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As you come in… Grab your composition book and your copy of Night and begin reading ch 6-7 (pg 85-103).

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Presentation on theme: "As you come in… Grab your composition book and your copy of Night and begin reading ch 6-7 (pg 85-103)."— Presentation transcript:

1 As you come in… Grab your composition book and your copy of Night and begin reading ch 6-7 (pg ).

2 Write Now After arriving in Gleiwitz and being packed into their barracks to sleep, Wiesel writes: “Could one fall asleep here? Wasn’t it dangerous to lower one’s guard, even for a moment, when death could strike at any time? “Those were my thoughts when I heard the sound of a violin…Never before had I heard such a beautiful sound. In such silence.” What is the significance of this scene (and what he saw the next morning)? What effect did this have on Wiesel and why? Juliek was playing for an audience of corpses. The dead were piled atop the living and yet he played his violin. So many had died, but this death stood out to him. Word count: 150+

3 6 Million Project Jews: 6 million Soviet civilians: 6.7 million
Soviet prisons of war: 3 million (50,000 of which were Jewish soldiers) Non-Jewish Polish civilians: 1.8 million

4 6 Million Project Serb civilians: 312,000
People with disabilities: 250,000 Roma Gypsies: 220,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses: 1,900 Homosexuals: 1,500

5 over the course of 12 years,
6 Million Project 18,285,400 total deaths over the course of 12 years, 4,175 deaths per day.

6 6 Million Project Holocaust = 18,285,400 deaths
This is how many individuals perished total over the course of the Holocaust. Analogy thing = x units This is the item/thing that you are comparing the Holocaust to in order to put the amount of deaths into perspective. Time span = 4,380 days This is how long the Holocaust lasted (12 years).

7 6 Million Project Step 1: Divide A by B
This will tell you how many of your point of reference it would take to equal the total deaths of the Holocaust. Step 2: Divide the answer to Step 1 by C This tells you how many items/things of your analogy must be used/destroyed/consumed/etc. each day in order to equal the total deaths of the Holocaust. Write equations on board for reference

8 Rocky Mountain High School
If the Holocaust caused 18,285,400 deaths and Rocky Mountain High School contains 2,300 students, then that means it would take 7,950 Rocky Mountains to match the number of victims from the Holocaust. This means that you would need to completely destroy 1.8 Rocky Mountain High Schools every day for the next 12 years.

9 Starbucks Latte If the Holocaust caused 18,285,400 deaths and one Starbucks latte contains 300 calories, then that means it would take 60,951 Starbucks lattes to match the number of victims from the Holocaust. This means that you would have to drink 14 lattes a day for the next 12 years.

10 6 Million Project Create an analogy that puts how many people perished during the Holocaust into perspective. Create a poster in the shape of your analogy (i.e. a latte cup or RHMS silhouette) Write the details of your analogy on the poster If the Holocaust caused 18,285,400 deaths and one Starbucks latte contains calories, then that means it would take 60,951 Starbucks lattes to match the number of victims from the Holocaust. This means that you would have to drink 14 lattes a day for the next 12 years.

11 Homework Personal Essay final draft (due 5/7-8)

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