP setting counts by organization. PNP Settings (Abridged) – Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) settings by student. Roster – Student assignment by educator and subject. Student Login Usernames/Passwords – Student login usernames and passwords by assessment program and organization. Test Records – Student test types and subjects. Test Tickets – Student login and ticket information for tests. Testing Readiness – Student login, test records and PNP settings. Users – Educator Portal users and their associated role(s).
Kite Educator Portal: User Management
DTCs Responsibilities handout Kite Educator Portal Inactivate users in Educator Portal for staff who have left the district and/or changed roles with the district; this task should be completed by the end of September. Ensure that all personnel who need Educator Portal accounts have them and the proper roles are assigned. User Management: Adding users, removing users, claiming users, modifying users, managing users, etc. Refer to pages in the EP Guide
DTC Responsibilities: Kansas Assessment Program
TEST records must be submitted to KIDS for the spring assessments and PNPs entered in Educator Portal by February 25. Requests for Braille assessment materials must be submitted no later than November 9. TEST records must be submitted to KIDS for those students so Braille can be entered in their PNP.
Kite Educator Portal: Setting Personal Needs Profiles
PNPs can be created manually or done though an upload process! New – data extract (ABRIDGED) – is the one you want to use for this process! (page 26) Download/upload process After adding or removing PNP settings for your students, it can be uploaded using the following steps. The upload will update any changed fields on existing student profiles, and will create profiles for students who did not have entries previously but now do.
DTC Responsibilities: Personal Needs Profile (PNP)
Students may have accommodations during testing. These accommodations must be done routinely and are typically part of an IEP or 504 student plan. Accommodations must be entered into the Kite Educator Portal. As the DTC you must: Establish procedures for entering student accommodation information into the Personal Needs Profile (PNP) in Educator Portal. Keep records of documentation for text-to-speech accommodations and any other accommodation that requires a deviation from the general assessment; documentation must be kept at the district and the building level for test security.
Kansas Accommodations by Program 2018-2019
An additional resource found on and on the KSDE assessment page Indicates the tools available for students in Kite
Projected Testing tab in Educator Portal
The Projected Testing and scoring tab within Manage Tests is available. Information can be entered or uploaded by DTC and/or BTC. This helps CETE/ATS understand projected system testing loads by day. It is also an easy way for DTCs to see when buildings are testing in case you have a monitor visit! Not required, but is an extremely helpful and easy way to manage testing schedules!
DTC Responsibilities: Daily Access Code
During testing, students must use a daily access code to enter the Kite Student Portal. This code is provided in the Educator Portal and is not directly available to teachers and test proctors. As the DTC your must: Establish and describe the system used for sharing Daily Access Codes with staff. This plan should include the secure transmission of the information each day.
DTC Responsibilities: Monitoring Tests
When monitoring tests, you will not be able to view any student answers. Instead, you will be able to see which students have started the test and whether or not they have completed various sections of the test.
DTC Responsibilities: Reactivating Tests
When reactivating tests, you will not be able to view any student answers. Instead, you will be able to see which students have started the test and whether or not they have completed various sections of the test. You must first end the test session and then click reactivate. DTCs must keep records of reactivations and “why”
Entering SC codes In the event that a student cannot take or complete a high-stakes, summative assessment, you will need to enter the special circumstance. A list of available special circumstance codes can be found in the Kansas Assessment Examiner’s Manual (KAEM) Some codes require KSDE approval: SC-08, SC-39 SC codes must be entered in Educator Portal by April 19.
Dashboards The Dashboard provides key metrics that are critical to state and district stakeholders during testing. Daily monitoring of the dashboard by DTCs and BTCs is essential. Each tab on the Dashboard allows you download an extract for your school and/or district. Testing Summary Scoring Summary Reactivations Testing Outside School Hours Kite Error Messages
Reports Reports available within one week after the end of the state testing window. Current and archived reports are available Reports can be printed in bundles or by individual student. Understanding the Reports and Parent Guides (also available in Spanish) are on the KAP website
Test Security NO test security training is being offered at the KSDE conference this year. All training is done online.
District and Building Test Coordinator Responsibilities
Test Security Complete Test Security and Ethics training provided by KSDE and KAP. Provide Test Security and Ethics training for all personnel that will be involved with assessments. Document which individuals have received training, when the training was provided, and the way in which the training was provided; documentation must be kept at the district and the building level.
Online Training Options
New DTC – complete training – this training is designed for DTCs who have 0 – 3 years experience as a DTC. Veteran DTCs – “refresher” version – this training is designed for those who have been a DTC for at least 3 years. Individuals have options available to them to receive the required training. Training materials have been posted inside the Kite Educator Portal on the HELP tab. Posted:
Online Training Options
An Optional Training Module Designed for DTCs to use with Educators is provided. This training can be adapted by the DTC/BTC for training in their district. District specific information must be provided by the DTC/BTC. Individuals have options available to them to receive the required training.
Completion of training:
All District Test Coordinators must complete the online training by November 1st. All “in-district” training must be completed by February 1st.
Kansas State Test Security Guidelines
Please take time to read the Test Security Guidelines. This training will reference key points in the document that are critical for a new DTC to be aware of.
Fact Sheets Updates: The fact sheet has been divided into two fact sheets for Test Security and Ethics Fact Sheet Appropriate Testing Practices Fact Sheet
Dynamic Learning Maps
District and Building Test Coordinator Responsibilities
Dynamic Learning Maps Ensure that enrollment and roster uploads are submitted for DLM. Ensure that teachers administering the DLM assessment are completing the required Test Administration training by early September. Monitor participation and completion of assessments for DLM embedded assessments and the year-end assessments. Ensure that teachers complete First Contact Surveys and enter PNPs for students prior to September 20. Be sure teachers understand DLM ELA, mathematics, and science assessments are instructionally embedded September through February and also have a summative assessment in the spring, SC codes must be entered in Educator Portal by April 19.
Navigation of the DLM Website
Kansas Assessment Program (KAP)
KELPA2 TEST records must be submitted to KIDS by mid-January with the teacher ID and name in the proctor fields. PNPs need to be entered in Educator Portal by January 18. Scoring for KELPA2 speaking and writing must be completed by March 5:00 P.M. Any SC-codes for KELPA2 must be entered in Educator Portal by March 22.
KELPA2 “3” Coming 2020 New English Language Proficiency Assessment
Revised EL standards, Board approved (September) CETE will bring in teachers to assist with development of blueprints, test specs and item writing. New “KELPA2” test will be implemented in 2020 More details to follow!
cPass Last year for the General cPass assessment.
We are exploring ways to continue providing the AG assessments beyond the 2019 school year.
DTC-BTC Virtual Training
Please join in on the calls for additional information throughout the year!
2019 ACT/WorkKeys DTC & High School BTC Responsibilities
Receive implementation training for ACT and ACT WorkKeys Manage local administration of ACT and ACT WorkKeys
2019 ACT/WorkKeys Information
The Kansas Legislature appropriated funds for a statewide contract to provide one free ACT assessment and one free WorkKeys suite of assessments to all high school juniors and any seniors who haven’t had the opportunity to take them. A student may complete one or both of the assessments. ACT and WorkKeys are not required assessments. ACT State Testing website: For additional information on ACT testing in Kansas, visit:
2019 ACT/WorkKeys Testing Dates
ACT Taken on Paper Initial test date: Feb. 20, 2019 Makeup (absences only): April 2, 2019 Accommodations testing window: Feb. 20-March 6, 2019 Makeup accommodations testing window (absences only): April 2-April 8, 2019 Taken Online Online testing window: February 20 – February 28, 2019 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) WorkKeys Taken on paper Initial test date: Feb. 21, 2019 Makeup test date (absences only): April 3, 2019 Accommodations testing window: Feb. 21-March 7, 2019 Taken online Online testing window: Feb. 20-March 6, 2019
2019 ACT/WorkKeys Administration
Administration of the ACT and/or WorkKeys assessments is the responsibility of each local school. Additional information will be provided at trainings and on listservs as it becomes available. Nov. 5-Nov. 30, 2018: Manage participation and shipping dates will be available in Pearson Access Next. Nov. 5, 2018: Accommodation requests for ACT begin. Accommodation approval from ACT isn’t required for WorkKeys.
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