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Published byLilian Hopkins Modified over 6 years ago
Student Exit Summaries, Transition Portfolios and The CDOS Commencement Credential
How do we make transition actionable in our schools and meaningful for our students?
Transition Portfolios and Student Exit Summaries
Part 1 Transition Portfolios and Student Exit Summaries
Transition Portfolios
What is a transition portfolio? Why does it exist?
A transition portfolio holds hardcopies of all transition work and documentation for a student. Provides them with the culmination of their transition work and necessary documentation to help them meet their post secondary goals. Students should be given a copy of everything in the folder upon exiting school. The school should keep a copy of the folder as part of the student’s records after they exit
Suggested Materials for Transition Portfolios…
Photo ID Working Papers Alien Registration (when needed) Medical Records if applicable, (if the student has a medical condition which affects vocational planning) Voter Registration Driver’s Permit/License Passport Other Information Log of WBL or transition activities Career Plan Employability Profile Copy of Birth Certificate Proof that student has a Social Security Card Immunization Record Transcripts IEP Mandated 3 Year Review (Triennial, Evals.) Student Exit Summary Parent Questionnaires Student Questionnaires Vocational Assessments Resume References/Recommendations
Student Exit Summaries (For students with IEPs exiting high school)
What are they? Why do they exist?
Must be completed for all students with IEPs who are graduating or exiting high school (per NYS DOE and IDEA mandates) Documents their present levels of performance and needs in academic achievement, functional performance and post secondary goals Should be developed in conjunction with student, family, and school personnel Must be uploaded to SESIS as a “Document related to…” and a copy must be provided to student and family Can be adapted from information on most recent IEP but should be updated to indicate any changes and more specific information about post secondary plans, programs, supports etc…
Sample Student Exit Summary
Student Name: ___________________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Date of Graduation/Exit: ________ Type of Diploma: Regents with Advanced Designation Regents Local CDOS Credential Skills and Achievement Credential (NYSAA only) H.S. Equivalency School Name/Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date Completed: _______ School Contact name/ title phone # PART I: SUMMARY OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE AREA Present Level of Performance (Upon school exit) Needs (Essential accommodations, assistive technology, environmental or material resources or modifications needed) Academic Achievement/ Functional Performance/ Learning Characteristics: Social Development: Physical Development:
Sample Exit Summary Form cont…
PART II: POST-SECONDARY GOALS Post-secondary goal Recommendations to Assist Student to Meet Post-Secondary Goals Education/training: Employment: Independent Living (if appropriate):
Things to consider for a useful Exit Summary…
Specific programs they have enrolled in/will attend after leaving HS: - Name of college, work training program, CBOs etc… - Contact information/phone numbers for office of student support services, case workers etc… at college or program Specific needs to manage their disability in their post HS programs: - Will they needs textbooks on tape, note-takers, counseling services etc…? If so, whom do they contact at their program? How will they get them? Specific information for managing any health/medical needs How can they get prescriptions refilled? How do they make eye doctor appointments/maintain glasses or contacts? If they have a wheelchair, orthotics or prosthetics- who do they contact if they malfunction or need maintenance? Specific information for managing financial/living needs: What bank will they use? How do they order checks? Will they have a credit card? Etc… Will they rent an apartment? Do they know how to fill out a lease, need a guarantor etc…
(Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential)
Part 2 CDOS Commencement Credential (Career Development of Occupational Studies) and SACC (Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential) Making these new requirements actionable and meaningful for our students
Review of Diploma and Credential Options
Students may earn the following diplomas and credentials upon graduating from high school. Each diploma and credential requires students to complete specific courses and exams. Diplomas available: • Advanced Regents diploma • Regents diploma • Local diploma Credentials available to students with IEPs: • Career Development and Occupation Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential • Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (NYSAA students only)
DIPLOMA ELIGIBLE STUDENTS COURSE REQUIREMENTS EXAM REQUIREMENTS REGENTS All Students 44 credits 5 Regents exams with scores of 65+ ADVANCED REGENTS 44 credits including 6 credits of language other than English 8 Regents exams and the NYC LOTE exam with scores of 65+ LOCAL DIPLOMA Students with disabilities (including students with 504 plans that designate safety net eligibility) 5 Regents exams with scores of 55+ Compensatory score option Passed RCTs (for students who entered HS before 2011
New Commencement Credentials Review…
CDOS (Career Development and Occupational Studies) Credential Available to all students with IEPs who take Regents and/or participate in PBATs Available as a stand alone exiting credential or can be issued in conjunction with a Local or Regents diploma Not equivalent to a high school diploma! SACC (Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential) Available only to students with IEPs who participate in Alternate Assessment (must be designated as “Alternate Assessment” on the “Participation in State and District Wide Assessments” page of their IEP.) Available only as a stand alone exiting credential since these students are not eligible to receive regular high school diplomas
Participate in State and District-Wide Assessments (To be completed for preschool students only if there is an assessment program for nondisabled preschool students) The student will participate in the same State and district-wide assessments of student achievement that are administered to general education students. The student will participate in an alternate assessment on a particular State or district-wide assessment of student achievement. If this is checked off the student is eligible for CDOS only If this is checked off the student is eligible for SACC only Note: Do not ever change a student’s designation on this page on your own! A student’s participation in assessments may only be changed after a re-evaluation process and as determined by psycho-educational testing and recommendations of the evaluators.
CDOS Requirements… Eligible Students: All students with IEPs who take Regents exams or PBATs • Students must complete 216 documented hours total of work-based learning, career and technical education (CTE) courses, or other career planning activities. A minimum of 54 hours must be work based learning experiences (Work based learning refers to internships, service learning activities, school based enterprise activities etc…) • Students must complete and annually update a career plan • The school must complete a work skills employability profile detailing the student’s mastery of the CDOS learning standards at least one time prior to the student exiting school If it is issued as a stand alone credential (meaning the student has not qualified for a local or regents diploma) the student must be given prior written notice that they are eligible to continue in school until school year in which they turn 21. Safety Net: Through June 2015, schools may award this credential to students who have not met the 216 hour requirement, provided that the school principal, in consultation with relevant faculty, has determined and documented that the student has otherwise demonstrated knowledge and skills relating to the commencement level CDOS learning standards.
SACC Requirements… (Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential
Eligible Students: Students who participate in alternate assessment (NYSAA students) Requirements: No required number of coursework or work based learning hours but… • The credential must be issued together with a summary of the student’s academic achievement and functional performance (student exit summary) and must include documentation of the student’s: • achievement against the (CDOS) learning standards; • level of academic achievement and independence as measured by NYSAA; • skills, strengths, interests; • and as appropriate, other achievements and accomplishments. • The credential must be accompanied by prior written notice that the student continues to be eligible to attend school through the school year in which he or she turns 21.
Prior Written Notice (PWN) Forms for CDOS and SACC credentials…
If the CDOS is the student’s only exiting credential (they are not also receiving a local or regents diploma) they must be issued a prior written notice form stating they are eligible to remain in high school until the school year in which they turn 21 All alternate assessment students receiving a SACC must also have a PWN PWN form should be uploaded into SESIS as a “document related to…”. Record sending it as an event in SESIS and include a copy in the student’s transition portfolio
Options include but are not limited to…
Time to play…. What Diploma and/or Credential do they get? Rules Review each profile and the information given carefully and determine, as a group, which diploma and/or credential the student qualifies for. Options include but are not limited to… Local Diploma Local Diploma with CDOS credential Regents Diploma Regents Diploma with CDOS credential CDOS Credential as a sole exiting credential SACC Credential
Would this student be able to earn a CDOS credential or a SACC credential?
Participate in State and District-Wide Assessments (To be completed for preschool students only if there is an assessment program for nondisabled preschool students) The student will participate in the same State and district-wide assessments of student achievement that are administered to general education students. The student will participate in an alternate assessment on a particular State or district-wide assessment of student achievement.
Would this student be able to earn a CDOS credential or a SACC credential?
Participate in State and District-Wide Assessments (To be completed for preschool students only if there is an assessment program for nondisabled preschool students) The student will participate in the same State and district-wide assessments of student achievement that are administered to general education students. The student will participate in an alternate assessment on a particular State or district-wide assessment of student achievement.
What Diploma and/or credential would Steven Segal qualify for?
The date is June 2015 and Steven… Is a 20 year old senior with an IEP Has not passed all of his required regents exams (or PBATs) Has completed 150 hours of work based learning through his school internship program and demonstrated proficiency in the CDOS standards as determined by school team
Bonus Points! What would need to be issued to Steven, uploaded to SESIS and put in his transition portfolio?
What Diploma and/or Credential would Ralph Macchio qualify for?
The date is June 2018 and Ralph… Is an 18 year old senior with an IEP Has passed all of his regents/PBATs Has completed 216 hours of work based learning and demonstrated evidence of meeting each CDOS standard
What diploma and/or credential would Bruce Willis qualify for?
The date is January 2017 and Bruce… Is a 19 year old senior in general education Has passed all of his PBATs/Regents Completed 220 hours of work based learning through his school internship program
What Diploma and/or credential does Jean Claude Van Damme qualify for?
- Is 19 years old and exiting high school June 2014 Has an IEP that states he participates in alternate assessment (NYSAA) Has completed 112 hours of work based learning and coursework and has demonstrated proficiency in each CDOS standard
Bonus Points! What would need to be issued to Jean, uploaded to SESIS and put in his transition portfolio?
Thanks for playing! Break Time
(by using a lot of what we are already doing)
How do we make CDOS, WBL, and transition support actionable in our schools? (by using a lot of what we are already doing)
Focus Questions What are we already doing in our schools that support the CDOS standards and/or can count towards the 216 hours (including the 54 WBL hours)? How do we make our transition supports and work meaningful, transparent and explicit (both on and off the IEP)?
CDOS Credential: What can count towards the 216 hours ?
CDOS and Work Based Learning: What counts at a school level?
Job Shadowing (1-8 hours of observation at a work site) Community service/volunteering Service learning Senior project School based enterprise Related in-school instruction to support WBL skills and activities: (eg; an internship course that explicitly supports the development of work related skills such as interviewing, completing applications, reflections etc…)* *Can be credit bearing or non credit bearing
CDOS and WBL Hours: State approved CTE programs
If your school has a registered, state approved CTE program all of those instructional hours would count toward the CDOS credential These programs must be registered and approved with the state and overseen by a certified Coordinator of Work Based Learning Programs * This does not apply to any of your schools at this time! But if you are interested in learning more about it, possibly adding one to your school, or getting certified as a WBL Coordinator please let us know!
Putting it all together…
Supporting meaningful transition activities for students (while complying with new regulations) now includes the following considerations… Understanding and documenting evidence of students meeting the 3 commencement level CDOS Standards Providing and documenting opportunities for students to complete 216 hours of CDOS work (including a minimum of 54 WBL hours) Completing all transition related parts of the IEP to reflect the work being done in your schools to meet your students’ individual post- secondary goals and needs
Collective Brainstorming and CDOS Jigsaw…
1. Divide into groups of 3-4 people. 2. Take 5-10 minutes to independently read and annotate the standard and performance indicators your group is responsible for. 3. As a group, analyze the standard and share specific activities and supports already in place (or that could be put in place) that align to this standard. 4. Capture key ideas on chart paper in alignment with the sample graphic organizer on the following page 5. Each group will present on their standard and the results of their brainstorming. 6. Outcomes on each of the standards will be compiled and sent out after our meeting today to use as a resource moving forward
Collective Brainstorming Graphic Organizer template
CDOS Standard What is this standard measuring? (Include key components, rationales etc…) What activities are you already or could you do in your schools that align to this standard? (advisory or internship courses, WBL etc..) How could you document proficiency in this standard? (What artifacts, trackers etc… could be produced as evidence?) 1. Career Development 2. Integrated Learning 3a. Universal Foundation Skills (This standards has 8 separate key ideas)
Connecting the CDOS standards, the IEP, and your School
Where do we see alignment between the new CDOS standards and the information that is typically included/required in a transition IEP? What changes might we have to make? (Consider the PLOP, Measurable Post-Secondary Goals, Coordinated Set of Transition Activities etc…) Plan for moving forward in your school: How will these new transition mandates impact what you are already doing? What may you need to put in place (based on your student populations, needs etc…)
Helpful Links… CDOS Links Student Exit Summaries
Work based learning manual: CDOS FAQs (includes info for students exiting before 2015 and transfer students): CDOS Standards with sample tasks: CDOS Standards PDFs: CDOS Guide/James DeLorenzo field advisory: Student Exit Summaries Student Exit Summary information, including blank forms: Transition Information, Regulations, Guidance Documents etc…
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